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Purple - Sheaffer Skrip


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Sheaffer first introduced its Skript ink back in 1922. The Skrip was sold in glass bottles with metal lids. In the 1990 Sheaffer closed its plant that made ink in the USA. In 2002 company started to make their inks in Slovenia and to sell it in cone-shaped bottle. Personally I dislike this bottle - it's relatively low and gets wider at the base. This is great for stability of the bottle on the desk, but means that more ink sits in the bottom of the bottle than at the upper portion of the bottle. It may cause problems for those of us whoo use pens with big nibs - as the ink goes down, it becomes impossible to submerge the nib in the ink and get a hearthy fill.

Anyway at the moment Sheaffer (now part of the Cross, so who knows what'll happen) offers eight inks:

  1. Blue-Black
  2. Blue
  3. Black
  4. Brown
  5. Green
  6. Purple
  7. Red
  8. Turquoise

Sheaffer Purple isn't the best purple ink I've ever used but it has one advantage over strongly saturated puples - it's easy to clean. I had really hard time cleaning some of pens from purple / violet ink (Noodler's North African Violet has stained my TWSBI 580. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid off purple film omn the barrel).


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Software ID


Tomoe River, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




Leuchtturm 1917, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




Rhodia, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




Edited by visvamitra
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Cool. Now which ink is the Fiolet Galusowy (French Violet)? Or is this new?

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I had a couple cartridges of this ink and actually liked it quite a bit. It definitely benefits from a wet pen otherwise it looks too much like royal blue but I found it to be a cheerful ink to use.

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