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Did Targas Come With Italic Nibs?

Sailor Kenshin

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I got this Targa (not even sure of the model, but it takes the standard Sheaffer cart/con, not slim) off fleabay for what I think's a good price. The seller really knew nothing about fountain pens and listed it as a M nib. That's okay, I just wanted a Targa.









Biiig huge italic nib. Odd thing is, on the section's underside, you can see the letter M.


I soaked it, cleaned it, filled it with Iroshizuku Ku-Jaku, and it writes like a charm. Can anyone tell me what I've got?

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Yes, they did. All the Targas were available with stub and oblique nibs and the steel nib also came in fine, medium and broad italic nibs.




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Yes, they did. All the Targas were available with stub and oblique nibs and the steel nib also came in fine, medium and broad italic nibs.

Thanks, Jar! Is it possible this is a Medium italic? It's a paintbrush and I love it.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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It's from a Targa Calligraphy set which contained pen and three nibs in a nice box.

Sheaffer made Targa calligraphy sets? Interesting.


Would this be the 1001 model?

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Here's a Targa with a Left Oblique nib. It's tipped, beautifully smooth with a forgiving sweet spot. I also have a large (2mm) italic nib at home, but that one is untipped and a true italic: it doesn't get near the use this baby does.



"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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Oooooo! Shiiiinyyyyyy! :D


Shiny Sheaffer? Well, how about an Imperial Sterling Silver with an italic nib?




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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's a Targa with a Left Oblique nib. It's tipped, beautifully smooth with a forgiving sweet spot. I also have a large (2mm) italic nib at home, but that one is untipped and a true italic: it doesn't get near the use this baby does.




Beautiful. I happened to come upon a broad stub nibbed Legacy II, and it's smooth as silk, as yours seems to be.

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