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The Travelling Arts Journal


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Thank you, fountainpagan.


Hoping the TAJ can soon make its way back so we can finally get some scans posted.



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Hey group! Just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. Extremely busy but alive none the less. I've been checking in every once in awhile. Glad to see the journal is still in motion...save the minor speedbumps.

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1. Fountainpagan [France] <COMPLETE>
2. Cushy Butterfield [England] <COMPLETE>
3. Migo984 + Other Half [uK] <COMPLETE>
4. Inky Fingers [Malta] <COMPLETE>
5. Uncial [iRELAND] <IN TRANSIT>
6. ThreadorYarn [uSA]
7. Lionheartlee [uSA]
8. Haruka337 [uSA]
9. Debraji [uSA]
10. Inkstaindruth [uSA]
11. Kdos15 [uSA]
12. Minaa [uSA]
13. Abstractsbybrian [uSA]
14. Richila [uSA]

15. AmberleaDavis
16. LuMA [uSA]


If the rest of youse (<I've always wanted to say that word haha) can check in so I can revise the list. Thanks.



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Present and accounted for. :thumbup:

I'm just trying to figure out whether I'll be another bottleneck: I'm hoping that it gets to me either in sufficient time for me to get my stuff done before I have to go out of town, OR not till roughly when I get back...(I had been worrying about Christmas -- instead, I'm finding that I have to worry about juggling the annual trip down south for our sideline business... :o).

Of course saying "youse" around here would immediately peg you as a non-native (in the Pittsburgh area it's "yunz" or "yinz" -- as in "Yinzer are a bunch of jagoffs for not bleeding black and gold") :rolleyes: Then, said natives would automatically assume that you -- as a non-native -- would know your way around other neighborhoods because none of THEM do... that would involve crossing a bridge, after all. And then turning left where the Isaly's used to be.... :lol:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Still time to be added to the list? This seems like it would be fun to take part in.

What are acceptable forms of things to add to the journal? I have some different but creative ideas I think would be fun.

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Do we have any pictures?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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@Amber: Those that have already contributed to the journal may have scanned or taken photos. I know fountainpagan and Cushy Butterfield did for sure.

@Greebe: Any form of art is acceptable as long as it doesn't damage the journal. Haiku, poems, sketches, doodles, expressive calligraphy, music, photography... anything! I will add you to the list.



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1. Fountainpagan [France] <COMPLETE>
2. Cushy Butterfield [England] <COMPLETE>
3. Migo984 + Other Half [uK] <COMPLETE>
4. Inky Fingers [Malta] <COMPLETE>
5. Uncial [iRELAND] <ARRIVED>
6. Lionheartlee [uSA]
7. Haruka337 [uSA]
8. Debraji [uSA]

9. Inkstaindruth [uSA]
10. Richila [uSA]

11. ThreadorYarn [uSA]

12. Kdos15 [uSA]
13. Minaa [uSA]
14. Abstractsbybrian [uSA]

15. AmberleaDavis [uSA]
16. Greebe [uSA]
17. LuMA [uSA]



Rearranged the list for those that have checked in already. We are almost halfway through!



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@ Uncial - was the guest Inside of it?

If not, please allow Luma to give me your adress so I will send another. If you see that it will arrive after you send the TAJ to the next person, I will send it to the next person, then.



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting to worry that it will get to me when I'm out of town in a couple of weeks. I'm already sweating on the delivery of a parcel of pens from an Ebay 2nd Chance Offer (apparently the original high bidder thought he/she was getting *all* the pens at that price, not just choice of color of one; I wanted three so I knew it was 3x my bid price, but there was a glitch that caused the seller to have to send out two different invoices, and then I had trouble with PayPal, and then spent 40 minutes on the phone with the credit card company, who eventually initiated a three way conversation with someone from PayPal...).

So, if it comes before the 2nd week of March, I'm good. If it comes *after* the third week in March, I'm good. If it comes the 2nd week or 3rd week, though, it's gonna have to sit. Because I'm not going to have time to deal with it even if it arrives before the 10th. :( And will be afraid of losing it, and it will just be sitting at home (or, possibly at the post office...). I can't tell from the current schedule how long it will get to me, with 3 people ahead of me in the queue. Apologies in advance to everyone who comes after me (and here I was originally worrying about whether it would show up on my porch after I left town for Christmas -- which ended up not happening; the leaving part I mean...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Huzzah for Uncial!


Ruth, I don't think you have to worry, with three people ahead of you.


But, listen, since I'll have the TAJ right before you, I can check with you before mailing it to ensure you'll be around.

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