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What Was Your Last Impulsive Pen Acquisition?


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Thank you, @carola and @Beechwood, yes! I really did expect a bit of brassing or drawer wear, etc. After all, it's 70 years old. Yet this example had been well taken care of, and it will be for as long as I have it.

"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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A restored/serviced German Imperial piston filler from the WWII era. I found I like to write with pens from the 1920ties and 1930ties. So I took one from the 1940 aswell 😉 But I intend to stop now. However, if a rare, european pen, fully restored and serviced comes along...

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2 hours ago, Wil D said:

But I intend to stop now.


Hahahahahahaha.... good one! 😉

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The April mystery dip box at Goldspot pens for $99 with free shipping is an Esterbrook JR. They also have Edelstein golden lapis for less than $30. The mystery dip should be available through tomorrow for anyone who is interested. I thought this was a good deal for an Esterbrook JR. If you have been on the fence about an Estie here is your chance. NAYY.


I think I hit the check out button before my brain registered what I was looking at! How is that for impulsive? 😂🤣😂🤣

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I just bought an Urushi fountain pen from MrCypress. 
I have a birthday with a zero coming up and thought that’s a great excise to get a special pen, not that I need one but they’re usually a lot cheaper.

It took me ages to decide on a pen but I kept going back to a Kawari-nuri  they called Golden Orange. I would have preferred a cigar shape but they didn’t have any left.
It arrived today and I opened it and checked the nib and then a friend took it home to keep it safe from me until my birthday.😸



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Three HongDian M2 with EF nibs.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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5 minutes ago, Whiterose64 said:

I just bought an Urushi fountain pen from MrCypress. 
I have a birthday with a zero coming up and thought that’s a great excise to get a special pen, not that I need one but they’re usually a lot cheaper.

It took me ages to decide on a pen but I kept going back to a Kawari-nuri  they called Golden Orange. I would have preferred a cigar shape but they didn’t have any left.
It arrived today and I opened it and checked the nib and then a friend took it home to keep it safe from me until my birthday.😸





That looks stunning.


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23 minutes ago, Beechwood said:



That looks stunning.


I agree.  Cypress is one of my favorite companies. 

the Danitrio Fellowship

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44 minutes ago, Whiterose64 said:

I just bought an Urushi fountain pen from MrCypress. 
I have a birthday with a zero coming up and thought that’s a great excise to get a special pen, not that I need one but they’re usually a lot cheaper.

It took me ages to decide on a pen but I kept going back to a Kawari-nuri  they called Golden Orange. I would have preferred a cigar shape but they didn’t have any left.
It arrived today and I opened it and checked the nib and then a friend took it home to keep it safe from me until my birthday.😸




Now that´s a nice pen! BEAUTIFUL lacquer!

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16 minutes ago, Doug C said:

I agree.  Cypress is one of my favorite companies. 


It is a new name  to me so I had to take a look at the website and was very impressed.

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4 hours ago, A Smug Dill said:

Three HongDian M2 with EF nibs.

I am 98.6% sure that will be my next impulse buy as well.


In the meantime, this came today - an Ackerman to hold my dip nibs (Manga G inserted here):


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Recently, a Hongdian M2 Black Forest Mini in F and some extra nibs to add to my pocket pen collection. And, a Pilot Prera Iro-Ai with the CM nib. I tried a friend's one at our last Honolulu Fountain Club meeting and loved the stub-like feel of this nib. Love it. 

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5 hours ago, Whiterose64 said:

I just bought an Urushi fountain pen from MrCypress. 
I have a birthday with a zero coming up and thought that’s a great excise to get a special pen, not that I need one but they’re usually a lot cheaper.

It took me ages to decide on a pen but I kept going back to a Kawari-nuri  they called Golden Orange. I would have preferred a cigar shape but they didn’t have any left.
It arrived today and I opened it and checked the nib and then a friend took it home to keep it safe from me until my birthday.😸



Beautiful pen. And remarkable self-restraint sending it for safekeeping. Far more than I showed in Dromgoole’s on Saturday when I picked up a pen and realized they’d received a few Pelikan M600 black tortoise. Or the week prior when I realized Kirk Speer had just posted a circa 1952-53 Pelikan 400 brown tortoise on his site. Ain’t life grand? Congrats on your new pen.

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A green-stripe M300, "new" (photo showing box, white pouch and plastic label on clip). Seller asking $270!!! :yikes:

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Thank you for all the lovely comments. The pens on the MrCypress website are amazing. You can see why the decision wasn’t easy.
The company were very helpful and answered my queries very quickly and the pen was packaged up extremely well. I can definitely recommend them. 
I was just going to hand the unopened parcel to a friend. Then my brain eagerly reminded me that I needed to check that it was undamaged and that the nib worked. 
If it was here I would still be staring at it in delight and amazement.

Now I just have to decide on an ink to go with it. So far Jacques Herbin 1798 Cornaline d 'Egypte is the one. I know it has silver in it but the pen also has raden bits in it, though they didn’t show up well in the photo.


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4 minutes ago, Whiterose64 said:

Thank you for all the lovely comments. The pens on the MrCypress website are amazing. You can see why the decision wasn’t easy.
The company were very helpful and answered my queries very quickly and the pen was packaged up extremely well. I can definitely recommend them. 
I was just going to hand the unopened parcel to a friend. Then my brain eagerly reminded me that I needed to check that it was undamaged and that the nib worked. 
If it was here I would still be staring at it in delight and amazement.

Now I just have to decide on an ink to go with it. So far Jacques Herbin 1798 Cornaline d 'Egypte is the one. I know it has silver in it but the pen also has raden bits in it, though they didn’t show up well in the photo.



I think that your choice will be spot-on.






Before I looked up the herbin ink I was was going to suggest a mid to a darker brown.


I cannot see many blues or greens working at all.


Perhaps you could do a review, perhaps just a photo essay, when the pen is in use?

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19 hours ago, chromantic said:

A green-stripe M300, "new" (photo showing box, white pouch and plastic label on clip). Seller asking $270!!! :yikes:

That's a great price.

I sold a NOS one for $450. It was part of a large lot ( along with about 30 pens) which I bought at a flea market for $700.00.

Just saw the guy last weekend at the same location. Only had a couple of FPs for sale... A Reform green demonstrator and a Diplomat c/c burgundy - model unknown for $20.00 for both along with NOS Parker grey pen BP & MP.

“Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you do it today and like it, you can do again tomorrow!”

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9 hours ago, Gloucesterman said:

That's a great price.

I sold a NOS one for $450. It was part of a large lot ( along with about 30 pens) which I bought at a flea market for $700.00.



Prices have gone through the roof since the annoiuncement they'd be discontinued. While I did see one for $595, most seem to start at $699 and go up to over $1000. I was really surprised to see the $270 price (and make offer option, even); when I realized it was new, I couldn't not go for it. Hopefully, it's legit.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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