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P45 Insignia With Jewel?


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One for the P45 experts.


I've just got hold of a P45 Insignia, for my small collection. Only it doesn't have a barrel end cap, but it does have a black jewel...there isn't one in the cap, though.


Everything else seeme to be as it should be for an Insignia.


It is marked 'Made in France', with 'PP' in a box, with an arrow between them.


Has anyone come across such a pen? Is it a 45? Should there be another jewel in the cap?


Hope you can help me.



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Thank you for that, mitto.


The one I have though, is the same length as a normal 45, and definitely has not had an end cap broken off.


I'll get some photos, when I can, which will probably be in a couple of days.

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Yes there was a French-made Parker 45 Insignia like you describe. The jewel-type thing at the end of the barrel is black plastic and like a small button. The barrel is also very slightly longer than other 45s, whether plastic-barrelled or metal-barrelled, but only by about a millimeter though it is noticeable when held side-by-side. I've got one and I thought I had some photos of it but I can't seem to find them - I'll have to take some. In the meantime here's one I've found on the internet.




The plastic button comes out though I wouldn't recommend deliberately pulling it out - mine came out whilst cleaning the pen when I first got it but it doesn't seem that secure now though nothing looks broken. They're a very nice variant of the 45.


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  • 4 months later...

Well it took me longer than expected to take some photos, but here's mine without the end button.




And with the button.




And this is the button.




Couple of close ups.






And the socket in the end of the barrel.




I'm not sure why it came out, and now doesn't want to stay in very securely; nothing seems broken or snapped.


Parker France seem to have liked putting these buttons on the end of P45 barrels; I've got one that would just be a very ordinary black 45 Arrow if it wasn't for the white plastic button on the end. I've seen a couple of these and they were all from France.






Don't ask me why it's a white button on a black pen!


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