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What Is The Best Ink In Each Color?


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Wait, there's a Pope Benedict XVI ink? I love that man! This just possibly might change my mind about grey being a betrayal of black....



Yassir! The Benedict XVI ink was a gift to my mother, who's also a great supporter of our former Holy Father.



(my family, including memyself, is convinced that Francis is the greatest disaster Vatican has ever encountered).



It's really a nice ink. No idea why Germans are so often being connected to the colour grey. Not only Pope Benedict, but the color of Otto von Bismarck in the Civilization V computer game is also grey. The military uniforms in former East Germany were in grey and beared a striking resemblance to the ones of the nazis …

Edited by Canned_Brain

Trust ██ ███. █ ███ your █████ ███ government.


"To be, or not to be." (William Shakespeare)

"Dobedobedo." (Frank Sinatra)

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Astonishingly, the list hasn't changed in the last year, except for the purple. It turns out Aubergine is more fade-prone than Noodler's Purple Martin or Diamine Bilberry. I am also considering Noodler's Purple POP, once I have some idea how it resists fading.


Drat. An early 3 pedal Miata is one of the few cars I would really like to own. It's highly unlikely, alas.


Wait, there's a Pope Benedict XVI ink? I love that man! This just possibly might change my mind about grey being a betrayal of black....


ETA: I found it, and Pope St. John Paul II (a dark green), and Pope Francis (red), and St. Hildegarde of Bingen (a medium green), and St. Elizabeth of Hungary (warm brown), but only on De Atramentis's own site.


And also Martin Luther (black).

Besides the ones (Popes & St. Hildegarde of Bingen) the Vanness site her in US also shows an ink named for Pope Julius II, identified as "Coral Red." As I am not Catholic I enjoyed the historical information I found available after discovery of these inks.


For the sake of "Peacekeeping & respect to avoidance of religious discussion as per rules of the forum," I will decline to say WHICH two bottles of ink I recently added to an order "in progress" prior to shipment; I think Dr. Janzen's inks are fun & I am excited to have found these inks.

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This month's choices:


Black Diamine Registars. Need a waterproof black for sketching.

Blue: Bung Box Lapis Ocean, also love PR Naples Blue for sketching

Green: Cigar, only green I like

Orange: Sailor Jentle Apricot, Bung Box Fresh Oranges of Lake Humana, Montblanc Gandhi

Red: either Sailor Oku-Yama or Grenade. I haven't tried my MB Shakespeare yet

Brown: I really love drawing with Stipula's sepia.

Purple: Bung Box Sweet Potato Purple or Tears of a Clown.

Edited by webgeckos
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Black: None

Blue: Kibgdom Note Lidith Jay/Bungbox Omezaki Ocean/Sankodo Ozone blue/Usagiya Setochi marine blue

Purple: Joyful-2 Purple Heart or Sankodo Nishikisan Black purple or sweet potato purple

Green: Pen & Message cigar

Brown: ishida bungu IAI135

Orange: none

Red/Pink/Burgundy: Red: Irori/Sankodo Oosu red/Kobe #4 Ijinkan Red/ Pen & Message Syuurushi. Pink: None Burgundy: Pen & Message old burgundy

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Black -- Montblanc black

Blue Black -- Montblanc Midnight Blue

Blue -- none, these make me dizzy

Red -- Noodler's black red

Violet -- Montblanc violet, out of production

Green -- Diamine black green


Mostly I use Montblanc midnight blue.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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  • 3 weeks later...

For myself, for today:


Black - would finally order Pilot Take-sumi

Blue - Sailor Yama-dori

Purple - pass at this time

Green - Sailor Miruai

Turquoise - Sheaffer Skrip

Brown - Pilot Yama-guri

Orange - KWZI Grapefruit

Pink - Lamy Coral

Red - Diamine Ruby

Bonus Color - Sheaffer Skrip Red cartridge

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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In rotation at the moment:


Black - none

Blue - none

Purple (red) - Pelikan Edelstein Amethyst

Purple (blue) - Sailor Shigure

Green - none

Turquoise - none

Teal - Yama Dori

Brown - none

Orange - Pilot Iroshizuku Yu-Yake

Gold/Yellow - Pilot Iroshizuku Ina-Ho

Pink - none

Red - Sailor Oku-yama

Grey (Blue) - Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun

Grey (neutral) - Montblanc Oyster Grey

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Black - Aurora Black or MB Mystery Black

Blue - Aurora Blue

Purple - Lamy Dark Lilac or Sailor Shigure

Green - MB Irish Green

Brown - MB Toffee Brown

Orange - Diamine Autumn Oak or Copper Orange

Pink - Iroshizuku Yama Budo

Red - MB William Shakespeare

Grey - MB Oyster Grey

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This month:


Black Diamine Registars. Need a waterproof black for sketching.
Blue: Edelstien Aquamarine
Green: Cigar, only green I like
Orange: Sailor Jentle Apricot, Bung Box Fresh Oranges of Lake Humana, Montblanc Gandhi
Red: MB Shakespeare
Brown: Piano Mahogany
Purple: Lamy Dark Lilac

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Not the best, obviously, just the ones I'd choose over many others had I had a gun on my head :)


Black: J.Herbin Perle Noir

Blue: Diamine Oxford Blue

Blue-Black: Pelikan 4001 Blue Black

Red: Kaweco Ruby Red

Green: Kaweco Palm Green

Turqoise: Waterman Southern Seas Blue (Inspired Blue)

Purple: J.Herbin Poussiere de Lune

Brown(ish): Diamine Oxblood


I'd still need some Waterman Serene Blue and Mysterious Blue for vintage pens.


