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Jowo Screw-In Nib Unit Interchangeability (Specifically, #6)


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I have a pen with a generic (not rebranded) #6 JoWo screw-in nib unit (steel nib). I have 2 questions.

1. Will an Edison #6 screw-in nib unit "probably" fit the threads in my pen barrel? IOW, is the threading on the #6 JoWo nib units standardized?

2. In terms of replacement of the nib ONLY in the screw-in unit, will the #6 JoWo nibs rebranded and marketed by Goulet, Anderson, etc., fit into the assembly of my JoWo unit?

Note: I did searches for answers to these questions, but I was not successful. If this info is located online already, please let me know.


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1. Possibly but it depends. Maybe.


2. Should fit. But, again, no guarantees.


Best of luck,


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The answer to your question (2) is "almost certainly yes" - the Goulets, Andersons et al nibs are generic JoWo nibs that have been custom branded, but not 'adjusted' in any other way.


The answer to your question (1) I'd say is "probably yes" - Brian Gray from Edison Pens is also the US distributor for JoWo nibs (via meisternibs.com), and I believe he uses their standard screw-in nib assemblies. (Please note I'm not 100% sure - but I believe this is what I've heard.)

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Thanks, both Randal6393 and Jamerelbe. That gives me enough confidence to purchase an Edison unit, as well as a JoWo nib (all #6) and give it a go. I'll definitely post my results.

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Hiya, Forsooth.


For what it's worth, I wondered whether I could replace the nib in my Parson's Essential with a standard JoWo #5.


I bought the unit from a Spanish site and was able to carefully compare the nib housing visually on the screen beforehand.


It fitted perfectly.


This might help you.



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And if you need to, you can take just the metal nib and swap it onto another Jowo feed. Also works on Bock feeds, FYI. Sometimes it needs a little adjustment, but I've found Jowo and Bock #5 and #6 nibs to be interchangeable with feeds & housing.

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1. Replacing the Entire Nib-Unit

Schmidt makes a bunch of different nib-units. That may be because they provide nib-units to a lot of different manufacturers. Some nib-units are more popular than others, the FH41 and FH241 for-example.

Even small differences in the plastic nib-unit housing will make it difficult to fit it in a particular pen and may even damage the nib-unit and/or the pen if you try to force it.

The best thing to do is look carefully at your nib-unit and compare it with the pictures in Schmidt's catalog of nib-units which can be found via this link:


2. Replacing the Nib Only

I have had good luck replacing only the nibs with the likes of #5/#6 JoWo or Bock nibs. Sometimes the nib needs some adjustment. In one case the feed was recessed to cradle the nib and the replacement needed a bit of filing to make it fit properly. But often the nib just slips in.

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