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Does Anyone Know This Beautiful Script?


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I really like the Script on the Image, i just could not recognise the Style, it definitely is not Copperplate/engrossers or Spencerian Script.


In the description of the image, they say it is Roundhand, It is a page from the Universal Penman by George Bickham, thats all i know.


Does anyone know what it is? I would really like to learn that Style.


Thank You!




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I really like the Script on the Image, i just could not recognise the Style, it definitely is not Copperplate/engrossers or Spencerian Script.


In the description of the image, they say it is Roundhand, It is a page from the Universal Penman by George Bickham, thats all i know.


Does anyone know what it is? I would really like to learn that Style.


Thank You!






I am certainly no expert on that family of scripts, but I believe it could be classified as a version of "English Roundhand." The interesting thing to me (and to you, if you want to learn it) is that it appears to have been written with a flexible and chisel-tipped pen point. I assume it was with a quill. It is very attractive.



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Yes, a variety of English Roundhand, aka Copperplate, Engraver's Script, Engrosser's Script. Since Bickham used it as an example in his Universal Penman, it is something to be aspired to, not easily reached. If you are going to pursue this script, would recommend starting with a dip pen and a handful of flexible nibs. Such as the Gillot 303, Leonardt Principal EF, Zebra G, etc. If you are right-handed, would also investigate an elbow oblique holder.


John Neal Bookseller (www.johnneal.books) and Paper & Ink Arts (www.paperinkarts.com) are excellent resources for books and supplies.


A good place to start for books and tutorials would be IAMPETH (www.iampeth.com). They have videos on how to make each, individual letter for scripts very similar to this one.


Best of luck,


From a person's actions, we may infer attitudes, beliefs, --- and values. We do not know these characteristics outright. The human dichotomies of trust and distrust, honor and duplicity, love and hate --- all depend on internal states we cannot directly experience. Isn't this what adds zest to our life?

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The examples in The Universal Penman were written with a right-oblique cut quill and then engraved.


The hairlines were drawn with the leading edge of the nib and the shades with the whole width of it. It requires quite a bit of practice to get it right when doing it that way but the advantage is that you can make shades that go sideways in some cases. The writing technique is explained by Bickham in about 1 paragraph in the Young Clerk's Assistant which is not much to go on. There are other texts with better explanations on how to cut and hold the quill so the technique can be researched and learned if one is shooting for historical accuracy.


The good news is that one can reproduce the results with a flexible steel nib with a bit of twisting and turning of the pen and the paper. This is not handwriting though and is produced with painstaking slowness. Examples of handwritten English Roundhand abound in old record books that were written with quills at speed and, while certainly attractive, they are nowhere nearly this beautiful.


I hope this helps a bit.


- Salman

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Interesting, Thank you!


It is also pretty close to spencerian script, its just more "roundish" with much less stiff edges, although the Capitals are completely different. But it fits very well into the spencerian grid for ladies hand, i guess i am going to give it a try, as i already started with spencerian some time ago, but now with a flexible nib. Copperplate has to wait xD


Does anyone know a little collection of Capitals similar to these? I actually don`t like the Capitals of the Spencerian Script



By the Way, i tried to isolate the Letters to learn more about their construction:



Edited by sagemal
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This makes for lovely study material and your structured approach is commendable. I would be very much interested in following along with your progress so please do share it with us.


The capitals and flourishes seem to be easier to do with a straight holder rather than an oblique I think.



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Those tall "f" like lowercase "s" always throw me for a proverbial loop (because I don't see them much) but I love them!


That really is a beautiful script. No idea what it's called.

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That's amazing beauty. I was attracted, still am with English Roundhand. It looked so similar to John Bland?






Very Nice Pen!


I think i am getting the hang of it, slowly. Sadly, the q, x and z and several Capitals are missing in the Text, i have to find some nice letters that fit into the style, but it works to my satisfaction so far. I will try to copy the Text word by word, and write it on the Grid that i printed out for exercising. As soon as I am able to write a few words, i will upload some images. I guess i might miss some Details that you don't. Although i am not going to try to copy it with 100 % accuracy, i do want to get very close to the style, and modify it a little bit to make it an actual Handwriting Script. Thats gonna be fun!

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I was playing with this one earlier...it's really similar to the way I write already but I'm not comfortable with all the flourishes yet!





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