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Unique Mystery Ink...no Known Info...yet!


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I am coming to this group because the experts of ink reside in this little part of the FPN world. Yes, you are all experts or hoarders at the very least! :D


I have recently acquired, totally by good fortune, a unique vintage bottle of dried ink. The color inside is (was) green and nothing unique by today's standards (we have a vast array of ink colors to choose from now), but the bottle....so fun!!




The brand is PIQUE and I cannot find anything online about an ink of this type. The lid of the bottle is a metal screw type and the bottle is a clear triangular shape. It's so cool!!


Because this is an international site, I was hoping maybe someone outside of the U.S.A. would have some insight into this? If not, I'll try re-hydrating the ink and give it a dip, calling it Pique Ink #9, lol.


I have already checked with Sam at Pendemonium as she often has vintage bottles, but she has never heard of or seen this!




So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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My French isnt great but I thing that Pique refers to playing cards which would tie in with the logo on the top of the cap.

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Thanks Beechwood. :D That was exactly what I was finding online, too. It only makes the mystery more unique.


(Still not sure if PIQUE was the card or the game, lol. Still not ink!)

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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That makes sense Chouffleur, Trying to remember the game Spades, I think that the play is for the contract to be written down on the number of tricks that you and your partner think you will make.

Edited by Beechwood
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There is a decorative technique called Piqué that inlays small bits of metals into a variety of articles. Believe it was predominantly practiced in France around the 17th or 18th century.


Anywhoo.... does the bottle have any maker's mark? How precise does the cap fit? I've found a few old bottles out in the wild that have random caps for reasons unknown other than (I'm assuming) the original being lost or broken.



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Okay, I took pictures of the bottom. But does nothing for me, haha! :)


So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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I can't make it out in the photo... are they letters? Logos? Could you draw them out? This link might further your search a little or at least help date the bottle:




You can place a paper over it and use a pencil to make a copy as well.



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I will try the pencil trick. The bottle bottom isn't flat. The center is concave which makes photographing tough. I will get the big camera out tomorrow.


The lid screws on tightly. Bottle is clear in color.


Thanks, all, for the help thus far!

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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I will admit I spent a few hours trying to peruse through websites using my somewhat rusty French lol such a neat bottle deserves a little attention.



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LaMA, you crack me up! Effort is appreciated!


One mark looks to possibly be Hazel-Atlas, which is US(?) between roughly 20s-60s. I can't find anythingfor the other...M?

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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Just a single M? Hmmm... if it's US then it will most likely be the mold type they used to make the bottle.



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The other mark.


Edited by TXKat

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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The 'M' may stand for Montgomery, the plant in which the bottle was made. Possible it could mean Michigan as well...


EDIT: TXKat, depending on how determined you are in figuring out its origins, there is a book at Barnes & Nobles that might help... 'The Hazel-Atlas Glass: Identification and Value Guide'.

Edited by LuMA



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Oh, that's great help! Ill check it out! Thank you!!!

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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For anyone interested, I still know nothing about the bottle, but...


...the ink inside is gorgeous when hydrated!!! I'll post a photo when I get home. I'm sure you can change the shade by adding, evaporating the liquid, but where is currently is...I'm in love. It's a dark greenish turquoise. I don't know if it is supposed to be a green or a blue green, as we will never know what the original intent was, but it is pretty!!


As for the lid and it possibly being wrong, the lid has a funky little indent in the lip that matches a spot on the bottle, locking the lid in place securely. I'm sure this lid goes with this bottle. :D

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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Can't wait to see the photos. Were you able to get around to Barnes and Nobles? Glad to hear the lid is original :D



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I added a little more water last eve as there were still a couple of tiny particles on the side of the vial (or, they could have been bubbles from me shaking, but we'll find out).

I will try to remember to get it posted right when I get home. I'll find a dip pen and see what I can show. It might be a bit thin now, but not sure what the right consistency would have to be, so it is what it is!

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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