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Writing Instrument Lover - Newbie Collector - Hope It's Not Fake!


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Hi all,

I am a lover of writing instruments and new to luxury brands. My earlier years have been spent on shoes and bags!

Last night I was at an auction and bought the following Mont Blanc. I'm having a hard time researching it online and am starting to believe it may be a fake. Can anyone help me confirm?

I'm visiting my parents and when I return home next week plan to visit my local shop but won't embarrass myself if this is clearly fake.

I will spend some time going through old forums over the next few months to learn a few things as well. I'm very excited about learning more and buying!

Pictures are attached but details are as follows:

Serial on the side of clip are MDL33964L
Around the clip are three vertical lines followed by Mont Blanc and three more vertical lines
The refills says Documents Fix Germany and another code.
Six rounded points on the floating star
The included book reads Mont Blanc The art of writing. (All caps)
Garantie Guarantee then Chinese writing.

Thank you all for your help. I will learn more and avoid these silly posts in the future.


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Hi, welcome home. Pull up a stump and set a spell.


Unfortunately what you have is 100% fake and that serial number has been used of literally hundreds of fake Montblanc ball points, rollerballs and fountain pens. Just Google that serial number.




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No embarrassment in making a mistake; we've all done it. Jar is right; not the real deal. Starwalkers are nice pens but never seen one anywhere close to this finish.


Good learning opportunity if you didn't spend too much on it. Best to stick close to the classified here on FPN until you get comfortable with real vs fake.




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Thank you both. I've been browsing the forum and I'm super excited about what I am learning already. I guess I will chalk this one up as a learning experience. I spent $150 at an auction. I should call the auction house and see what their policies are on this!

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Thank you both. I've been browsing the forum and I'm super excited about what I am learning already. I guess I will chalk this one up as a learning experience. I spent $150 at an auction. I should call the auction house and see what their policies are on this!

If you used a credit (not debit) card to pay for it, file a claim with the Credit Card company.




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My first MB was a fake also. As mentioned above, it's a good learning experience. Thankfully, I got most of my money back as I used PayPal. Hope you do too. All the best.

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Welcome on the forum and in the world of fine writing instruments.


As some other members mentioned, this pen is definitely a fake.


It resembles a special edition made for the Emirates airlines (launch of the Airbus A380) though. You can read the following post if you are interested: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/198262-special-edition-starwalker/


As you will notice, the Airbus Starwalker is much darker and way better crafted.


I hope you will be able to get your money back.


Best regards,



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Thank you both. I've been browsing the forum and I'm super excited about what I am learning already. I guess I will chalk this one up as a learning experience. I spent $150 at an auction. I should call the auction house and see what their policies are on this!

Selling counterfeit merchandise in the US is a crime even if you did not know it was counterfeit. The auction house should be happy to refund your full bid.

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