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Inky T O D - So, What Was Under The Tree?


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I got myself Sailor Bung Box Hatsukoi after seeing it was available from Vanness (which I hear is a rare occurrence, lol). Wasn't planning to buy any ink, but couldn't resist that purchase, especially not knowing when it might be available again. I was already over budget for Christmas, so it was hard to swallow the price, but I did it anyway...lol.


Its fantastic coming out of my TWSBI 1.5 stub onto Rhodia! Love the red sheen...


It's a lovely blue. So saturated and shocking in its hue--it's eye candy.


I normally don't enjoy orthodox blues, but this is convention done right. My only regret is that I didn't purchase it sooner. -_-

Ink, a drug.

― Vladimir Nabokov, Bend Sinister


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I received a custom pen that my mother had made. The nib may need some smoothing, since it looks to be a kit pen,but the wood used is from the original butcher block used in our family bakery, installed by my great-grandfather 70 years ago.

This will be a cherished pen.



What an amazing piece of family history to have and what a thoughtful mother. Very special !


No pen related gifts this year. My daughter and I had planned to go to the Fountain Pen Hospital in NYC so I can pick out my gift only to learn that FPH is closed on weekends :o .

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It's a lovely blue. So saturated and shocking in its hue--it's eye candy.


I normally don't enjoy orthodox blues, but this is convention done right. My only regret is that I didn't purchase it sooner. -_-


Agreed. Wish I had found it sooner. Its not just eye candy, its inky porn...LOL.

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What an amazing piece of family history to have and what a thoughtful mother. Very special !


No pen related gifts this year. My daughter and I had planned to go to the Fountain Pen Hospital in NYC so I can pick out my gift only to learn that FPH is closed on weekends :o .


OMG, that's terrible. I'm so sorry.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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You are so smart!

One just does what one can...!

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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My wife gave me a bottle of Liberty's Elysium, an ink I LOVED the sample of and am quite pleased to own. I'm even more pleased that she has forgiven me for her having to open a box that contained a shattered bottle of BSiAR earlier in the year--I had been worried I would never be able to mail-order inks again!


After discovering, pleasantly enough, that my credit card company in fact owed ME money, I proceeded to acquire a bottle of PR Plum, for which I am still waiting. Hopefully it survived the frightening shift in Northeastern weather...


As for pens, I also made some acquisitions as self-Solstice gifts. I inked up a brand new Retro 51 Tornado in Lincoln (copper) today, with the wondrous LE. It writes very nicely, and the blue and copper go together quite smashingly -- review TK. I also got its rollerball cousin, for a positively stunning matched set. There is also a TWSBI Eco patiently waiting in a UPS pickup location.


Finally, for work purposes, I got a pair of Fisher Space Pens in matte black. They're nice for ballpoints, but damn if FPs haven't made me a writing instrument snob....

Edited by Miz Black Crow

Girl Sam

(It used to be Sammi with a heart drawn over the I, but I stopped because absolutely everyone was doing it)

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This was an inky Christmas! I got a bottle of the ink I've wanted, but couldn't justify purchasing: Pelikan Edelstein Mandarin. I also went ahead and ordered myself two bottles: Montblanc Permanent grey and Burgundy.

As for pens, I recently got two pens that were also part Xmas gifts: Omas Ogiva Alba in orange, and Graf Von Faber-Castell Grenadilla RB.

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Got yet another inktastic gift from my wife's grandmother: a bottle of Sailor Souten. As I've recently fallen in love with turquoise/sky blue inks with dramatic shading and sheen, I've been planning to get Souten before long. I think that I might take some of the money I would have spent on these various wonderful inks and pick up another Lamy so I have more pens to fill when new ink shows up.

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Son #1 is over for a few days, and brought the gift that was in transit on the 25th, He hands me two packages, one about 4"x6"x2", the other an odd shaped thing about 4" long. He instructs me to open the small one first: it's a mini Tootsie Roll Pop! Ooooo - something from Ashland, Virginia (Goulet Pens)! The second package was a joy:



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