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Oh, Really, Guys? A Small Rant.


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I have a platinum preppy and a Visconti Wall Street. What should my next pen be? Sorry if this has been asked before. Thanking every one in advance

A Parker 51. Duh. ;)

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: Sorry, couldn't help myself. OTOH, 51s are great pens to have in one's stash. And priced in between the two you listed.

Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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However, if everyone's second pen was a Parker 51, nobody would have more than 2 pens.


“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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On that basis all 51 owners should only have one 51. I have a feeling that may not be the case...

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I know it is hard to do your own work. Every so often, some one puts up a "tell me what fountain pen I need" topic. Or has a problem such as, "My pen is broken, how do I fix it?" So, such topics are a request for help. Without enough information for FPN'ers to reply. Then, the new member gets the impression that FPN isn't very helpful.


Not true, many of our members are great at helping with a problem. If they can see what the problem is. Or if it's apparent that the questioner is aware enough to understand the answer. So please, questioners, give us questionees a break. Do some research on the threads. Read a few reviews. And ask well-formulated questions.


Love having you here, hope you contribute often. And, if properly formulated, that question you ask -- and the answer -- may help you and many another member.

Randall: I totally get what you are saying and its so true.


Mods: this should be a stickie on this thread or it will never reach the target audience.

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It might be worth starting a pinned thread called "My Pen Doesn't Work" which describes the kinds of things we'd like to know in order to help out.


Also, perhaps a "What Pen Do I Have Here?" thread listing the same sorts of things (including exciting new concepts like photographs, the name on the clip, and what it says on the nib).

1+ to both---terrific idea, Chouffleur. :thumbup:

Why are there fourteen samples of dark plum ink on my desk? Because I still haven't found the right shade.

Is that a problem...??? : : : sigh : : :


Update: Great. Finally found one I love (Lamy Dark Lilac) but I can't get more. Ah, life in my inky world....

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1+ to both---terrific idea, Chouffleur. :thumbup:

Guilty as charged - I did not catch the fact that Chouffleur suggested the same thing earlier - my bad for not reading the thread carefully enough.


Anyway, good suggestion Chouffleur!!

Edited by cellmatrix
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On that basis all 51 owners should only have one 51. I have a feeling that may not be the case...

Well, they *do* come with different width nibs.... So, yeah. Most of us probably have a couple... or so.... :rolleyes:

After all, we're a niche market, right? And Parker made, what 20 million of them? So there still should be plenty to go around. Well, maybe not Plummers.... And I'll happily pass on the Cocoa since I think it's not an attractive color. And Buckskin Beige, or Yellowstone? Keep it. Please. No, really, I insist....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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On that basis all 51 owners should only have one 51. I have a feeling that may not be the case...



"Fountain Pen Neediest"

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Well, they *do* come with different width nibs.... So, yeah. Most of us probably have a couple... or so.... :rolleyes:

After all, we're a niche market, right? And Parker made, what 20 million of them? So there still should be plenty to go around. Well, maybe not Plummers.... And I'll happily pass on the Cocoa since I think it's not an attractive color. And Buckskin Beige, or Yellowstone? Keep it. Please. No, really, I insist....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


I wish I could afford a working P51 of any color!

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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It's okay to sit and watch while someone else escorts the "little old lady" across the street. However, if you choose to perform the good deed, DON'T drag the old lady so fast that she falls to the pavement. Personally, I like " . . . . probably stupid but . . ." questions.


In another venue, YOU will be "stupid but".


I fear I have been misunderstood.


I was trying to say that I have no problem with "newbie questions" We all have to start somewhere and I thought I was praising FPN members for their helpfulness.


I do, however, feel irked by people asking questions to which the answer already exists and is easily to find. For example, if anyone wanted to know if Skrip Blue was waterproof, they should look at the ink review, not start a new topic. Of course, if it were someone saying they were new and did not know how to find the reviews, then that would be different.

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I do, however, feel irked by people asking questions to which the answer already exists and is easily to find. For example, if anyone wanted to know if Skrip Blue was waterproof, they should look at the ink review, not start a new topic. Of course, if it were someone saying they were new and did not know how to find the reviews, then that would be different.


I'm afraid you bring this on yourself as there is nothing that can be done about it. One must learn to ignore that which is irksome and move on to more rewarding discussions. Here's a thought - maybe there ought to be a test that new members should pass before they're allowed to post.

"What? What's that? WHAT?!!! SPEAK UP, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" - Ludwig van Beethoven.

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One other thing too, posting photo's isn't easy! I was stumped by that for a long time, until Fireant (bless her!) sent me step by step instructions *with screenshots!* no less!

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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One other thing too, posting photo's isn't easy! I was stumped by that for a long time, until Fireant (bless her!) sent me step by step instructions *with screenshots!* no less!

For some of us 'non geeks' there exists a learning curve. I too had trouble posting photos at the start. And even now sometimes, It's easier to do a Google search on a pen topic and get to FPN reviews than it is to use the search portion on the actual FPN site.

"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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For some of us 'non geeks' there exists a learning curve. I too had trouble posting photos at the start. And even now sometimes, It's easier to do a Google search on a pen topic and get to FPN reviews than it is to use the search portion on the actual FPN site.


I feel your pain there! I have had better luck with the search button lately, I start the search from the main page rather than an individual forum. I don't know why it seems to work better that way, but it does!

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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