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Faber Castell Ambition Body Replacement


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Hi guys, I have a Faber-Castell Ambition but its wooden body broke after a stupid decision of lenting it to my clumsy brother, in hope I would convert him to our side. The whole section with the nib and feed in it are still ok, so I am trying now to turn it into a fountain pen once again. I contacted the company and they said they are willing to replace it free of carge if I send it to them, but I don't have it anymore and they don't sell only the bodies of their products :( . My brother threw it away cause he didn't want me to find out that he broke it. He wanted me to think he lost it cause he always breaks my things and somehow in his head losing it was a better explanation . So I need your help! Do you know of any other Faber-Castell product that the section would screw on? Or any other company. Even if it is a pencil or a rollerball (but cheaper than the Ambition line) I could buy it, remove the insides and screw the front section on it. Or maybe if I could use the nib on some Jinhaos I ordered? I was wondering if I could use some pottery clay or wood to make the pen body myself, even if it comes out ugly. This was my first pen and ohhh that wooden body was so nice to hold and write with. And this nib has my personality now after all these years and still write with it everyday and want to continue to. I want to hear your ideas or your instructions!


That's what I am left with:


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You're brother can buy you a new pen.

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

- Jack London


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If that's all you have left, you need a new barrel, new cap and now converter. It'll be cheaper to buy a new pen.


Or as T4TEXAS says, suggest, possibly using violence, that your brother buys it.

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Buy a new pen, swap out the nib with your "old and trusty" nib and then send your brother the bill.


Family eh . . . :unsure:

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Jesus, it ain't that hard not to instantly break stuff. When people don't pay for it, they don't care. Don't lend pens you are attached to.

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He needs to do the right thing and get you a new pen; if that doesn't work out then a cheaper ambition body, like in black.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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He needs to do the right thing and get you a new pen; if that doesn't work out then a cheaper ambition body, like in black.


Yes or tell mum . . . :)

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To answer your question though, the nib unit will fit any of the current Faber-Castell pens: the Basic, Loom, Ambition, Ondoro, and E-motion. And if I am not mistaken, the nib itself, if removed from the rest of the nib unit (feed and collar) is a standard #5 nib, and will for example fit a TWSBI 580 (even though the 580's wings flare our more, the width of the feed is the same).


NB: I have never switched the nib of my 580 and Ambition/Ondoro/E-motion, so I could be wrong. If anyone here have done so, please enlighten us all. I would like to know as well (all of my pens mentioned are already inked so I can't try myself).

Edited by Noihvo

"We are one."


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Forgive your brother and just buy another one

That ^

Looking for a cap for a Sheaffer Touchdown Sentinel Deluxe Fat version

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It'll fit in TWSBIs. I have tried it on a 580 and Mini. You need to unscrew the nib unit from the silver collar. Then you can put it in TWSBI.

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