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Rotring 600 - F - Fountain Pen (Info & Value)


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Hi everyone, First post here.


I am Alexandre from France. I don't have a clue about pens in general, even less fountain pens. About 10-12 Years ago during my initial graphic design studies, I was using this fountain tip pen alot, since then it has just been in a random box with other stuff. I guess I hanged on to it because it looked kind of industrial. I think my dad got it for me originally.


Pictures are included, I have done a few searches and there seems to be an interest in these sort of pens. Could anyone enlighten, model and so on ? is it worthless or some value ?. No Box or accessories (Might of lost them, can't really recall).


Thank you in advance for any information you guys could give me.



(Edit : just read the forums a bit more maybe I posted this in the wrong section and should of been in the regional forums maybe ?)






Edited by Aereid
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Hi, Alexandre, welcome to the forum.


Rotring 600s have, as you say, become rather collectable over the last few years. Yours looks to be in good condition, is the (I believe slightly rarer) silver version, and has the knurled bits of the earlier models. There's a lot of people on here who love the things, and if you did want to sell it on instead of keeping hold of it, I doubt you'd have any trouble finding a buyer for it.


I'd suggest you have a look in the reviews section of the board, which will give you a good overview of the variations between different versions of your pen, and do some very careful research and browsing before fixing on a price if you decide to sell it.


Good luck.

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has the knurled bits of the earlier models


Correct me if I'm wrong (I might be), but so far I've learnt one of the main differences between Rotring 600 and Newton is the grip section. So, the 600 model has knurled grip section, no matter the year it was produced, -- and the Newton doesn't?


Or did you mean "earlier models" as in "600 in general", whereas "later models" would be "Newton"? :)

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Salut Alexandre!


As far as value goes, do a search on eBay for "Rotring 600 fountain pen" and then filter this to see only completed or sold auctions. (Here's a link but I don't know if it will work for you,,,)


Prices seem to be all over the map, but older 600s (which yours is) seem to be more valued than the later Newtons (except for the Lava finish). Having the Rotring box seems to help too, so if you can find it, it might be worth it...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone, First post here.


I am Alexandre from France. I don't have a clue about pens in general, even less fountain pens. About 10-12 Years ago during my initial graphic design studies, I was using this fountain tip pen alot, since then it has just been in a random box with other stuff. I guess I hanged on to it because it looked kind of industrial. I think my dad got it for me originally.


Pictures are included, I have done a few searches and there seems to be an interest in these sort of pens. Could anyone enlighten, model and so on ? is it worthless or some value ?. No Box or accessories (Might of lost them, can't really recall).


Thank you in advance for any information you guys could give me.



(Edit : just read the forums a bit more maybe I posted this in the wrong section and should of been in the regional forums maybe ?)

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Yes indeed your pen is in great condition. I would definitely like to have it. If you really wish to sell it please let me know.

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