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Request For A Scabiosa-Solferino Mix 50:50


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Not so long ago I ordered Rohrer&Klingner's Scabiosa and fell in love with the permanentness of it but not so much with the color (too ashy). By accident I mixed some Waterman Tender Violet with it and it became my favorite ink-mix.

Has anyone ever tried to mix Rohrer&Klingner's Solferino and Scabiosa in equal parts? or Alt-Bordeaux and Scabiosa? I suspect the latter would be pretty much the result I expected when ordering Scabiosa in the first place.

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The only mix I've ever tried with it with my inexpensive preferred mix ink, Parker Blue. I mix it 11 parts Scabiosa : 4 parts Parker Blue. It produces, as one would expect a blue-purple (blurple) which also happens to be well behaved. It's one of my daily writers.


Good luck with your mixing endeavors.

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The only mix I've ever tried with it with my inexpensive preferred mix ink, Parker Blue. I mix it 11 parts Scabiosa : 4 parts Parker Blue. It produces, as one would expect a blue-purple (blurple) which also happens to be well behaved. It's one of my daily writers.



What? No pictures? :rolleyes:

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Thank you so very much!

I think I prefer my blueish mix and will not order the Solferino. Adding Solferino unfortunately does not darken the ink as much as I hoped.

I rather like the original Scabiosa when it flows thickly (beautiful black-purple) but the pale washed-out-pinkish-gray bothers me.

What would you recommend in order to make Scabiosa a bit darker but without losing the purplishness?

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Thank you so very much!

I think I prefer my blueish mix and will not order the Solferino. Adding Solferino unfortunately does not darken the ink as much as I hoped.

I rather like the original Scabiosa when it flows thickly (beautiful black-purple) but the pale washed-out-pinkish-gray bothers me.

What would you recommend in order to make Scabiosa a bit darker but without losing the purplishness?



I'm not sure. I have little experience in ink mixing. Perhaps a tiny amount of black?

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Lils, I'm surprised that the mix worked, given that Scabiosa is an iron gall ink but Solferino and Waterman Tender Purple aren't.

Usually, when people try mixing inks, they let the mix sit for a bit in a sample vial before putting it into a pen, in case there are adverse reactions between the chemistry or pH of the respective inks (which can happen even within the same brand of inks).

Why not try adding a bit of R&K Salix? It's a blue black which will keep a mix in the purple-y range. And it's an iron-gall ink which means you shouldn't have pH issues -- but it stays bluer than other blue-blacks, which may be a plus in your case.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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