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  • bobje


  • mehandiratta


  • mhguda




Markivo, your writing on the Oldwin is inspirational. Thank you.


Chrissy, thank you. If you haven't already tried KWZI honey, you might like it.


Ian, thank you. Your ASA custom experience started the Dartmoor project.


Helen, Fred Eager's book "The Italic Way to Beautiful Handwriting" is $4 to $6 on AbeBooks.com. That and Lloyd Reynolds' series from Oregon public television, on the Reed College YouTube channel, have been my teachers. It's amazing to learn from someone whose calligraphy program inspired Steve Jobs to incorporate beautiful fonts in Apple products. Reynolds died 20 years ago, but his videos keep on teaching. Your taste in Chinese and Indian pens make wonderful additions to the Chinese and Indian forums.


Dinuraj, Velvet, it's great to hear from you, and thank you for all your contributions to FPN.

Reviews and articles on Fountain Pen Network



Hua Hong Blue Belter | Penbbs 456 | Stationery | ASA Nauka in Dartmoor and Ebonite | ASA Azaadi | ASA Bheeshma | ASA Halwa | Ranga Model 8 and 8b | Ranga Emperor


FILCAO Roxi | FILCAO Atlantica | Italix Churchman's Prescriptor


Bexley Prometheus | Route 54 Motor Oil | Black Swan in Icelandic Minty Bathwater | Robert Oster Aqua | Diamine Emerald Green | Mr. Pen Radiant Blue | Three Oysters Giwa | Flex Nib Modifications | Rollstoppers

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Hi Bob,


Sorry for the delayed response.


I glanced through your review in my mobile, but did not respond as I wanted to give a detailed reply once I am in my desk.


The pictures and your detailed review took me back to a series of events, which set the stage for this Iconic Nauka. I still remember, I was on a local train travelling from Chennai Central station to a place called Pattabhiram (outskirts of Chennai) when I received a text from Joshua Lax first time on this design. I made a prototype for him and he was so impressed, he requested me to make more and also referred his friends. He offered to set up the group buy as he anticipated this is going to be a smashing hit.


Its been a dream run... I have literally lost count of how many were made and sold/distributed/extended as gifts/custom orders etc


But, the moment I saw the Dartmoor blank, I knew I had a beauty in my hand. I sent it to my pen maker, he was equally astonished and told me its looking great before sending me the pen. It was a beauty, I immediately took its picture and shared with you.


I wish to again thank each and everyone here Joshua, Prithwijit, Sanjay, Hari and all others involved in one way or other.


I am now making it available as a pre-order in my website. One can buy it here


Also, wish to announce the next group buy (will start by this week) on Transparent & Translucent Nauka. Its so beautiful, its going to be a Hit all over again. I am working on the final aspect.


My heartfelt thanks to you..

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Congratulations all on a wonderful project. As one of the group buy participants, I am reaping the benefits. I dearly love my Naukas, after such a short time! And I will say I am using an old, too-small ring already as a roll stop from day one, but am now waiting on another, like Bob's, from the same store he got his from. Hopefully the wait won't be long...

I am looking at buying yet another of these pens - but I wish the option of equipping them with Ambitious nibs - and specifically the large, #8, 40mm Ambitious - were included in the buying options. Pretty please?

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I really look forward to the translucent-transparent Nauka buy! Please keep us informed!


there will be a group buy for the same...

vaibhav mehandiratta

architect & fountain pen connoisseur


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Mr. Subramaniam, great story about the origins of the Nauka, and good luck with the new transparent version. The way you collaborate with with the community through FPN and Telegram/WhatsApp is remarkable. Thank you.


Baaz, mhguda, thank you, and that 40mm Ambitious nib is great fun.

Reviews and articles on Fountain Pen Network



Hua Hong Blue Belter | Penbbs 456 | Stationery | ASA Nauka in Dartmoor and Ebonite | ASA Azaadi | ASA Bheeshma | ASA Halwa | Ranga Model 8 and 8b | Ranga Emperor


FILCAO Roxi | FILCAO Atlantica | Italix Churchman's Prescriptor


Bexley Prometheus | Route 54 Motor Oil | Black Swan in Icelandic Minty Bathwater | Robert Oster Aqua | Diamine Emerald Green | Mr. Pen Radiant Blue | Three Oysters Giwa | Flex Nib Modifications | Rollstoppers

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Bob, yes, I know the 40mm Ambitious nibs, have several in pens, and I think the Nauka would benefit greatly. And so my next Nauka will be equipped with one. Yes!

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am delighted to discover this wonderful review of the pen and to read all these details. Really a joy. I love the snake clip ring; it complements the pen greatly.


Having just ordered the Nauka Demonstrator with a clip as part of the group buy, I wonder now if I should change my order to clipless? The only reason I like the clips is to keep the pen and/or cap from rolling off the table. I don't usually use the clip to anchor it in a pocket or case. So this looks like a wonderful solution. Thank you.


Please do keep posting information for us here as not everyone uses WhatsApp or FaceBook etc.


With many thanks and regards,



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I have been waiting for this Nauka new group buy, and don't see anything announced, how can one join in? Am very interested...

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I am now looking even more forward to my Nauka Demonstrator via the group buy! Thank you for a great review Bob, and some roll-stop inspiration!

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Hi Bob,


Sorry for the delayed response.


I glanced through your review in my mobile, but did not respond as I wanted to give a detailed reply once I am in my desk.


The pictures and your detailed review took me back to a series of events, which set the stage for this Iconic Nauka. I still remember, I was on a local train travelling from Chennai Central station to a place called Pattabhiram (outskirts of Chennai) when I received a text from Joshua Lax first time on this design. I made a prototype for him and he was so impressed, he requested me to make more and also referred his friends. He offered to set up the group buy as he anticipated this is going to be a smashing hit.


Its been a dream run... I have literally lost count of how many were made and sold/distributed/extended as gifts/custom orders etc


But, the moment I saw the Dartmoor blank, I knew I had a beauty in my hand. I sent it to my pen maker, he was equally astonished and told me its looking great before sending me the pen. It was a beauty, I immediately took its picture and shared with you.


I wish to again thank each and everyone here Joshua, Prithwijit, Sanjay, Hari and all others involved in one way or other.


I am now making it available as a pre-order in my website. One can buy it here


Also, wish to announce the next group buy (will start by this week) on Transparent & Translucent Nauka. Its so beautiful, its going to be a Hit all over again. I am working on the final aspect.


My heartfelt thanks to you..

Which option do I choose in order to get this 'Dartmoor' finish? It's not clear if it's one of the numbered Rod options.


I'd really like to get one just like Bob's, clip less with the Jowo 1.1... In the meantime I've also ordered a T&T eye dropper - my first, just seems so right to fill the transparent barrel with ink and not have an unsightly converter.

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You will need to supply the Dartmoor blanks to ASA. Source, Turners in England, which can ship them to ASA.

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

- Jack London


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You will need to supply the Dartmoor blanks to ASA. Source, Turners in England, which can ship them to ASA.

Thanks T4T, I'm on it now - have enquired via email to Unik.services, those Turners blanks look rather nice indeed.

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