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Diamine Green Black


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Like my other reviews, this is just copy and pasted from my blog, The Pen Haul, so there may be some ramblings not 100% related to this ink. Enjoy!

Now on to the review, of my ink of choice this week, Diamine Green/Black. I bought this bottle based on a last minute decision last year when I was about to make a fairly large order of ink (5 bottles). I was planning this purchase in my head for quite some time and I thought that I had my cart in order when I was ready to make the purchase. It was going to be Private Reserve Ebony Blue, Avacado, Diamine Ancient Copper, Eclipse, and Sherwood Green. Of all of the swabs on Goulet Pens, these were my 5 favourites, but as I went to hit order, something strange happened and I felt like I had to go back through the green inks again. Sherwood Green and Green/Black were sitting there side by side and at that moment, Green/Black was more appealing, and a short minute later, it was ordered.


Sometimes I regret that decision since Sherwood Green is such a nice green with awesome shading (I got a sample a bit later), but every time I ink up my pen with Green/Black, I realize that I made the right choice. The fact that I still don’t own a bottle of Sherwood Green after buying so many more bottles of inks since, supports that I made the right decision. Now enough of me talking about both of these inks, it is getting tiring typing both names out so much, so now I will just talking about Diamine Green/Black.


The main thing that I like about this ink boils down to one thing, professionalism. I now have a job where I need an ink that is safe in a work environment, and this usually means blue or black. I still use my fun colours for personal notes, but green is a good way to mix it up. Most greens seem too bright to not draw too much attention to the ink itself, so this is where this ink is perfect. When just glancing at it, it almost looks like black ink, when really it is a very dark green. As the writer, you know this and get satisfaction from using such a nice shade of green without sacrificing that “work friendly” attribute.


Looking at the swab, you can see some slight shading which is not really noticeable when writing. If you follow blog and have read my other ink reviews (here and here), you will notice that I really like shading! Well this is an exception to my personal rule. I am quite a fan of how this ink looks as one solid colour, especially in a fine nib. The more broad nibs that I used (broad and a 1.5mm) both had a very small amount of shading, but just enough to really bring out the colour.


Technical Stuff


Dry Time: Very fast in the TWSBI (fine), but that is a dryer nib than others that I’ve used. The other two samples, broad and 1.5mm in my Lamy Safari, both have longer dry times, largely due to the fact that more ink was laid down.

Waterproofness: Nope

Shading: Not really, but you can start seeing some in a broad or stub nib. Not enough to make it a feature of the ink.

Sheen: None noted



Sailor Miruai


Private Reserve Ebony Green


Private Reserve Avacado


Diamine Evergreen


Noodler’s Green Marine


Diamine Sherwood Green


Noodler’s Army Green


Sailor Tokiwa-Matsu


These are just comparables from my personal collection, so there may be much better ones out there. Swabs are done on my new Mnemosyne Word Cards and I am very impressed by them. I was sceptical at first because of the texture (not overly smooth), but they still show you the different levels of the ink the same as on Clairfontaine paper since they are still not super absorbent. If you can think of any better comparables , please comment below.

I know that a good blue black is usually quite coveted for it’s professionalism, since the can appear black at first glance but still have a hint of colour. If you want to take a break from the norm just a bit and go with a green black, I highly recommend this ink!

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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This is one of my favourite greens, along with their Evergreen, Cult Pens/Diamine Deep Dark Green; Noodler's Sequoia Green and Sailor Epinard/Tokiwa-Matsu.

Great review too!

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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I'll have to check a few of those out! It's too bad Epinard is discontinued, all of the picture I've seen makes it seem like the perfect dark green! I had a chance to buy it at Wonderpens last year, but it was early enough into my hobby where it seemed expensive for a bottle of ink haha.



This is one of my favourite greens, along with their Evergreen, Cult Pens/Diamine Deep Dark Green; Noodler's Sequoia Green and Sailor Epinard/Tokiwa-Matsu.

Great review too!

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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I'll have to check a few of those out! It's too bad Epinard is discontinued, all of the picture I've seen makes it seem like the perfect dark green! I had a chance to buy it at Wonderpens last year, but it was early enough into my hobby where it seemed expensive for a bottle of ink haha.



I reckon Epinard was the same as Tokiwa-Matsu but that doesn't make the replacement any more affordable! A shame.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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Thanks for the review and comparisons! Always useful to have similar inks side by side.


Honestly though, this ink is the reason I decided that from now on I will ALWAYS get a sample before buying a whole bottle.

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Thanks for the review. Green-black is one of the inks I keep in my rotation but only in a medium or fine nib. The colour is great but the shading is indeed minimal. For a lighter green I prefer Diamine Salamander, which sees more use.

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Yeah I have a few inks where I wish I got a sample 1st too. Parker Quink for example. I was hesitant to order ink online when I first started, so I just bought all 3 bottles from Staples and now they don't get any use!


Thanks for the review and comparisons! Always useful to have similar inks side by side.


Honestly though, this ink is the reason I decided that from now on I will ALWAYS get a sample before buying a whole bottle.

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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I'll have to get a sample of that! Looks interesting.


Thanks for the review. Green-black is one of the inks I keep in my rotation but only in a medium or fine nib. The colour is great but the shading is indeed minimal. For a lighter green I prefer Diamine Salamander, which sees more use.

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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Not quite as much of an olive colour as Evergreen, but I agree that it is similar!


Thanks for the review. This ink reminds me of Diamine Evergreen! I'm going to have to try this one out!

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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I have a sample but haven't inked it up yet! I definitely should have included that ink swab in my comparisons. Thanks for reminding me that Zhivago exists haha I'll probably ink it up soon.


If you want a black green that I find always professional, wondering if you ever tried zhivago?


Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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Nice review. Thank you!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

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Nice review! Its definitely made me interesting about Green Black, but for now I think I'm okay with Sherwood Green and Epinard from Sailor. But if my interest shifts more toward greens, Diamine Green Black will be on my shortlist.

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Nice review! Its definitely made me interesting about Green Black, but for now I think I'm okay with Sherwood Green and Epinard from Sailor. But if my interest shifts more toward greens, Diamine Green Black will be on my shortlist.


Those are both terrific options as well! I wouldn't mind finding a bottle of Epinard myself!

Check out my new blog, thepenhaul.com

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for the review. It initiated a purchase and I’m happy. This works as well with different nib sizes, pens that run more dry and wet, and I like the color. The color works well for business-like yet some more fun or outside of common ink.

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