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What Pen Are You Waiting For In The Mail 2016


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Chancy but not cheap Waterman 0552 arrived. Good condition, writes, sac a dry cracking sound when you start to lift the lever.


So far, so good.


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I don't know what came over me but I'm waiting for the following pens:

M805 Vibrant Blue EF

M800 Grand Palace EF

Visconti Homo Sapiens London Fog EF


Definitely a break from tradition for me when you consider the nib sizes but finer nibs do have their uses.


I'm also waiting for my Visconti HS Crystal to get back to me from repair but that isn't even in the mail yet :(

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Aaaaand still nothing on the Delta Dolcevita (which, by the way, I bought on May 18th). Sent a mail yesterday, but of course they don't do stuff on weekends. This will be very interesting.

Especially because I didn't really expect to run into any problems with those guys.


Mail was answered, they said they just shipped it and I should get the tracking number soon. "Soon" was over two days ago. Gotta write more mails, I guess...


Sigh. Now, I have pretty bad ADHD, so I'm forgetful as heck and habitually miss deadlines, and thus tend to cut people a lot of slack in the "doing things on time"-department because I try not to be a bloody hypocrite, but this is seriously starting to annoy me.

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Stumbled across this beauty on eBay earlier.




In original package, includes a box of pink cartridges.



It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Not new pens, but I'm patients try waiting for three Pelikans that I sent to Shawn Newton for new, custom bindes. He does great work, so he has quite a backlog and it could be a few months. Patience is the key. Must have patience. Patience. Patience....

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I am waiting on a Pilot Capless Fermo. I went with a black body and a fine nib. I've never owned a vanishing point but something about this pen intrigues me. It looks like a handy pocket pen that won't draw a lot of attention when used. The mechanism is pretty interesting as well. It's on a slow boat from Japan so I am waiting impatiently. Price was awesome though.

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TSBI Diamond 580 AL Lava with 1.1 mm stub nib. Schweetness.

Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur.

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Mail was answered, they said they just shipped it and I should get the tracking number soon. "Soon" was over two days ago. Gotta write more mails, I guess...


Sigh. Now, I have pretty bad ADHD, so I'm forgetful as heck and habitually miss deadlines, and thus tend to cut people a lot of slack in the "doing things on time"-department because I try not to be a bloody hypocrite, but this is seriously starting to annoy me.

Update: Mail was answered; apparently there were delays factory-side. New shipping date: Monday. Or so they said.

This could've been handled more professionally from start to finish, especially by such a well-established seller. Oh well, last try. If they miss that date, too, I'll probably just get that refund.

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Still waiting (albeit not as patiently :wacko:) for my Ranga Model 8 Premium Ebonite, Trans-Nauka, Wality Eyedropper & Hua Hong.

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That is quite striking, Attila, congrats!


I finally managed to secure a burgundy red P45; very happy to have gotten one after many unsuccessful attempts. Woot!

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Pelikan M1000 Raden Sunrise due to me on Monday

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


THE PELIKAN'S PERCH - A growing reference site for all things Pelikan

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Pelikan M1000 Raden Sunrise due to me on Monday

Congratulations on such a drop-dead gorgeous pen. Where's that "green with envy" emoticon? ;)

Life's too short to use crappy pens.  -carlos.q

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I'm just waiting for a Noodler's Ahab. Something about the reviews just made me afraid to buy one even though flex pens are my first love.


I have had terrible luck with Noodler's, between the initial smell of their pens and some sloppy (and creepy) packaging. No problem whatsoever with their actual inks though.

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Waiting for restoration turnaround and then transatlantic shipping for 2 parker vacumatics and one of my grain pens, a 2nd generation wahl eversharp doric. I fear I will be spending disproportionate time with the latter.

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Finally found a pilot store in Iran. Just ordered a Pilot metropolitan to see what all fuss is about. Also I want to buy the new limited edition Lamy safari for my lovely girlfriend. Maybe I she becomes another fountain pen fanatic?

Anyhow... Can't wait for it. :)

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