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Made To Measure


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Last April taking advantage of a visit to Hannover Messe, I am an electrical engineer, I decided to finally get the Make a Wish Nib.


Unfortunately it was sold out but coming from Mexico and having participated in the Pelikan Hubs in Mexico City they open a new slot.


A two page form is sent in advance where you fill your writing style as well as your preferences. After a week, you receive the first pictures on how it performs and have an interchange of comments with Mr. Detlev Köhn from Engineering of Fine Writing Instruments.


Finally you get to the factory and write with Mr. Köhn. Mine was absolutely perfect from the start but, as an anecdote, they have left handed customer that took 90 minutes.


If you are in Hannover or Berlin please help yourself and book your slot. You will be surprise on how much you can enjoy the experience.




When I sent pictures to home they said that it was like a kid in Disneyland. Indeed I was.


Here you can get the pictures and examples:







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Looks like you had a great time. What sort of nib did you end up with and which Pelikan is it fitted too?


Writing sample would be great to see.. :)

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If you take a look in the Dropbox link, everything is in there. It is a custom S nib, there is a writing sample and it is fitted to a M600. Santiago is kind enough to provide his filled form for the nib. Outstanding... This is a great experience which I hope to be able to realise one day for my M800.... Congratulations and enjoy your new nib.

Edited by fplover01
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Thanks for sharing Santiago. I did not know about this program since I am newer to using Pelikan pens. And now the seed for and S nib is planted... :)

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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This is a neat program that I wrote about on my blog a while ago for anyone interested in more details. There are some neat accounts online of those that have been fortunate enough to be in Germany and take advantage of this experience. I'm very jealous of you but thank you for sharing. It's always nice to have yet another voice with a very positive review of the experience. Enjoy the new nib!

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custom ground nibs can be readily accomplished by nibmeisters who attend the many pen shows in the U.S., can Pelikan do a flexible nib comparable to a vintage flex? This is what is really needed!

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"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."

– Lin Yu-T'ang

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