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Sailor Kobe # 52 Shioya Vintage Sepia


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Kobe (神戸市 Kōbe-shi) is the sixth-largest city in Japan and is the capital city of Hyōgo Prefecture. It is located on the southern side of the main island of Honshū, on the north shore of Osaka Bayand about 30 km (19 mi) west of Osaka. With a population around 1.5 million, the city is part of the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe metropolitan area along with Osaka and Kyoto. Its name comes from "kanbe" (神戸), an archaic title for supporters of the city's Ikuta Shrine. Kobe became one of Japan's 17 designated cities in 1956.

Kobe is famous for its shirines and nioce architecture but among fountain pen and ink afficionados the name Kobe cause increased heart-rate. The city is a home of Nagasawa-Kobe stationery shop that offers incredible lione of more than fifty inks made by Sailor.



My master - plan is to prepare comparison of full line of Nagasawa-Kobe inks. Not an easy task as they're not the most obtainable inks on the market, but hopefully I'll manage to do it :)

At the moment Nagasawa-Kobe offers 52 inks:

Shioya Vintage Sepia is rather nice brown ink however I woudn't call it vintage sepia. It's another reddish brown, nice, but not special in any way.


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Software ID


Color range


Tomoe River, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




Leuchturm 1917, Kaweco Classic Sport, B




Oxford, Hero 5028, stub 1,9



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Very nice, but I prefer #3.

+1 I think I'm in my third bottle of #3. It's the color Herbin's Cacao used to be before the EU changed the rules and thus their formula.

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This in my short list together with Nada Brown... I like this one better over Nada (less red).... :D



Thanks Vis...







P.S. Waiting on #40 Sumiyoshi Brown

Edited by Cyber6

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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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I agree that calling this color "sepia" is a bridge too far. Having said that, I do like this brown very much. So far, Kobe Brown's and greens have been my favorites. Excellent review, sir.

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  • 2 years later...

This is a very beautiful brown.


I have Kobe #3 Sepia next on my list, but this one may have to be purchased with it. Very lovely.


It definitely has a "vintage" feel to it with the red added to the Sepia so I can see why they call it that.


Thank you for this and the rest of these reviews. Very comprehensive, especially with this review comparison:




Makes it sooo much easier to navigate through these beautiful choices.

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