Iron gall ink: ESSRI

Pigment ink: Sailor Sei Boku.



Edited by Grafeus
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Cool topic! Here's what I would take:


Black: Noodler's Black

Blue: Pass (would take Kon-Peki listed under Turquoise below, and another green instead)

Purple: Diamine Majestic Purple

Green: Diamine Sherwood Green and Sailor Kobe #28 Suzuran Green

Turquoise: Iroshizuku Kon-Peki

Brown: Diamine Ancicent Copper

Orange: Diamine Orange

Red/Pink/Burgundy: Sailor Jentle Grenade


Coming back to this after a while... a few changes but mostly the same.


Black: Noodler's Black

Blue: Visconti Blue

Purple: Sailor Nagasawa Kobe #18 Sannomiya Panse

Green: Sailor Nagasawa Kobe #28 Suzuran Green

Turquoise: Iroshizuku Kon-Peki

Brown: Diamine Ancicent Copper

Orange: Diamine Orange

Red/Pink/Burgundy: Sailor Jentle Grenade

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  • 3 weeks later...

My ink choices are pretty boring . 3 blues, 2 blacks and a red and brown

* Aurora Black

* Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Black

*Aurora Blue

*Pelikan Royal Blue

* Omas Blue

*Omas Amerigo Vespucci Red

*Watermans Havana Brown

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  • 1 month later...

Well at this moment in time I would go for:


Black - Bung Box Armor Black / Aurora
Blue - Bung Box Sapphire / Akkerman #5 Shocking Blue
Purple - Iroshizuku Yama-Budo
Green - Bung Box Norwegian Wood Emerald
Brown - Akkerman #23 Bekakt Haags
Orange - Bung Box Fresh Oranges of Lake Hamana
Pink - _Pass for now...
Red - Pass for now...
Grey - Pass for now...

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My today's choices:


Black - I don't have many, so I can't say much

Blue - Montblanc Leo Tolstoy is my favourite, but unless one's willing to use it in a dedicated pen, he should choose something easier to clean out

Teal - Sailor Yama-Dori

Turquoise - Waterman South Seas Blue (Inspired?)

Purple - Montblanc Lavender Purple

Green - Graf von Faber Castell Moss Green

Brown - still seeking... currently probably J. Herbin Lie de Thé / Kaweco Caramel Bown

Orange - still seeking - Kin Mokusei may become a favourite

Pink(ish) - Iroshizuku Yama Budo

Red - Montblanc Shakespeare (Velvet Red)

Grey - Graf von Faber Castell Stone Grey


Yellow - it was Robert Oster Yellow Sunset, but it causes a terrible nib crud and it has mildewed, so I don't want to recommend it. Maybe I've got a bad batch or something.

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Black- Fully oxidized Diamine Registrar's Ink

Blue/Black- KWZ IG Turquoise (oxidized)

Blue-Diamine Majestic Blue

Brown-Diamine Chocolate

Light Brown/Sepia- KWZ Honey

Red- Diamine Wild Strawberry

Blood Red- tie between Diamine Monaco Red and Diamine Oxblood

Dark Green- Diamine Umber/ or KWZ IG Green # 2 (very similar colors)

Light Green- Diamine Apple Glory

Yellow Green/Grass Green- Diamine Wagner

Grey- Diamine Grey

Orange- Diamine Orange

Red Orange- Diamine Autumn Oak

Copper- Diamine Ancient Copper

Lavender/ Light Purple- Diamine Violet or Diamine Tyrian Purple

Dark Purple- Diamine Grape

FP Ink Orphanage-Is an ink not working with your pens, not the color you're looking for, is never to see the light of day again?!! If this is you, and the ink is in fine condition otherwise, don't dump it down the sink, or throw it into the trash, send it to me (payment can be negotiated), and I will provide it a nice safe home with love, and a decent meal of paper! Please PM me!<span style='color: #000080'>For Sale:</span> TBA

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Some of these were hard to say. If more than one is listed, I have them in order of preference.


