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Cleaning Bchr - Help! I Marinated My Pen In Ink...


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Thanks, John. Thoughtful and informative.



"The greatest mental derangement is to believe things because we want them to be true, not because we observe that they are in effect." --Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet

Daniel Kirchheimer
Specialty Pen Restoration
Authorized Sheaffer/Parker/Waterman Vintage Repair Center
Purveyor of the iCroScope digital loupe

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The only down side to the Pensbury solution, (which some may see as an advantage) is that it comes off quite easily with alcohol. It can also be scratched. Never the less, as Laurence pointed out, it is the only viable option other than removing the oxidized layer with abrasives and polishing, which you can't do on a chased pen.

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Wow, thank you all for all your input. Apologies for not chiming in sooner. I was overseas with only sparing internet access, so didn't have ample time to really type out a cohesive reply.


mmg122 - Thank you for your advice and your recommendation of the re-blackening potion. This certainly sounds like a viable option - especially after reading further posts by the other commenters. Oh no, that story of your half broken nib sounds heartbreaking! But I suppose the keywords you have there though, are "30 years ago". Never again has it happened, or will it happen! We're all the wiser for it haha. I can certainly say amen to that!


Kirchh - Thank you again Daniel, for your insight and expert knowledge on how these processes work. It will definitely go into the knowledge bank.


BamaPen - Wow, the re-blackening certainly seems to have worked very well! Thank you for the pictures, they speak volumes. Yes, it is a contentious issue isn't it, but I can definitely understand how if it is a rather common, daily writer, it may not be so bad after all. I guess at the end of the day, it's as they say, it's the owner's pen and it's their choice to do whatever they want with it that makes them happy.


Ron - Thank you for highlighting that advantage/disadvantage. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when coming to a decision. For now though, I think I have calmed down a lot more since my original post and have come to terms with what has happened. Ultimately, the pen still writes beautifully, and I think that's the number one thing that matters!


Thank you again to all for your interest and input!

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