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Namiki Blue In A Twsbi 580?


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Hello FPNners!


I have a question regarding Namiki Blue. I am buying a TWSBI 580 and want to make this my everyday ink. However, I was wondering if it would stain it. Also if so, has anyone tried bleach/ammonia solutions on it? I really don't want to permanently stain my pen.


Thank you! :D

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Namiki Blue (Pilot Blue) is fairly water resistant and may not be completely removed with water flushing alone, but in my experience it is removed using a standard sort of diluted ammonia flush.


I know some people like to use bleach to remove certain ink stains from pens, but I really think there are so many other things you can do (not to mention ignoring a stain instead of going full-bore OCD on it), that it just isn't necessary.

I know my id is "mhosea", but you can call me Mike. It's an old Unix thing.

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