Black: Aurora Black, Sailor- Kiwa guro

Blue: Diamine-Blue Velvet, Diamine-Midnight, Diamine-Asa Blue

Blue Violet: Diamine-Sargasso Sea

Aquamarine: Franklin Christoph-Midnight Emerald

Purple: Lamy-Dark Lilac, Diamine-Imperial Purple, R&K-Cassia

Green: Faber-Castell-Moss Green, Sailor-Tokiwa matsu, MontBlanc-Irish Green

Turquoise: Pelikan Edelstein-Topaz, Diamine-Steel Blue

Brown: Faber Castell-Hazelnut, Franklin Christoph-Terra Firma

Orange: Noodler's Habanero, Diamine-Autumn Oak

Red-Orange: Diamine-Sunset

Red: Diamine-Wild Strawberry

Pink: Iroshizuku-Yama budo

Burgundy/Maroon: Sailor-Oku yama, Diamine-Burgundy Rose

Teal: Sailor-Yama dori, J. Herbin-Emerald of Chivor

Gray/Blue: Iroshizuku-Fuyu syogun

Gray/Green: Dromgoole's-USS Texas

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This is what I have inked all year round:


Red: Montblanc Corn Poppy Red

Red / Orange: Montblanc Leonardo Davinci

Orange: Montblanc Carlo Collodi

Hello: Montblanc Yellow

Green: Montblanc Irish Green

Dark Green: J. Herbin Vert Empire

Blue: Montblanc Royal Blue

Teal: Iroshizuku Tsuki Yo

Dark Blue: Visconti Blue

Tourquoise: Waterman Mysterious Blue

Blue/ Grey: Iroshizuku Fuyu Syogun

Brown: Iroshizuku Yama Guri

Red / Brown: Montblanc Toffee Brown

Purple: Montblanc Lavender Purple

Black: Noodler's Old Manhattan Black

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  • 8 months later...

I still have a ton of ink to try, so I'm sure it will change in a few months, but here are my current favorites :


Brown : De Atramentis Black Brown

Orange : none yet

Red : Diamine Red Dragon

Pink/Burgundy : Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses

Purple : Montblanc Lavender Purple

Blue : Pilot Iroshizuku Asa Gao

Turquoise : Pelikan Edelstein Aquamarine

Green : none yet

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I'm planning on visiting Florida for a month, so because I'm considering what inked pens to take with me, it tempted me to answer this question.


Black: I never use black ink so I won't take any.

Blue-Black: I'm currently into L'Artisan Pastellier Callifolio Equinox No.6 so I will take my Sheaffer Legacy filled with the last part of my sample of that.

Blue: I use so many blue inks I can't pick one, but my current favourite, that I won't be taking with me, is Diamine Lapis Blue

Orange: I might not take an orange with me either, but if I did it would be Diamine Blood Orange 150th Anniversary.

Red/Burgundy: Another colour that I use loads of. I have to take a red ink, so it might be Diamine Burgundy Royale 150th Anniversary. It will go well in my red Waterman Phileas.

Green: I'm sometimes a little meh about green inks. But I have a sample of Lamy Petrol so I might count that as green

Purple: I want to buy a sample of Bung Box L'Amant, so I might have to take a pen that I could fill with that just in case I can get one, although last time I looked, Vanness was out of samples. :(

Turquoise: I have loads of turquoise inks. I currently have a pen filled with Sailor Sky High so I might count that as my turquoise.

Brown: I just filled a pen with Montblanc Toffee Brown, so that might go into the bag. :D

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  • 4 months later...

2018 update:


Well my "consulting gig" living in our RV ended up being two years, not just three months. We are now back in our townhouse, and all of my inks are back together again (plus quite a few extras).


While I don't plan on doing this again, if I did, my choices today would be:


Black: Delta Black

Blue: Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuyu-Kusa and Montblanc Royal Blue

Blue/Black: Graf von Faber Castell Cobalt Blue

Purple: Montblanc Lavender Purple and Pilot Iroshizuku Murasaki-shibuku

Green: Pilot Iroshizuku Shin-ryoku

Lt. Green: Pilot Iroshizuku Chiku-rin

Turquoise: Waterman South Seas or Pilot Iroshizuku Kon-peki and Pilot Iroshizuku Ku-jaku

Brown: Graf von Faber Castell Hazelnut Brown

Orange: Pilot Iroshizuku Yu-Yake

Red: J. Herbin Rouge Bourgogne or L'Artisan Pastelier Callifolio Andrinople

Pink: J. Herbin Rose Cyclamen or Pilot Iroshizuku Tsutsuji

Burgundy: Montblanc Burgundy Red, L'Artisan Pastelier Callifolio Grenat or Diamine Syrah

My consulting business has me driving around the western US quite a bit. So, I will generally take 4 fountain pens and cartridges to fit. I don't mess with taking bottles or vials of ink anymore.

I do travel internationally a great deal now. Because of my crazy schedule when I travel, I have reduced my fountain pen equipment to generally 4 Lamy Safaris with cartridges, or Pilot Petits with cartridges. My cartridges always include a blue, turquoise, green and red or pink. Because the amount of ink is so small, I don't bother including them in my quart size bag. I haven't been stopped yet, although in Germany last year they did carefully look over my pens in the pen roll. And then I will use my Traveler's Notebook with Tomoe River paper as my daily journal and notebook.

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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