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Fpn Now Almost 11 Years - Celebrations? :)


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Dearest Ladies and Gentlemen of the little Fountain Pen Nut house on the digital prairie,


FPN's 11th birthday

This year, on August 1, The Fountain Pen Network exists for exactly 11 years to the day.

Although the site was created at the beginning of July, the first month was spent setting everything up, and making sure everything worked, and it was officially opened on August 1, 2004.

We didn't celebrate our 10 years of existence last year, but then, that is a little bit boring, as everybody does so, and we are all but boring! :D.


To celebrate 11 years of FPN, we have planned a few extra things here on FPN this year, which may be of interest to you. :)



For one, we will introduce several new FPN LE pens at different price points this year, from anywhere between approximately $50 to about $1100 or even more :).

Pens will be on subscription only, which means that we will, like with the FPN 2011 LEs, require everybody to pay in advance, making these effectively kickstarter or group buy types of pens.

We expect there to be at least two completely different pens.


FPN Fountain Pen case

Next we will introduce a classy fountain pen case, designed by our readers, and made exclusively for FPN. We will start discussions with a manufacturer very soon.



We will also create another new ink, and we expect this process to start in September. This time, label design will be held as a competition for our members, as we have done before in the past.


All in all, very exciting things, and all of the above to help keep your favourite pen site going for another 11 years!

In short, keep your eyes peeled for the News forum here, and the Community Feedback forum, where the detailed announcements will be made :).


And just to wet your appetite for things to come, a few photographs follow :).








Keep your eyes peeled!


Warm regards, Wim

On behalf of the FPN Moderator and Admin Team

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Absolutely wonderful news, Wim, you could could not have picked a better pen designer ;)

Best regards,
Steve Surfaro
Fountain Pen Fun
Cities of the world (please visit my Facebook page for more albums)
Paris | Venezia

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Congratulations to you, Wim, FPN, and the rest of the wonderful FPN team on 11 years!


Greatly appreciate all the wonderful work that you all do for all of us.


The special celebration items look/sound excellent.


Thank you!





FP Addict & Pretty Nice Guy




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This is a very exciting announcement :D


Congratulations to you, and your team, for keeping this forum going and thank you for your hard work :thumbup:


Da vinci

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Love the look of these! I'll have to start setting aside some $$!

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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Congrats that's a lot of brilliant ideas, and all the best to FPN for a long life to come !...

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Congratulations and Wow!

I will be sure to open a bottle of Pol Roget Champagne and raise a glass in praise this Saturday.

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Wow.... Francis has outdone himself... again....


That is a thing of beauty!







Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Thank you all, much appreciated!


@stevesurf : Absolutely agreed. Based on a single meeting and discussion, he came up with this :).

@ArchiMark: Thank you, Mark! We have a wonderful team indeed!

@da vinci: Thank you kindly! Very exciting indeed!

@Pen Addict: Better start quickly - we will ask for payments in advance :).

@carsinoma: Thank you! The FPN family is absolutely marvellous!

@villenova: :D, thanks! And may we live long and prosper, indeed!

@Sailor Kenshin: Thanks! Very purrdy indeed. As will the other ones be :).

@musicman123: Very exciting indeed, and in real life it looks even better! :)

@sd10521: Thank you, and wow is exactly what I said when I saw it :). Cheers!

@RMN: Yes, absolutely. He really is a master at pen design and making!

@Dickkooty2: <ROFL>, and thank you :). Oh, and André is from my home town. First time I heard him play was around Christmas 1975 :), when he was just a promising young violin player.


Imagine: this is just the start of a very interesting year .... :D


Warmest regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Awesome news, Wim! The pen you shared with us is gorgeous and I look forward to seeing what other surprises you have in store. As previous posters have commented...I am very grateful to the entire administrative team and moderators for making FPN the success it is and an awesome place to "hang out". Our 11th year looks to be exciting indeed!

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As we all learned in Spinal Tap,"these go to eleven".

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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  On 7/31/2015 at 3:38 AM, Lloyd said:

As we all learned in Spinal Tap,"these go to eleven".




And there may be some competition to get pen #11.



Best regards,
Steve Surfaro
Fountain Pen Fun
Cities of the world (please visit my Facebook page for more albums)
Paris | Venezia

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I have never participated in any other discussion website. FPN has been a fun and rewarding experience for me. Am I the only one ? If not, I urge others, who have enjoyed this "no-charge" clubhouse, to wish a "Happy Birthday" with an $11 donation.

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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As promised my girlfriend and I made multiple toasts with a great bottle of Champagne this afternoon to FPN.

I have made some good friends here and there are others I always look forward to reading their postings.

A big thank you to everyone here.

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