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Stalingrad Ink Bottles


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I have been in contact with a college student from Volgograd, Russia (formerly Stalingrad, USSR) who suppliments his meager income by selling WWII military items near where he goes to school. Hundreds of thousands of German soldiers never made it out alive from Stalingrad in 1943, and the area is still littered with their equipment. I asked about pen-related items, and he sent me photos of these ink bottles that he and his friends have dug. It appears that they may have found Waterman and Pelikan bottles among others, but I'm not sure if these designs were also used by other companies at that time.



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Nice find. Makes me however somehow shudder a bit....



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Nice find. Makes me however somehow shudder a bit....




Me as well.

Anyone like Ray Bradbury? Please read "The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair" if you have about 12 minutes.


You will not forget this wonderful gem that is largely obscure and sadly, forgotten. http://bit.ly/1DZtL4g

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"grave-digging" comes to mind.


Here is a much more appropriate and respectful story:



and my own comment ...


Thank you, Dexter FOP, for putting up the video of the excavation and restoration of the pen of this courageous officer.

The care, skill and dedication of you and your colleagues pervades the video as you restore this personal possession of his as a part of the tribute to Captain Wladyslaw Raginis.

Przechodniu, powiedz Ojczyźnie, żeśmy walczyli do końca, spełniając swój obowiązek

Passerby, tell the Fatherland that we fought to the end, fulfilling our duty

(inscription on a monument tablet to Captain Wladyslaw Raginis)

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"grave-digging" comes to mind.


Here is a much more appropriate and respectful story:



and my own comment ...


Thank you, Dexter FOP, for putting up the video of the excavation and restoration of the pen of this courageous officer.

The care, skill and dedication of you and your colleagues pervades the video as you restore this personal possession of his as a part of the tribute to Captain Wladyslaw Raginis.

Przechodniu, powiedz Ojczyźnie, żeśmy walczyli do końca, spełniając swój obowiązek

Passerby, tell the Fatherland that we fought to the end, fulfilling our duty

(inscription on a monument tablet to Captain Wladyslaw Raginis)


Thanks for posting the link. The original story was from before my time on FPN, and then I wasn't interested in Pelicans until a couple of years ago -- but somehow missed this thread.

A while back, I was in an antiques mall in Tyrone, PA, and got talking to the guy working in there and to some friend of his. The friend was a bottle collector, and told me about some girl's boarding school in central PA. Across the street from the school there was what was effectively a trash dump -- and a bottle collector's dream: empty ink bottles, cologne bottles, I think he said even nail polish bottles. But this is much more interesting and moving.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Wow, interesting. Especially, thank you for the link to the other post.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  • 8 years later...

Speaking of whom, has anyone heard from Amberlea lately? Looks like she hasn't posted anything since August & that's not like her.  Might not be the right place to post an inquiry here; just PM me if you'd prefer. 

I got 99 problems but a BIC ain't one! 


Ever notice that all the instruments looking for signs of intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth? 


If I said I'll fix it, I will. There's no need to remind me every 6 months. 


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