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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2016


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That's why this is the best thread on the whole forum. I love to check it every day even though I can't usually contribute.


Thank you all for the wonderful thread.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Tomorrow morning I will be driving south to attend The LA International Pen Show for 4 days. I'm so excited and I hope I come back with a new pen or to share on this thread! If anyone here is going and wants to meet up, send me a private message. I love the smell of pens in the morning!


I very much enjoyed the cool collage from tartuffo

"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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Thanks for the welcome back and your nice comments on the blue and gold combination. :)


The Pigment Gold Ink by J. Herbin is also quite thin and watery, and requires to be mixed often or the pigments will sink to the bottom of the bottle. candide, your Winsor & Newton version sounds pretty similar. What I did was to leave an ink syringe with the blunt needle in the ink bottle, and just before I had to re-dip the pen I gave a pump or two on the syringe to stir the pigments so that I would get a deep gold opaque ink colour.


Halloween, blue and gold is a good combo, but blue and white/silver is really pretty too. I also like terracotta (burnt orange) paper and gold ink.


But the "odd colours (my father's words)" are not received well by everyone. They are not the easiest on the eyes so I don't do 10-page letters with them. :D


Andrew, I really enjoy these oblique dip pens and I have a few different ones but I use the Brause most often because I prefer the springiness and the width of that one.


tartuffo, that is very cool! I'm honoured. But how did you do that?


Vaibhav, I completely agree with you about Attila and his magical ways with the Chivor Emerald.

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The Pigment Gold Ink by J. Herbin is also quite thin and watery, and requires to be mixed often or the pigments will sink to the bottom of the bottle. candide, your Winsor & Newton version sounds pretty similar. What I did was to leave an ink syringe with the blunt needle in the ink bottle, and just before I had to re-dip the pen I gave a pump or two on the syringe to stir the pigments so that I would get a deep gold opaque ink colour.



Thanks. :) You've saved me a purchase of the Herbin Gold (at least until my W&N has finished). The W&N is my first bottle of gold ink, so I wasn't sure if I'd somehow chosen a dud. I use a spare disposable chopstick (from takeaway) to stir mine. :D Though the syringe trick sounds more convenient.


tartuffo, wonderful collage! Thanks for including my picture too. :)

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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And it's only February ...

Thanks a lot! A wonderful collage, and a great honor for yours truly.

Practice, patience, perseverance

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Yip! great collage, and I too, am well chuffed that I "got in".

Even in the collage you can see the variety of fabulous writing instruments and handwriting that folks show on this thread.

Brilliant :thumbup:

It's a "must check" at least 5 times a day. :D



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24840131602_520f00826f_z.jpg2-11-16 by Richila , on Flickr

Is it any wonder that I think of this pen as my Tyger?

Baoer 517

J Herbin Orange Indien

Peter Pauper Press Essentials

You are certainly putting your Tyger to good use richila, and it seems to like that ink, as do I :thumbup:



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Just finished this one last night, gave it a test scribble, and am simply amazed at how smooth it writes. If anyone knows what model Morrison this is, please let me know. The cap Isn't original, it's from a Packard, and the ink is a vintage Parker Quink Permanent Red.

I like old things.



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I have several pens with me that I use everyday. Today I have a HERO 1501 in gloss black. It is a nice smooth writing pen with a medium nib. Very dependable. I also have a BAOER 801 fountain pen with a black gold/brown pattern. It also writes very smooth with a fine nib. I like to have both a black and blue inked pen with me, hence carrying two pens. Not quite sure how to connect an image. I will go find out how.



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Ink: Diamine Jade Green

Pen: Pilot Custom 742 FA nib

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Ok, this evening I took again my Apple Pencil and made another phone for the weekly sketching thread. :)


Theme #14 "A Phone"




(Procreate, Apple Pencil, iPad Pro)

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