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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2016


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Fountain pens forever and forever a hundred years fountain pens, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over Fountain Pen Network Adventures dot com!


- Joe

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Sunday afternoon practice with a Nakaya, a Platinum 3776


Lloyd Reynolds' book

Italic Calligraphy & Handwritinghttp://i.imgur.com/ojKBBxT.jpg



Lovely writing. Thanks for letting us see it!

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I don't post much in the thread because I don't have any particularly interesting pens, but it's one of my favourites to read. However, in a moment of sleep-deprived foolishness, I made a rather unwise impulse purchase. It eventually arrived and I duly inked it up with some anticipation. I've been scribbling away with it, but it's proving to be finicky and disappointing. :(




HalloweenHJB, congrats on your beautiful Toledo. :) The red in combination with the silver is stunning.


Tartuffo, your italic handwriting is beautiful!


httpmom, you've convinced me that I need to get Tokiwa matsu sooner rather than later. It looks gorgeous with your beautiful handwriting, but what I like best is the layout and spacing you've used.

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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Something different from the usual dark & depression lyrics posts...


This is a poem I learnt in kindergarten, over 30 years ago...




Translation to correct dutch:


Mijn sokken zakken zo af

Mijn sokken zakken zo af

Mijn sokken zakken zomaar af tot op mijn voeten

Ze, oh, ze zakken zo af

Ze, oh, ze zakken zo af

Zouden er soms elastiekjes in moeten?



Or in english:

My socks are sagging so badly

My socks are sagging so badly

My socks are sagging to my feet with no reason

They, oh, they're sagging so badly

They, oh, they're sagging so badly

Maybe there should be rubber bands in there?



Pen: Visconti Rembrandt

Nib: Twsbi 580 1.1 stub

Ink: Visconti Blue

Paper: One step above terrible company issued generic 70gr A5 ruled office pad

Edited by Coop

... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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Esterbrook J - Osmiroid medium straight - Diamine Eclipse





My beautiful Italian girl,
You are the essence of my life.
With your long brown hair and deep brown eyes,
You captivate my heart and fill the emptiness in my soul.

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InCoWriMo-ing with my Taccia Savanna with a custom needlepoint grind on a FPR flex nib with Scabiosa ink on R by Rhodia. Alll subsequent pages are Tomoe River because folding 8 pages of Rhodia into an envelope borders on the impossible.



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Something different from the usual dark & depression lyrics posts...


This is a poem I learnt in kindergarten, over 30 years ago...




Translation to correct dutch:


Mijn sokken zakken zo af

Mijn sokken zakken zo af

Mijn sokken zakken zomaar af tot op mijn voeten

Ze, oh, ze zakken zo af

Ze, oh, ze zakken zo af

Zouden er soms elastiekjes in moeten?



Or in english:

My socks are sagging so badly

My socks are sagging so badly

My socks are sagging to my feet with no reason

They, oh, they're sagging so badly

They, oh, they're sagging so badly

Maybe there should be rubber bands in there?



Pen: Visconti Rembrandt

Nib: Twsbi 580 1.1 stub

Ink: Visconti Blue

Paper: One step above terrible company issued generic 70gr A5 ruled office pad



Ik moet even over dit poëtisch wonder nadenken. Er moet diepere betekenissen om te ontdekken...

I will have to ponder this poetic wonder. There must be deeper meanings to discover... ;)

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Ik moet even over dit poëtisch wonder nadenken. Er moet diepere betekenissen om te ontdekken...

I will have to ponder this poetic wonder. There must be deeper meanings to discover... ;)


Hmmm... I never looked beyond the socks... But what if those sagging socks are really just a metaphor for the demise of mankind? Sagging socks representing humanity... The sagging all the way down to the feet describing how we are all on our way to hit rock bottom... And the reference to the rubber bands is the change we need to make to save us all, a change right there in plain view, as simple as a rubber band. Yet completely unreachable as us humans seem incapable to all come together for the sake of the greater good. Leaving us wondering why we cannot learn from our past mistakes, even if it'll mean the end of us all...


Oh my god... This poem may just be the most metal thing i ever posted... :yikes:

... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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Saturday morning heralded the much anticipated arrival (considerably sooner than expected) of my first foray into the world of hand made Indian pens.








I am suitably impressed.


Asa Rainbow, broad, Cherry Swirl acrylic

diamine quartz black





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Socks as a metaphor for the disintegration of society? Hmmm. I've heard worse. B)


EoC is a romantic at heart. That's clear.


