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What Was Your Last Impulsive Pen Acquisition?


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I fell off the wagon (or did I jump off?) three weeks ago. I hadn't bought a pen in over three years and thought I had enough pens. And I do have enough pens. But there was this cute, green P45 with a medium gold nib at a flea market, all grimy and hot and unloved in a display case. The seller was asking $5 for it. He took $3. An hour's soak removed the dried washable green ink from the innards and it proved to be a superb writer. The tines were perfectly aligned and everything. Now I have three P45s: F, M, and B and am back on the wagon.

Can a calculator understand a cash register?

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Earlier this week; bought a Platinum Plaisir (for $12) and a Preppy alongside a converter for my new 3776 I received in the mail yesterday. Since I'm still relatively new to the fp hobby acquisition mode is in full swing.

Don't mind me, I like to ramble... A LOT

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I've never bought a pen "on a really bad timing." But my Wearever was an impulse-buy, and even though I'd wanted an M200 with a barrel color that would go well with brown ink for years, the latest addition to my flock of Pelikans was something I ordered shortly after I found out it was available.


James H. H. Lampert

Professional Dilettante


Posted Image was once a bottle of ink

Inky, Dinky, Thinky, Inky,

Blacky minky, Bottle of ink! -- Edward Lear

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...I hadn't bought a pen in over three years and thought I had enough pens. And I do have enough pens.


That's me, but it had been five and a half years since my last pen purchase. Two weeks ago I ordered a Pilot VP in domestic-only "deep yellow." Two days later, or maybe it was the next day, I ordered a Lamy Al-Star in the 2015 LE "copper orange" finish. Monday, I ordered a Lamy Safari LE in Lime Green, with matching ink bottle, for my 9yo son.


I should stop.

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This about 2 hours ago. I haven't bought anything for a good few months, but I really like the idea of a totally see-through eyedropper - and it's so cheap! We'll see whether it writes at all well when it arrives next month.

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Once I had five pens everything feels like an impulse buy. And though I have five gorgeous pens, after months of deliberation and saying no, I finally broke down and bought a Twsbi mini, because how could I stop buying pens if I hadn't tried a Twsbi?

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I have bought and received two days ago a Duke 2009 Charles Chaplin, a rather expensive anglo-chinese FP, that has the particularity of weighing an impressive 75g and, frankly, I am delighted because it writes like a very good medium and also because I like heavy pens (I don't write for long sessions as a student or a professional writer does).

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because how could I stop buying pens if I hadn't tried a Twsbi?


I know that feel. I'm probably not going to be able to stop buying pens until I have at least 1 pen from ever major pen maker.

Don't mind me, I like to ramble... A LOT

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I jumped like a cat on the Edison LE Collier. I feel very lucky to have got it which makes it feel less like an unplanned, un budgeted purchase and more like a valuable find. But typically I hem and haw for months over any big purchase of more than $100.

The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.

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Erm, this:



Read that entire page. Seems interesting.

I have never entered pledges before. Can somebody explain? We need to pay on October 5th?

But Emperor is waiting too. :(


Edit: oh, iirc titanium isn't a very good nib material.


Edit 2: oh, I don't have to care. It's too short for me.

Edited by Dhruv_Sood
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Most of my pens have been impulse buys. Especially the ones from Ebay.

The most recent impulse buy, though, was the Vacumatic Junior Red Shadow Wave at DCSS in the PCAauction. It was the only pen I really wanted, but I wasn't going to even get a bidding number because I thought it would up too high for me. Then at the last minute I saw the Green Shadow Wave and though I'd take a stab at getting that one, figuring it wouldn't go for quite as high as the Red. Well, I was right in that.... :rolleyes: But wrong in thinking the Red would be *completely* unaffordable. A bit more than I'd planned to spend on anything other than repairs this year, but, you know... Red Shadow Wave..... B)

It's sooooo easy to get distracted by "ooh, shiny"....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Parker 51 Vacumatic Demi. I always thought the Vacumatic demi was a useless pen. Too short to make up for so much space taken up by the vac works and the blind cap. But I saw this one in dove gray with a gold filled cap on ebay at a reasonable price, so, about at the end of wanting any more pens at all, I thought, "why not?" A useless lark at the end.


Turns out that it holds enough ink for me to go a month on it, which shows in turn how little I write these days. The fine nib writes perfectly, and capped the pen feels perfect in my hand. It is a charming pen.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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It was sort of a trifecta. One thing led to another.

  1. I bought a lot of three desk pens without holders for very little mainly to get another Esterbrook Dip-Less that was in the lot. Figured I'd find the matching Dip-Less inkwell out of several I was tracking on eBay.
  2. Then I bought an Esterbrook 427 Dip-Less well. Trouble is, that's a double well for two pens. So now I needed another pen. I also had to buy a couple of toilet valve seals to replace the worn out gaskets.
  3. Luckily I found another Dip-Less pen for not too much on eBay. Bad description and photographs. At first I thought it was one of their lever-filled desk pens, but eventually realized that it was a slightly unusual version of the Dip-Less.

The thing is, I already had two single inkwell sets with the pens before I started on this. But I thought, "I'd just like to have one more color of ink always ready". Now it will be two more colors.


I have made pen purchases that were well thought out, researched, and waited for. But truth to tell, I've done nearly as well with the impulse buys, based on final satisfaction.

"So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."


- Benjamin Franklin

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A TWSBI Diamond 580RB. The main reason I bought it was because it was cheaper than the original 580. It may only have been by a pound or so but it was enough to overcome my pen purchase repellent (which so far hasn't proved useful, at all!).

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