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My latest ink review is Diamine Golden Brown

When I chose to try a sample of Diamine Ancient Copper, I also chose Amber and Golden Brown to see what they were like, as these aren't the type of shades I commonly use. I've swabbed Golden Brown a couple of times, and thought I might not like it. But nevertheless I decided to ink up a couple of pens and write with it. I prefer how it looks when it's written with. It's sort of a golden colour, maybe mustard yellow. Lighter than Ochre, but still easily legible on paper. It's Golden Brown name is a good description of it's colour, and it's different to the other inks I have. I thought it was going to be more similar to J. Herbin Ambre de Birmanie than it actually is.

It wrote straight away in both pens without any hard starts or skipping. It lubricated the nib well enough, but the flow seems a little dryer than some other inks I've recently tested, as I couldn't see any moist ink along the page as I was writing. However, despite this, it didn't cause me any problems while I was writing with it.

It's not a water resistant ink. I could just about see the grid after 60 seconds. So I wouldn't use it to address envelopes.

  • This isn't a waterproof ink, and it doesn't have particularly good water resistance.
  • Bearing in mind the paper I use is thick with a shiny surface, and I used Lamy F and 1.1mm nibs, this ink took just 10-12 secs to dry. That's much faster than some other inks I've reviewed recently.
  • It felt a bit drier than some other inks I've reviewed, but still seemed to flow reasonably well. I saw no skips or hard starts while I did swabs and dry time tests. It noticeably darkened when I left the pen uncapped, then started writing with it after a few moments. I bet it would darken if left in a piston filler pen.
  • It is currently available in 80ml glass bottles or 30ml plastic bottles
  • Diamine sell it directly to end-users on their web-site.
  • It's a reasonable price.


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I have this ink, but I've not decided if I like it yet as I'm not a fan of yellowish browns. However, as you noted, the ink, while a tad dry is relatively trouble free. :)

Hope to see a review of Diamine Onyx Black from you soon, if it's in the works. :)

Ink, a drug.

― Vladimir Nabokov, Bend Sinister


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As I commented 'elsewhere', a little too pale for me which means not enough contrast. Great review.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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too golden, not brown enough.

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I actually quite like this ink and use it mostly for drawing, but only in combination with flexible nibs!

With rigid nibs, it`s too pale.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this golden brown. For me it was a very neutral yellowish brown that had some blackish qualities about it when it dried. It's hard to describe really. I have since corrupted my bottle with a bit of Lamy black creating a great sepia that I simply adore.

"What? What's that? WHAT?!!! SPEAK UP, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" - Ludwig van Beethoven.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a habit of ink matching my pens - this is my go to in my 1945 Parker Vacumatic Golden Pearl. A fine nib with a small measure of flex.

I have found with a wet flow, I get a darker tone with some nice shading.

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