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Inky T O D - Thankfully Inky


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In the US, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and in Canada, it has already passed, but giving thanks is a great thing! Since this is a forum about INK, what inky things are you thankful for?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I am thankful for all the ink reviews that amberleadavis and others do!


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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I am thankful for all the ink reviews that amberleadavis and others do!




I'm thankful that others around here do reviews!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I'm thankful for the wide range of colours I can get, for living in a place with great FP shops around, and for the wonderful ink reviews done by many on this site :D




http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/557449480_2f02cc3cbb_m.jpg http://null.aleturo.com/Dumatborlon/Badges/5EH4/letter.png
A sincere man am I
From the land where palm trees grow,
And I want before I die
My soul's verses to bestow.
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in rain.
Time to die.


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I'm thankful for my friend for introducing me to fountain pens (or not, as my spending just exponentially increased :huh: ) and this site for all the awesome reviews of inky goodness (my ink wishlist just keeps getting longer and longer). :) :) :)

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Oh, and samples. I'm definitely thankful for samples.


And cast-offs. Other FPNers have given me their unwanted inks. Now I make samples, share the samples and add the bottle with a few ml left to my collection.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I'm a Brit. We don't do Thanksgiving. Seems to me it's just another excuse for people to spend a load of money, the stores to make a load of money and mountains of uneaten, wasted food to go to the dump. Oh, and deep fried turkey! Gross :-p **


In relation to ink. I'd like to thank my friend in the East.


**re my views on Thanksgiving, I might possibly be joking................ or not ;-)

Verba volant, scripta manent

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Ah, that's quite a list.


I think the inky innovators, who keep bringing us new inks and types of inks would be right up there. Also, with the internet and e-commerce and global interest groups such as FPN, even the one-man operation can be successful.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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We don't do thanksgiving too, but I'm thankful for Diamine Imperial Purple for being my top favorite ink consecutively, and another one for Sailor Kobe Sannomiya Panse, its a close challenger for Imperial Purple.

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I'm thankful for orange ink. It's autumn and it just seems like the right color. Besides which it cheers me up and I just like it.

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And as another FPNer pointed out, I'm glad I don't have to make these mistakes, because I can just read about them:



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I'm thankful for the fact that I can have a wide range of yummy colors to play with, from iron gall blue-blacks to bright pinks and purples. And that within each part of the color spectrum there's a range of tones and tints and vibrancy: Do I want a bright blue or navy? Emerald green or a murky grayish green? A dusky purple or a blue violet -- or a red violet? Silver grey or medium grey or dark grey with gold dust in it? Black that has some character -- shading, warm or cool undertone, even scented -- or so black that it's like a black hole sucking in everything including light? Matte look to the ink, or sheen? Crisp edges or spread? Vintage or last month's LE exclusive?

Even the inks that I absolutely despise (La Reine Mauve, I'm looking at you) I'm glad I had a chance to try (I will give LRM credit for actually *being* mauve... and to Nathan Tardif for understanding what color "mauve" is.... :lol:).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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At this time of year I am thankful for many things.


I am thankful that I have the ability to write and express my thoughts.


I am thankful that I live in a country where I can express my thoughts and writings without fear.


I am thankful that I have others who want to read what I have written.


I am thankful to all those hard working people who produce the fountain pens, ink and paper that I use and love.


I am extremely thankful to have such a wonderful, supportive and loving husband who doesn't mind me buying yet another bottle of ink!


And I am thankful that I can celebrate being thankful for the wonderful life I have been given. I have so much more than others. I choose to celebrate with some of them, sharing in the rich bounty I have been given. And through that sharing, I am thankful to have gotten to know such wonderful people.

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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The WIDE range of colors of inks available, vs. the 2 I had in college (blue and black).

Well...maybe that isn't really a thanks but a curse, as now I have MANY bottles of ink that cost $$$, to use.

But it is fun to use the various colors that I did not know existed just a few years ago.

Edited by ac12

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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I am thankful for the very existence of fountain pens, without which the FPN would not have a reason to exist. And my fingers would hurt using ballpoints.



Oh, and kittens.

Edited by dcwaites


“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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Well for the first decade plus of using a fountain pen (~1998 to 2012) I had used exactly three inks. Levenger Cobalt Blue, Levenger Raven Black, Pelikan 4001 Blue Black.


Pelikan 4001 Blue Black is a favorite. Always has been.


What am I thankful for in the world of pens and inks? Amber (and others) introducing me to the wide variety of inks available. Whether that is Sterling Violet, Dragon Toots Turquoise, the Blackstone inks and many others.


I never thought I would use for example - an orange ink like Apache Sunset.

Edited by Runnin_Ute


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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I am thankful for the very existence of fountain pens, without which the FPN would not have a reason to exist. And my fingers would hurt using ballpoints.



Oh, and kittens.

Agreed! Oh, and let's not forget the puppies!

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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I'm thankful for Mike Vanness and his efforts to make interesting and "boutique" inks like KWZI and L'Artisan Pastelier available in the U.S. And for FPN for introducing me to a world of FPs and ink that I didn't know existed and to some wonderful people that have become dear friends.


And for animal rescue organizations.

Life's too short to use crappy pens.  -carlos.q

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