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Dark Lilac - Lamy


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How many bottles do you suggest that I buy of this ink?

Have bought 3. Should I buy more?

Where can you purchase bottles of Dark Lilac? I would like to buy a bottle if I could find one

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Where can you purchase bottles of Dark Lilac? I would like to buy a bottle if I could find one


Not sure at this point. All the usual suspects, er, online sources, seem to be OOS. I know because I spent many hours a couple of weeks ago looking for the best price on a Dark Lilac Safari for a friend -- and figured I would see who had what for ink to add to the order for me.

I even checked just now on eBay and Amazon. Nada. Zippo (except on Amazon someone had the regular Lilac in cartridges).

Really sort of dumb on Lamy's part, to not anticipate the piranha feeding frenzy. They were better about the pens -- lots of the Dark Lilac Safaris still out there. But the ink? Not so much. Starting to wonder if I should have bought three bottles instead of two.... :wallbash:


Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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As the name suggests, the color is a rich floral, reminiscent of 'Grandpa Ott.'

I'd be pleased to receive a brief postcard written with Lamy 'Dark Lilac'


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Where can you purchase bottles of Dark Lilac? I would like to buy a bottle if I could find one

The shop does not ship outside Japan. Still interested?

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Really sort of dumb on Lamy's part, to not anticipate the piranha feeding frenzy. They were better about the pens -- lots of the Dark Lilac Safaris still out there. But the ink? Not so much. Starting to wonder if I should have bought three bottles instead of two.... :wallbash:

yup, the smart ones bought up in May when they released


come June when I started looking it was already slim pickings :(


Perhaps it was a first for Lamy, as every other LE colour hung around long enough

although could've done with a longer run of Copper Orange too.


Was travelling SEAsia last month and chatted to various vendors... supposedly some places only got allotted 50 bottles for the whole country yet stores received thousands of Safaris. :P many sold out of ink even before the pen was launched!


Worst still, their distributors had planned for big gala launch promotions involving special staff uniforms all dressed in purple etc etc plenty of pens, zero ink.



Dark Lilac cartridges are still around some stores, however many staff are still unaware of the difference between Dark Lilac LE vs Lamy's standard routine Violet cartridges so there's risk they might pack you the wrong one.

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I'd be pleased to receive a brief postcard written with Lamy 'Dark Lilac'


Whereabouts are you located James?

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It's not really a colour that appeals to me - based on the online reviews. I'm still mulling over what to do with the unopened bottle on my shelf. I have already sold the other couple of bottles, but now I look at where I live and how difficult it is to get even the standard line of most inks and I am wondering if I should hang on to it because the opportunity will never come again. A dilemma.

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Whereabouts are you located James?


How sweet! It didn't occur to me that I was hinting.



It's not really a colour that appeals to me ...and I am wondering if I should hang on to it because the opportunity will never come again. A dilemma.


Because some day you may find it appealing?


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Was travelling SEAsia last month and chatted to various vendors... supposedly some places only got allotted 50 bottles for the whole country yet stores received thousands of Safaris. :P many sold out of ink even before the pen was launched!

In early June, at the Triangle Pen Show, I got talking to one vendor (Crazy Alan's table) who kept going home each night to check invoices. Finally, Saturday morning, he admitted to me that he wasn't sure if he was *going* to get his re-order from Lamy....

He also told me that he thought that the pens were the fastest seller in history; he'd sold something like 150 of the Dark Lilac pens *already* (so we're talking, what, a month of them being available in the US -- and that's just one vendor...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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US seems to have gotten more stock, seeing Lamy USA still had bottles for longer :) also the Goulets speak of receiving a 2nd batch in june.


Rest of the World, bottles are sold out 48-72hrs of unpacking... mine came from a Dark Lilac giftpack, as by then all boxed bottles had already sold out in oz. (embarrassingly Lamy had to resupply giftpack a with black ink subsequently).


Many of the Dark Lilac Safari also had the visible molding seam. I must've gone thru least a 100 units before I found one that looked good enough to own. Heh!

Edited by tamiya
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  • 1 month later...

Often a day and an Euro late....I finally got around in the start of Oct to get to my B&M....and they didn't have any. They called up Lamy immediately for me. They'd already stopped making that ink.

The boss of my B&M sent me to the brand new Lamy shop in Heidelberg. The last time they had any was in May. :angry:

That is a bit too dammed limited an ink IMO. :wacko:

Well that leaves paying twice as much on EBay..... :(

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Yeah, doesn't make sense. Lamy could be raking in the dough on this ink but it seems they prefer to let the ebay resellers make the money.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Yeah, doesn't make sense. Lamy could be raking in the dough on this ink but it seems they prefer to let the ebay resellers make the money.


I remember reading somewhere that Lamy was going to add Dark Lilac to their regular line.


Maybe is just a matter of waiting a bit.





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Like Cyber6 says, Lamy will very probably add Dark Lilac to their current line. But it's not 100% sure that this new production batch will be identical in color to the original one. For whatever reasons, companies sometimes cannot reproduce colors as they first were and this causes frustration and annoyance amongst buyers. Anyway let's hope that the new batch will be identical to the original one.

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  • 1 month later...

I just put up a PIF for five cartridges of this ink. Four carts will be mailed to people in the US and one overseas.

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Dark Lilac gets REALLY DARK nearly black after drying in the pen for a few wks unused :)


Didn't like the Nearly Black, started reconstituting with water... etc etc.


Turns out you can cut fresh Dark Lilac by nearly half and the colour doesn't change from neat. It's plenty saturated.

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Tamiya, thank you for the information about reconstitution. Does it look like the sheen stays after adding water back?

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^^ tamiya Exactly the problem I had with DL. My theory is that the gold sheen is so heavy it's covering up the actual ink color, making it look black. (Majestic Purple is also exhibiting this same darkening after sitting in the pen, if at a somewhat slower pace.) I will try diluting it, as you suggest.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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