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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2016


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SNAK, those Sapporo Minis are so cute! I've been wanting a Morita Original, but didn't realize the Nagasawa ones didn't have the black section. I prefer the way the pens look without the black section and Nagasawa is much easier to order from since they're on Rakuten, so I might have to reconsider.

Edited by candide

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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Parker 51 Signet and Parker 51 Flighter



Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!!!

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Italix Parson's Essential, Diamine Maroon

Pelikan M600, Diamine Kensington Blue

Waterman 52v, Iroshizuku Kon-Peki

Aurora 88P, Diamine Florida Blue




Delta Unica Blue, Diamine Sapphire

Practice, patience, perseverance

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Today I have my little pens.


This slim and small version of Sailor Pro Gear used to be called (in the West?) Sapporo Mini's but now I don't see them around much. I love small pens so when I spotted these during my biannual crazy Japanese shopping spree at the end of last year, I had to have them and they didn't disappoint. Sailor nibs have this nice feedback as I write that is similar to writing with a 2B pencil sharpened to a point. It's not a toothy feeling or scratchy (oh no not at all), but it is a reassuring and comforting kind of feedback. I am enjoying them a lot. :)










24982838682_1e35feb41f_b.jpgStore Special Versions of Sailor Professional Gear Slim Mini pens by ---SNAK---, on Flickr


Pens and Inks:

Sailor (Morita special) Professional Gear Slim Mini in Robins Egg Blue (Broad nib) with Sailor (Bungbox) June Bride Something Blue ink

Sailor (Nagasawa special) PenStyle Memo in Red (MF nib) with Montblanc Corn Poppy Red ink

Sailor (Nagasawa special) PenStyle Memo in Yellow (EF nib) with Sailor Kiwa-Guro ink

Paper: Tomoe River (White)

Gorgeous pens SNAK! I am loving my Sailor, it's one of my most used pens now, along with my Visconti Homo Sapiens. On the Visconti, I got it back from service and am enjoying it with Sailor Jentle Black. It's a tad on the OVERFLOW of ink side of things at the moment though lol. I think I need to take the nib/feed apart again and slightly adjust it...

Fountain pen novice. I am aquiring pens at a frightening pace, I am afraid it might be an addiction... I see I am not alone here on FPN! Latest acquisitions - Platinum 3776 Kumpoo with Diamine Eau de Nil, Opus 88 Koloro inked with Diamine November Rain, Franklin-Christoph Model Pocket 66 prototype inked with Franklin-Christoph Honeycomb.

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I struggled yesterday with emptying my Faber-Castell Ambition Pearwood F of Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Black, a combination that is a bit too dry. And believe you me, it was catharsis when I ran out, cleaned it, and then turned to my trusty TWSBI Vac700 F with Koh-I-Noor Document Black. Using that pen is like drinking a mild whisky; all of a sudden the level in the barrel (or bottle, if you are a more sensible boozer) is low, hours have passed, and you are a bit tipsy with all the excitement.



"We are one."


– G'Kar, The Declaration of Principles

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Thank you very much Snak, Eli :)


This time again a traditional pencil one I made this evening.

A Roman Murmillo gladiator helmet.



Weekly Sketch ThreadTheme #15 "Something you wear atop of your head"




(Faber Castell - Castell 9000)

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Apologies again, EoC don't got no nice pens... yet! :)






Edit: Ink is Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo, a beautiful colour... and EoC is such a klutz for forgetting.

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This time again a traditional pencil one I made this evening.

A Roman Murmillo gladiator helmet.



Weekly Sketch ThreadTheme #15 "Something you wear atop of your head"


(Faber Castell - Castell 9000)




Very nice !

Edited by httpmom

"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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Thank you very much Snak, Eli :)


This time again a traditional pencil one I made this evening.

A Roman Murmillo gladiator helmet.



Weekly Sketch ThreadTheme #15 "Something you wear atop of your head"




(Faber Castell - Castell 9000)

Loving your drawings, both digital and analog! Keep them coming Ptero!


Tartuffo: Very nice Franklin Christoph. I've been looking into them recently!


EoC: I really like your posts! Nice pen and writing!

Fountain pen novice. I am aquiring pens at a frightening pace, I am afraid it might be an addiction... I see I am not alone here on FPN! Latest acquisitions - Platinum 3776 Kumpoo with Diamine Eau de Nil, Opus 88 Koloro inked with Diamine November Rain, Franklin-Christoph Model Pocket 66 prototype inked with Franklin-Christoph Honeycomb.

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Love those Sapporo Minis! I know so little about Japanese pens. I just recently found my second Pilot, a vintage one, on eBay for $15. I thought it cute, and it has a funky filling system (a rubber sac sits inside a metal tube and when you push down a little lever on the end of the tube it compresses the sac, kind of like a combination lever filler, button filler and all contained within the barrel.)


I put a new #14 sac in last night, filled it up and tried it out for the first time. Imagine my surprise when I find that the 14K nib is actually pretty flexible! It's the broadest Japanese nib I've tried (but remember my experience is very limited) and much more flexible than my other Pilot, the new Pilot Falcon SE (soft extra-fine). Anyway, it's a fun new member of the family.





“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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"Winter Glow" is één van mijn lievelinge inkten! Die schijnt fantastisch met de spatel punt!

Winter Glow is one of my favorites! Looks wonderful with that stub nib!

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Wait a cotton pickin' minute, KaB - would that be the Vac700 and Tsuki-yo of the "Most boring" thread? You can't do that!!!! (But you're right, it looks super.)


And as ever, I find everyone's entries so lovely that I end up drooling and never posting...

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Sorry for the incomplete sentence above.

It should be "In my experience digital drawing is not easier than traditional drawing"




(Waterman 12 1/2 BCHR ..... J. Herbin Emerald of Chivor)



Today I inked up J. Herbin - Emerald of Chivor the first time.

I bought it as it looked awesome in Attilas posts.


Ok, it look awesome that´s true but in my eyes it´s an awful behaving ink.


I write on Clairefontaine paper, so you hardly can get a better or FP friendlier paper.

And even on Clairefontaine it sometimes feathers, and even worth badly show through and even bleed through.

And you can for sure not blame the paper for that.

This is one of the worst behaving, if not even the worst behaving ink I ever used (and I used already a lot).


Are all the other users completely stunned by the awesome look?

Why don´t I see more complaints regarding this ink (or do all others use only dry fine or extra fine nibs, or write only on cardboard)?


Look at this, this is completely unacceptable for a ink on Clairefontaine paper.

I really do not want to know how it would look like on a normal paper







Sometimes I don´t understand your posts.

You have really really nice pens, your penmanship is also good, but you always write something like above.


Btw. pens are nice and important tools (and we love them), but what really count is the skill of the user and his ability to use his tools.

And not having the best possible pens ever made can´t be an excuse for poor penmanship.

A fool with a tool is still a fool. ;)

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