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Loaner "51"s And Journals


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Next on list is HDoug (list is on first post in this thread).


Please PM first to see if still interested - if not then move down jlepens, Jonro etc.


Any updating (and there is some) will be added to the bottom of the list.


Also could you please PM me when it has gone and ask the recipient to do the same on receipt?




Administrator and Proprietor of Murphy Towers

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Quick update:


Loaner #1 is on its way to Tennessee :)


More anon.




BTW No problems adding members to the list, but it will be while before your turns come around.


Please add me to the list. No hurry...In fact, it might be best if you wait until the snow gets deep here....






Have Camera....Will Travel....Wire SigSauerFan AT Hotmail DOT com

Inveterate trader. Send me a note for my list of pens, watches, knives and other fun things for sale or trade....

The Danitrio Fellowship

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Update: The gorgeous journal and amazing Parker 51 arrived Friday night and are already set to fly off. I originally was going to keep it for a week, but I burned through so many pages (8 I think) I thought I should send it on its way. I was going to take a photo of the journal and pen, but I misplaced my camera. Hard thing to do in my tiny apartment. Today is clean-up day so maybe I'll find it...



Edited by HDoug
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Thanks Doug :)


BTW - I have a record of everyone who PM'd, mailed etc about being added to the list - you are NOT forgotten.


Just that there's a lot going on in Murphyland for some time now.


Regards to all,


Administrator and Proprietor of Murphy Towers

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I am such a slug! My last entry into the journal was a week ago today and I haven't been able to get it into the mail yet! I apologize. Our company has been working on budgets which means I've been trying to save myself and my staff from the sharp axe of the current economy.


Anyway, I am packing it up right now, and it should be on its way tomorrow. Hope no one minds me putting a pic into the journal. And for those further down the list, the journal is a full-size journal with smooth paper. The P51 is just gorgeous and I might have to get one myself. Maybe in January if I still have a job...





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Wow, you have raised the bar. Have to think what to do when I get it.

Joi - The Way of the Japanese Pen


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You know, it just takes one guy with moldy ink to infect everyone else's ink bottles. Please use safe filling procedures to prevent FTD's (filling transmitted diseases).

Everyman, I will go with thee

and be thy guide,

In thy most need to go

by thy side.


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I have some empty bottles from Pear Tree's sample program. I will decant some ink into it and use that. I can empty the bottle, and mail it along when the pen leaves me for the mext person.

Joi - The Way of the Japanese Pen


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You know, it just takes one guy with moldy ink to infect everyone else's ink bottles. Please use safe filling procedures to prevent FTD's (filling transmitted diseases).


It's like my dad always told me, "Be careful where you dip your pen."




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Please might I be added to the list, if it's not too long? Itching to get a 51, but it would be lovely to try one first, just to make sure - and join in this wonderful project!


I'm a newbie, but I promise to use new ink, and flush carefully!!


And there's an Irishman in the house to make it feel at home ;)

I chose my user name years ago - I have no links to BBS pens (other than owning one!)

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I've been away on vacation and just now back and checking the boards after almost a month of being away. I'm on the list and very patiently and eagerly awaiting my turn to try a really well-adjusted P51 nib. Could Christmas come early? (Nah, I'm too far down the list.)



"I am a galley slave to pen and ink." ~Honore de Balzac


Happy Pan Pacific Pen Club Member!
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Well, I'm very new to Fountain pens. (just bought my first fountain pen, a Parker "reflex", about $10 from staples, a couple of days ago) and have been writing with a dip pen since about the begining of november. So I don't think that I'm quite ready for the 51 due to my lack of experience with fountain pens. (The reflex just has a replaceable catridge, which to my understanding is quite different from the 51.) I am still however very interested, since as of recently, I've started writing a book and journaling, and have rediscovered my love for writing. :rolleyes: I have a whole writeup in my profile on how I found out about and got into this whole thing. But, in the long run this has lead to me spending alot of time writing, and thus my looking into a nice Fountain pen. So...I`ll be off lurking the forum for some more information on fountain pens, and the care of said pens. But, armed with the information of how to care for such a nice pen(and hopefully experience with a cheaper one)I shall return!



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Please add me to the list when a slot becomes available.

Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

There is no snooze button on a cat wanting breakfast.


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I sent off a PM. But as stated in the letter, I would love to be added to the list, even if I get the pen in 2010. Perhaps each person who gets the pen can add something in return for the next recipient. I'm sure it will be awhile, but I'll think of something: maybe a golden ashtray.



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Please be advised - I have a record of everyone who contacted me by PM or otherwise.


You will all be added to our list!


This may explain more link





BTW - I like the idea of the pic, Doug :)

Administrator and Proprietor of Murphy Towers

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Looks like Jonro is next on the list. I have PMed him to be sure he is home. If so, the journal and 51 will go out on Friday 26th Dec. I will keep you informed.


Unfortunately now I will have to buy a Cedar Blue Vac. Too good!

Joi - The Way of the Japanese Pen


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  • 1 month later...
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It's a cedar blue Parker 51 with a gold-filled cap.



I am also new at learning about fountain pens. Please add me to the list.




Knoxville, TN


Lamy Vista

Parker 51

Pelikan M800

Waterman Phileas

Waterman C/F

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