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Dark Green - Pelikan 4001


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The 4001 ink is a well-established brand by Pelikan from the very first beginning of the company. It was first mentioned in a price-list from 1897 and proved its worth within all the years. Ink 4001 was registered as a number only, during years there was plenty of colors on the market. However in recent years the line didn't change at all. Happily Pelikan decided to invest not only in Edelstein line but also in 4001 (much cheaper) line and introduced new ink (Dark Green) in january 2016. You may find it interesting that Pelikan 4001 are the only inks that can be bought practically in every B&M store in Poland.


At the moment the line consists of


  1. Blue - Black
  2. Brilliant Black
  3. Brilliant Brown
  4. Brilliant Green
  5. Brilliant Red
  6. Dark Green
  7. Royal Blue
  8. Turquoise
  9. Violet

Let's start with new one.





Dark Green really is dark. It leans toward blue which usually makes me dislike an ink but in this case it doesn't work this way. Actually I find it quite nice.Well, let's make it OK. Less than nice but more than Meh.The ink is well behaved even on cheapest papers (no feathering, no bleedthrough, nice flow, good saturation). If you enjoy the color you really can't go wrong with this one.



Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Software ID


Tomoe River, Kaweco Classic Sport, B





Leuchtturm 1917, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




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I like this color, particularly on the cream colored paper.


Thanks for this comprehensive review.


I also like that Moss Agate by C Roberson. I will look in the forums for your review of it.

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I'm surprised, but I actually think it looks quite pleasant on the cream coloured papers, and I usually dislike blue-toned greens as well. Though I'm not about to run out and get a bottle either. :P

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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Good review. I think I like it more than I did earlier. Especially on that creamy paper (as just mentioned by cleosmama). Delicious!



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Nice review!! Thanks!!:)

I've got 2 30ml bottles coming in from Sietz-Global later this week....it will be paired with my M400 Souveran Black/Green (EF nib....of course!!;))


Always try to get the dibs.....on fountain pens with EF nibs!!

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I shall be buying some especially as I found their Brilliant Green too light for my taste.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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Hi Visvamitra,


Great review. You show all the characteristics of the ink very well. I especially appreciate the comparison to othe similar green inks. Once it makes it to the US I'm going to have to get some.





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This looks like a very nice dark green, Certainly much darker than earlier speculation made it out to be; one picture made it look a bit like mouth wash. I would be interested in a bottle if I hadn't decided on D.A. Jane Austen as my go to green. Maybe worth a look when that one runs low though.


Thank you for posting the great review!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the review. I'm waiting for this color to be available in the USA.

The question is whether it will available in the USA at all.


Looking at the water resistance test, it looks like this ink consists of two components; a green component that wash off and a grayish component that does not. Could be you that you can make your own "dark green" my mixing brilliant green and blue-black.

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I agree, too blue for my taste. I will probably add some black to it when I get it, to make it more green-black, and hide the blueish tint.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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Why doesn't this review include a test of drying time for left-handed writers? Even wrong-handed people can experiment with writing with their left hands to see whether the ink smears or not.


Suitability for left-handed writers should be a routine part of every review.



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Well, I made it 5-7 seconds under "medium conditions" -- the same as I found for Pelikan's Brilliant green -- so for lefties it isn't all that bad....



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Thanks for the review. I'm waiting for this color to be available in the USA.

Me....I couldn't wait!!

Just got 2 30ml bottles in yesterday from Sietz-Global...

Will be inking up my Pelikan M400 Souveran Black/Green (EF nib) this weekend!!:)


Always try to get the dibs....on fountain pens with EF nibs!!

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I like it, it reminds me a little of Syo-ro which is one of my favourites.

"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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bouhgt a few cartridges of royal-blue, green. violet and red when I visited Germany a few weeks back.

Seems this is the next oen to try!

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  • 1 year later...

Another great review! I will add this one to my list.

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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