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Oxford Blue - Diamine


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Isn't it... I'll put some drops on a Pilot plumix nib, cheap but good steel, and keep it in a closed vial in a warm place (laptop fan vent should do) with a bit of water at the bottom to simulate a humid closed cap. Also let Yafa know, in case they have a comment about their nib or might replace it.


I guess a week should be OK. Can't really tell without wiping off the ink, although, maybe, I remember the Duragraph had some greenish bits on top of the ink. That could be from corrosion. Or mold, but mold doesn't usually mark nibs, it just clogs things. So if I see any new colors on the dried ink, I'll end the experiment and look.



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Diamine Oxford Blue had absolutely no visible effect on the Pilot Plumix nib after a week of exposure, with heat and humidity.


So, the issue is the Conklin nib, which they've said they'll be happy to have a look at.

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Been using the Oxford Blue for some time now, and not had any creep issues.


Hope you get that nib sorted, radellaf.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got a bottle of the new Oxford Blue from Gold Spot Pens. The ink seems a bit darker than I expected, but I like it quite a lot. It's the color that was always missing from the Diamine lineup for me. the ink is a very dark blue/blueblack (if I had to put a label on it)...lol.. It flows wet, dries quick, no creep, there are no overtones of red, or green, no sheen, Just a solid blue with a bit of antique gray tint, after it dries. First impression is that I like this ink a lot. Reminds me of DeAtramentis Atlantic Blue a bit.

Any way, I'm happy it made it over to this side of the pond ok. I'll probably be using it regularly.

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