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Where To Get/find A Dip Pen


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So I am interested in starting to work with dip pens since there is more variety in nibs for calligraphy than there are in fountain pens. I have looked around, but what I have found is there are speedball kits, historic gift sets, and there are few shops on etsy that look good. I am not sure which is best, or if there are better ones out there I should be looking at.

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Try John Neal, Bookseller at www.johnnealbooks.com. They carry a decent assortment of holders, pens, inks, etc.


Best of luck.


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Look for dip pens made by our fellow FPN member, Steve Engen. His website is : dippens.net

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Look for dip pens made by our fellow FPN member, Steve Engen. His website is : dippens.net



His stuff is NICE :)

I bought one and love it. And his prices are quite reasonable.

He does not take orders, so you have to constantly watch the site for a wood combination that you like, then JUMP FAST, or someone else may grab it first.


Besides John Neal, Paper and Ink Arts is another source of holders and pens/nibs.



Since this is your first toe in the water of dip pens, I would not get the EXPENSIVE stuff, not yet. Plenty of time for that later.

There are straight and oblique holders. Each has its purpose and applicability to different calligraphy styles, so I would get both the straight and oblique holders.


I would NOT get the Speedball oblique. Get an oblique with a brass flange. The brass flange lets you adjust the holder to different nibs and angle to the paper. My first oblique was the Peerless, for a whole $13. I think both PIA and JN will adjust some of the obliques to specific nibs, so you don't have to. You just have to know what nib you want the holder adjusted to.


gud luk and welcome to the world of dip pens.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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ditto both John Neal Books and Paper and Ink Arts. Both have websites and downloadable pdf catalogs. They are the default places to shop for calligraphy supplies in the U.S.




Never heard about Steve Engen before. I will check out his site.

The prizes of life are never to be had without trouble - Horace
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 Favorite shop:https://www.fountainpenhospital.com

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Try your nearest Micheal's store. They have Manuscript, Speedball and various other nibs and nib holders for dip pens, as well as several ink and paper options. Also, any other Art store should have a stock of dip pens.

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Try John Neal, Bookseller at www.johnnealbooks.com. They carry a decent assortment of holders, pens, inks, etc.


Best of luck.

"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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