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"soft" Gold Nibs: How Are They Made?


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When I write I create a lot of pressure on the nib and if the tines split open or bend backwards and the ink flow stops this really drives me crazy . What nibs r best suited for my style of writing??


Either vintage flex nibs that are designed for how you're writing, or you should stop pressing so hard.

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<When I write I create a lot of pressure on the nib and if the tines split open or bend backwards and the ink flow stops this really drives me crazy . What nibs r best suited for my style of writing??>


Whilst I agree with dneal that you should (learn to) stop pressing or bearing down so hard on your nib, I would disagree regarding using a vintage nib -- if and when you find a vintage one that you like, you are likely going "to spring" that nib beyond redemption! You should go into the Pelikan pages and read what Bo Bo Olson has to say on the matter of flex...


If you do not learn to write with a lighter hand, no pen nib is likely to last you long!

Edited by Christopher Godfrey
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