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Blackstone Barrier Reef Blue


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I've been meaning to post a review of some of the Blackstone "Colours of Australia" inks for some time now - but didn't realise till I checked that these inks have been in my possession for a little over 6 months. That makes sense, actually - I ordered them just before moving house, which coincided with a whole lot more stuff to get done, both on the home front and at work! No matter: I've had 6 months to get to know these inks, and try them out in a variety of pens - and to come to really appreciate (some of) them.


Full disclosure: Kevin from JustWrite.com.au has sent me ink samples and pens in the past, free in return for testing and/or review - but this range of inks I purchased with my own funds.


I can't decide which of the Blackstone inks I like best, but it's a toss-up between the blues. Sydney Harbour Blue (review to come) is a darker tealy-blue which looks more 'serious', while Barrier Reef Blue is a vivid, bright blue colour that really does (maybe?) remind me of a tropical reef. Both inks flow well in my pens, shade well, and produce a certain amount of sheen - but more on that later.


Here's a photograph of the review page I filled out - it captures the hue a little better (I think) than the scan which follows.








I really like the brightness of this colour - it shades (and sheens) when using a wider nib, and produces a brighter blue colour with finer nibs.


Just to give an idea of how it sheens, here's a close-up of text written on Rhodia paper with a 1.1mm Bock stub nib (check out the pinky outline):



And here's the slight sheen that's possible writing on regular (Reflex) copier paper!




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Not bad.


Thank you - I'll take that as a compliment, though I suspect the praise is more for the ink than for my handwriting (!). The added bonus for me is that this is an Australian-made ink, so shipping costs don't add significantly to the cost - a really nice ink at a very reasonable price!

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Thanks for the review. I too have been using Colours of Australia inks for several months. I do like Black Stump. Daintree Green is one of the wettest inks I've got, & I've got a few! It needed a fine, dry nib to tame it. The colour is great though. My Uluru Red has gone a bit gunky, sadly.


But Barrier Reef Blue is just a great ink. And the sheen is stupendous. One of my pen pals said the ink in one of my letters to him looked like a particularly dazzling disco ball from the 1970s! :-)


It is very good to find some new ink makers/suppliers here in Aus. Makes a change from having to buy from overseas. It's just a shame that we've had delays with our recent orders from JustWrite & have twice received the wrong quantities.

Verba volant, scripta manent

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THIS IS A FANTASTIC INK!!!.. One of my favorites and it had been i my pen since I acquire it almost a year ago... (I was testing it)..


I have NEVER ran into problems with it. After almost a year.. (with regular use).. still starts up perfectly well. I haven't clean my pen since I keep refilling with BRB... so there you go.



:D :D



Thanks for the awesome review...





**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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Thanks for the review. I too have been using Colours of Australia inks for several months. I do like Black Stump. Daintree Green is one of the wettest inks I've got, & I've got a few! It needed a fine, dry nib to tame it. The colour is great though. My Uluru Red has gone a bit gunky, sadly.


But Barrier Reef Blue is just a great ink. And the sheen is stupendous. One of my pen pals said the ink in one of my letters to him looked like a particularly dazzling disco ball from the 1970s! :-)


It is very good to find some new ink makers/suppliers here in Aus. Makes a change from having to buy from overseas. It's just a shame that we've had delays with our recent orders from JustWrite & have twice received the wrong quantities.


Thanks for your comments! The reason I'm hesitant to review all the inks is that my Uluru Red was also gunky - as was the replacement bottle sent to me. I believe the ink has now been reformulated to address this problem - but I also don't find it the most appealing of reds. I like the Daintree Green - though I haven't found it overly gushy.


Sorry to hear about your ordering issues - the last I heard from Kevin ("Mr JustWrite"), he'd recently lost a key employee, and given the small size of his operation that was causing him some big headaches. Hopefully it'll all be back on track soon!

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THIS IS A FANTASTIC INK!!!.. One of my favorites and it had been i my pen since I acquire it almost a year ago... (I was testing it)..


I have NEVER ran into problems with it. After almost a year.. (with regular use).. still starts up perfectly well. I haven't clean my pen since I keep refilling with BRB... so there you go.



:D :D



Thanks for the awesome review...






Thanks @Cyber6, I've been a bit pressed for time recently, but glad to have a couple of new reviews up. Good to know you're enjoying the CoA inks too - I'll try to get up a review of the Daintree Green, then (maybe) red and black...

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The reason I'm hesitant to review all the inks is that my Uluru Red was also gunky - as was the replacement bottle sent to me. I believe the ink has now been reformulated to address this problem - but I also don't find it the most appealing of reds.



I need to check my Uluru.. I haven;t use it since I did a quick review on it, I like my reds darker and I keep using Red Cashmere since almost 2-3 years ago..



I'll report back if I find it gunky.





**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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Thanks for the review. This looks like a really pretty color.

My husband will NOT thank you, BTW.... :rolleyes:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I need to check my Uluru.. I haven;t use it since I did a quick review on it, I like my reds darker and I keep using Red Cashmere since almost 2-3 years ago..



I'll report back if I find it gunky.






I caught this fairly early on (the 'benefits' of being an early adopter), and Kevin got straight onto it - so it may or may not be a problem for you. My impression was that the problem was caused by one of the 'ingredients', that didn't affect every bottle equally - it wasn't a fungal growth or anything.

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Thanks for the review. This looks like a really pretty color.

My husband will NOT thank you, BTW.... :rolleyes:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


My wife has learned to roll her eyes at my purchases - *most* of the time. Thankfully, inks aren't as big an expense as pens... :thumbup:

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