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Durable (Eco-Friendly) Fp Swipe Solution? Proposed Materials For Ink Towels/cloths?


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Hi everyone,


I'm actually not quite sure whether this should belong to the Ink section or this section,.. but here goes.


I find using endless tissues and other mouchoirs in cleaning my nibs or swiping the grip section of my FPs after filling very wasty.

I would like to use some kind of cloth or Ink towel? that I can keep washing and reusing.


Does anyone have a good solution to this?

What kind of material most efficiently cleans(swipes) ink?

And also has properties that makes ink come off relatively easily from washing?

Is there such a thing like an FP cloth that I'm missing out here? :huh:



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I use an old cotton sock. Mind you, the ink never comes out completely in the wash. But then, I find the developing pattern of colored ink blots on my ink wipe mildly interesting. When it gets too inky I wash it by hand - you'd be amazed at the amount of ink that comes out! so it makes sense to have two.

Nice question, and yes, would you believe it? There are threads on here that talk about this. Google fountainpennetwork together with ink wipe (note the spelling) and you should find at least some of them. Enjoy! we are a funny lot, here.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I use the same paper towel until it's tatty. I'm glad to hear others don't like the "one use & toss" lifestyle!

Edited by Shannon

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Microfibres cloths, the kind used to wipe glasses, work wonders. Usually, they are also free from your optician (if you ask for one).

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Glad to here all the advice!


I just snatched an old t-shirt for desk use, and a slim microfibre cloth to carry along in my bag for 'on the road maintenance'.

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Personally I do use those cotton pads meant for wiping of make up. If I would use a cloth, I would use microfiber cloth meant for general house cleaning.

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Kaweco Supra (titanium B), Al-Sport (steel BB).

Parker: Sonnet (dimonite); Frontier GT; 51 (gray); Vacumatic (amber).

Pelikan: m600 (BB); Rotring ArtPen (1,9mm); Rotring Rive; Cult Pens Mini (the original silver version), Waterman Carene (ultramarine F)

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I personally use medical 8-ply gauze 4x4 inch wide. I find they leave the least residue and they clean amazingly well. You can find them in a box of 50-100 in the pharmacy.

- Kaigelu 316 Modification (250 #6 Bock Nib / Beaufort Ink Converter)
- Titanium Bock Nib - Kaigelu 316 - Beaufort Ink

- Bock Rollerball Nib In Jinhao 886 Pen - Beaufort Ink Converter

- No affiliation with pen industry, just a pen hobbyist.

- It matters what you write, only for us it matters what we write it with.

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Meethil, you have a wonderful vocabulary word in mouchoirs.


I use and old rag and then I periodically wash it. I think it is interesting to see what stains.


Of course that means that I can find the rag when I need it, otherwise, it's whatever is laying around.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Meethil, you have a wonderful vocabulary word in mouchoirs.


I use and old rag and then I periodically wash it. I think it is interesting to see what stains.


Of course that means that I can find the rag when I need it, otherwise, it's whatever is laying around.


Thanks! Some of the french vocabulary seeping into my English... (sometimes it also makes for bad language)


I'm happy to see many people have been doing this already. I'm finding the microfibre very effective!

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