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This Is "crazy" Many Pens? I Don't Think So.


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It's only crazy if it interferes with your work.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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i generally carry 1 or 3. one that is with my passport notebook that goes everywhere and if i take the spares in a custom leather sleeve. they are one pocket fountain pen and a gel ink (black) pocket pen mainly for writing on duplicate forms. never really had any luck getting a fountain pen to write and have the duplicate show up.

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It's not crazy. What's crazy is that millions of students can neither read nor write.



I only carry one (the only one I use cartridges in, so I don't have to carry ink separately--the pen holds the one in current use, plus a spare in the cap), but the thin phone case I use as a "purse" doesn't have room for more than one, otherwise I might carry 2 or 3. 10? Not me. I'd worry too much about something happening to them if I carried that many with me in public. What you do, though, is your choice. It's nobody else's dang business! Kinda like when people ask us how many parrots or dogs we have. I always just reply, "a few", or "enough to keep us busy", or "not more than we can afford to keep happy and healthy", and leave it at that.

Edited by IrishEyes

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William, if you enjoy them, carry as many as you like. If you're carrying them in your shirt pocket, Carry one

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You should please yourself and carry pens that make you feel comfortable. Some people like to have spares of different things handy. You should cater to your own comfort factor. Sometimes I carry several Parker 51s around the house in spite of the fact that there are several on each floor -- basement, first floor and second floor. Some days I feel comfortable with my 45 year old Parker 51 and my 26 year old Montblanc in my pocket. So, whatever makes you feel comfortable is good, even if it's 200 pens in a big box.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
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