InkyFingers: I agree with Halloween, you're getting so much more consistent and even. Looking really good!


Candide: Obliques can be tricky. They're about finding the right sweet spot. They're meant for people who rotate the pen in their hands so the nib is not upright with the slit on the very top of the nib, but twisted a bit. Keep trying and maybe you'll find the sweet spot, or maybe you'll just rid yourself of the pest. :rolleyes:


Tartuffo: very nice italic. And I like the ink colors!


Halloween: I've liked those Toledos ever since they first came out. And what a sports car of a model you got! Congrats


Ian the Jock: So, you think that pen is understated enough? :lticaptd: I also have a small confession. Every time I read your screen name, I'm reminded of one of my favorite authors, the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett. His characters of the Nac Mac Feegles are a great favorite of my son and myself, and one of the best named individuals of that rowdy clan is "No'-As-Big-As-Medium-Sized-Jock-But-Bigger-than-Wee-Jock Jock." Its seems they haven't a great many names so sometimes the names get a big more descriptive than normal.


I decided to get a couple of my Esterbrooks out for a drive recently.




“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Hmmm... I never looked beyond the socks... But what if those sagging socks are really just a metaphor for the demise of mankind? Sagging socks representing humanity... The sagging all the way down to the feet describing how we are all on our way to hit rock bottom... And the reference to the rubber bands is the change we need to make to save us all, a change right there in plain view, as simple as a rubber band. Yet completely unreachable as us humans seem incapable to all come together for the sake of the greater good. Leaving us wondering why we cannot learn from our past mistakes, even if it'll mean the end of us all...


Oh my god... This poem may just be the most metal thing i ever posted... :yikes:



Rock on, dude! I love your analysis/interpretation!

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I don't post much in the thread because I don't have any particularly interesting pens, but it's one of my favourites to read. However, in a moment of sleep-deprived foolishness, I made a rather unwise impulse purchase. It eventually arrived and I duly inked it up with some anticipation. I've been scribbling away with it, but it's proving to be finicky and disappointing. :(



Tartuffo, your italic handwriting is beautiful!


Hahaha thank you, Candide but it was your post below,




one of the best and most beautiful here this year that inspired me to work

and practice harder and sometimes even post the results.


Beautiful, well that's obvious to all but what is not obvious is how hard it is to

maintain such consistency of style over such a long piece of work. And even better

is : you did it with one of my favourite pens, not a 6 million dollar latest and greatest work of art but the snazzy little Prera CM . ( $27.50 in Japan !!! )


It's even fun to draw with .




Like so many others here I get caught up in the buzz of buying beautiful ( Japanese ) pens, but for me, none of them write any better than the

little Prera.


As to your " rather unwise impulse purchase ", try not to be too quick to get upset as sometimes it takes a while to get used to a nib. I can think of at least 3 other pens/nibs that disappointed me at first and that I am wowed by now.


As to not having " any particularly interesting pens " , even the $ 3.00 Pilot Petit is interesting because it's not so much about the pen as what you do with it.


So let's see more from that new journal you just started ! : )

Edited by tartuffo
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In honor of the underdog Denver Broncos winning the game last night. Today's color is orange.



Please visit my store A&D Penworx.

Brands we carry: Benu Pen, Conklin, Kaweco, Monteverde, TWSBI - Diamine, J Herbin, KWZ- Clairefontaine, Field Notes, Rhodia, Whitelines

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Lovely writing. Thanks for letting us see it!


Thank you / just trying to keep up to all you prolific mad posters.


Tartuffo: very nice italic. And I like the ink colors!


Thanks AAA / lots more colours where they came from .

I think maybe I need a few more pens for all the ink I have, hahaha



......., now I need your handwriting!


Pretty sure you can do it, Newjelan . italic handwriting = the right books, lots of time and lots of practice.

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O M Goodness!

InCoWriMo-ing with my Taccia Savanna with a custom needlepoint grind on a FPR flex nib with Scabiosa ink on R by Rhodia. Alll subsequent pages are Tomoe River because folding 8 pages of Rhodia into an envelope borders on the impossible.



"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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Some new stuff I created for the "The Weekly Sketch ~ Themed Drawing Prompts For Members" thread.

The Apple Pencil is a great drawing instrument.



Theme #9 "Your Hand"




(Procreate, Apple Pencil, iPad Pro)


Theme #8 "Crumpled piece of paper"




(Procreate, Apple Pencil, iPad Pro)


Theme #14 "A Phone"




(Procreate, Apple Pencil, iPad Pro)

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