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Howdy FPers,


I've a new PIF. This time I have two Rhodia A5 size tablets. They are unlined, 90 g, Ivory colored paper. I normally use lined format & ordered these by mistake. They are for anyone meeting the prerequisites. Postage paid to CONUS.


I will throw in another tablet, that is also an A5, but it is one of my many lined formats 😊.



Requirements :



Gold Level Members for 4 months


Must not have won in my last PIF, January


CONUS only


NOT a requirement, but a sample of writing on said paper would be nice.


This will run 7 days from the date I see it posted.


Enjoy, this isn't a hugh PIF, but it is really nice paper. 😎.



If your out-go is more than your income,


Then your up-keep.


May be your Down-falll!!!



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*not an entry*


Really nice PIF!


I like Rhodia paper too - good taste aggie!


Thank you for the lovely opportunity - I'm sure the recipient will love it!




http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/557449480_2f02cc3cbb_m.jpg http://null.aleturo.com/Dumatborlon/Badges/5EH4/letter.png
A sincere man am I
From the land where palm trees grow,
And I want before I die
My soul's verses to bestow.
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in rain.
Time to die.


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Don't meet the requirements but awesome pif for someone. Texas A&M fan cool I went yo A&M firefighters school when I lived in Texas what a awesome school. :)

Edited by Bamapendude
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If you decide to open it up to Canada, and I meet the requirements, please-please-pretty-please :)




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Another great Pif! Not an entry since I was lucky enough to win rhodia paper from you last year 😊. Time to let someone else get lucky this time *grins*. Just wanted to say thank you for gifting so many people with great pifs on a regular basis :-).

"In the end, only kindness matters."



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Okay throwing my hat in. I am in Canada but have a U.S. Shipping address you can mail to. Thank you for the PIF.

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Yes, their Fight School is quite reknown!! Visited it myself.



If your out-go is more than your income,


Then your up-keep.


May be your Down-falll!!!



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Certainly drop me a note if you like, however, I was referring to a post on this thread using the Rhodia😊.

If your out-go is more than your income,


Then your up-keep.


May be your Down-falll!!!



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Lord Epic & IrishEyes, thank you for your truly nice comments.

If your out-go is more than your income,


Then your up-keep.


May be your Down-falll!!!



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I do not meet the requirements being from France, but just for info what is CONUS?



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I do not meet the requirements being from France, but just for info what is CONUS?





Continental United States.


There was some talk awhile ago to have a PIF for Europe, (hopefully including the UK!) to help those people kind enough to donate something not to have to pay again for the postage.


There are some people who take the view that a true Pay it Forward should be to those who are in need, by whatever definition and I despair of seeing those FPNers with more than they need holding out their begging bowl and making impasssionned pleas for ink or pens so freely given and therefore putting themselves in front of those who are new to the hobby or have limited resources.

Edited by Beechwood
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Beechwood, The requirements placed on this PIF by mr2txaggie are the only requirements that anyone need be worried about for this offer. You might disagree that this is a "Pay it forward" but whatever you call it, it is what it is.


The requirements rule out myself and pen2paper as we were both fortunate enough to "win" a pen in a random drawing. The others ruled out are people outside the US (because shipping costs can be horrendous) and those who are very new to FPN. Presumably the latter are ruled out because anyone could game the system by creating lots of new accounts just to enter the pif.


The concept of paying it forward as originally described does not require it to be to someone who is needy, merely that the recipient should respond by not paying it back to the original person but paying it forward to a new recipient. The earliest mention of this concept dates back to 317 BC, and has reappeared at several points in history.


So, rather than complaining about the fact that people put their names forward, why not instead celebrate the generosity of mr2txaggie?


Mr2txaggie, this is not an entry, but thank you for such an excellent pif, yet again.

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I do not meet the requirements being from France, but just for info what is CONUS?



Continental United States, basically this excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Shipping to those two states can be more expensive.

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There are some people who take the view that a true Pay it Forward should be to those who are in need, by whatever definition and I despair of seeing those FPNers with more than they need holding out their begging bowl and making impasssionned pleas for ink or pens so freely given and therefore putting themselves in front of those who are new to the hobby or have limited resources.


You know, when you start a PiF of your own, you can always make your own eligibility restrictions about who you want to be able to participate in it/them. Good luck getting people to show you their EBT, Disability, or other low-income documentation to prove they qualify for your gift, though. It looks like you've been here a long time, so I'm sure you know how this PiF thing works better than I do.


You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but don't you think it's better to respect the wishes and qualifications to join a PiF contest as stated by the giver of the gift? To try to shame people into not joining a PiF because they're not poor or new to the hobby is not cool , imho, and it's really not your place to do so, especially if it's not your PiF. If the giver doesn't care about the income or length of time a contestant has been in the hobby, why should you? Not everyone thinks like you, and since we're all different, that's probably normal and good :-). These contests/PiFs are acts of kindness, and fun for everyone who enjoys participating in them. Why try to take the joy out of these contests by chastising those of a certain socioeconomic status and/or time in the hobby when you're not the one doing the PiF? I'd suggest relaxing and enjoying the happiness of those who qualify and choose to participate in these contests. Who needs the stress, right? :lticaptd:

"In the end, only kindness matters."



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Hi and thanks to all for your comments. I never intended to start a debate..



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I am aware that mr2txaggie uses a fair drawing system, and that members who meet the requirements may enter.


Although I live in the UK, I also have a CONUS address for shipping. So please can you consider this an entry, and if I'm fortunate enough to win I will pass on part of the PIF within the UK or the EU. That is assuming that by then I might still be able to ship to the EU as cheaply as I can now. :)


I try to use lots of different papers for ink testing and would be happy to show a sample of writing on the paper. :)

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The person who is donating the item sets the rules. It could be Newbies only, or the Unwaged, or Students, or anybody.

We have very occasionally considered certain rules discriminatory in the past and I have not approved the PIF.

Quite a lot of PIFs are CONUS only and that does leave out a lot of our members - perhaps people could consider throwing PIFs open Worldwide providing the winner could pay the postage difference?



My Pen Wraps are for sale in my Etsy shop

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