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Last year I became fascinated with the notion of new and old technology being used together. With that thought in mind I purchased a 3D printer and began to design and fabricate dip pens from ABS plastic.


Once I had a CAD design I was happy with (there was a lot of trial and error there), I started to experiment with different finishes. As you may know, 3D printed items generally have a cold, rigid feel to them. The process I developed leaves them feeling smooth and warm in your hand. They weigh just 1/8 oz. and are available in a variety of colors including glow in the dark (the glow in the dark ones almost look like light sabers).








Thanks for looking!

Take time to stop and ink

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Cool looking pens. Have you ever tried making the old "lever lock" style nib holder? I just bought a huge batch of Drafting and Calligraphy Supplies. There are a few NOS Koh-I-Noor 03 1/2 dip pens with the lever lock nib holder. I like it, because the nibs are more secure. Just more work to make and install. Any experience with them?



How do you like your Cube3? I wanted something smaller than my old one, and just caught an amazing deal on one. 6x6x6 is plenty big enough for a lot of what I do, and with a $180 price tag (Brand New in the Box), how could I say no? HAHAHA


Thanks - Mike

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