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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015-Ii


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23026587129_8b50c1cee7_k.jpgParker 75 by Abizer Nasir, on Flickr


Parker 75 Diamine Sapphire Blue


One of the oldest fountain pens that I own that was bought new. I used it throughout most of my time at university.


In the early 1990s I returned it to Parker because the section developed a leak. It was returned with a new nib and section. The section had a different collar which stopped the leak, and the nib was even better than the original.


The barrel is a bit battered from being in frequent rotation. And one would expect from a pen that has had almost 30 years of continuous use; it performs flawlessly..

Edited by Stompy
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(Pilot Parallel 1.5 ..... Diamine Sparkling Shadows)

It's always a pleasure to see your pics. Wish I could leave more intelligent comments, but lately I'm busier than usual. Sorry.


Edit: @Ptero, haha! Yes, Sia always has these huge wigs to cover her face and the last time she was on SNL, she had these eyes painted on her cheeks and I found it kind of clever.






I'm sure you enjoy it. Have fun!




The ink is Moon Palace Sumi (diluted around 1:3 diluted water to ink).

Beautiful! See no sign of weakness here.


Well done, httpmom. Funny how the Nikko and Zebra are just so slightly different! Great writing too! Have fun. :D


At the behest of others...




Aurora 88P, Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses.

Hourglass oblique with Gillott 404 nib, Rohrer & Klingner Salix

My 88P says hello. Took it to the office today. Had to take the camera, too - to make our 'Hello' more convincing :)


I doubt that you did this with such a Noodler´s Ink (Golden Brown is similar).

It´s not a problem of sufficient sealing.

I had it in very good sealing pens, and even if the sealing is not that good something like this must not happen.

I have my pens also inked up very long, many months, sometimes up to years.

And when you have a ink in a pen for such a long time (and in that case not even a long time is needed) the good inks separate from the not so good/problematic inks.


This ink simply isn´t stable, If you would have inked it up and let it sit unused you would already observed something like this (it´s an amazing shading effect ink, but not a stable well behaved ink):




Haven't got the slightest intention to join the discussion. Just ought to say that this picture is awesome.



Do I see the 'original' 88 below? Great penmanship!

Practice, patience, perseverance

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Note for this morning. Sorry for the blurry photo —I have not mastered the art of iPhone photos of still objects... :(



Edited by HalloweenHJB
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Parker 75 Diamine Sapphire Blue


One of the oldest fountain pens that I own that was bought new. I used it throughout most of my time at university.


In the early 1990s I returned it to Parker because the section developed a leak. It was returned with a new nib and section. The section had a different collar which stopped the leak, and the nib was even better than the original.


The barrel is a bit battered from being in frequent rotation. And one would expect from a pen that has had almost 30 years of continuous use; it performs flawlessly..


Stompy, your writing is distinctive and elegant, and really shows off what great pens the 75s are. I was given a 75 when I graduated from high school almost 50 years ago, and today it remains one of my best writing pens. Congratulations!

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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Note for this morning. Sorry for the blurry photo —I have not mastered the art of iPhone photos of still objects... :(




I have NOT tried the DA Christmas ink (or many DA inks, for that matter). I will have to look at some pictures on Google now. >_> I do love Oriental Red, though. I have my own sample I haven't touched yet, except to do a swab. It's gorgeous!

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Beautiful Photos as always Attilla.

I´ve had the Stresemann in the shopping basket 5 times over the past 3 days, and the thing that´s holding me back is choosing between a M and a F nib.

After seeing your post, I´m actually leaning more towards an EF nib. It really looks more like a medium than an EF.


Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you!

I think this is the Pelikan EF size right now. My M1000 wrote with almost the same line width if not wider, but surely wetter.

I'd say it still falls more into the "Fine" width than the Medium, but yeah...it writes pretty wide for the size.


I'm sure you enjoy it. Have fun!

Thank you so much! I sure do!



I just LOVE the Jade Green!


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22774750113_9c639be37d_b.jpgNov 29 2015 tools by Pira Urosevic, on Flickr





So sorry everyone that I don't comment much, or seem to cherry-pick through all these beautiful pens, ink and handwriting samples, which deserve not to be overlooked. I find this to be a busy thread (which is such a great thing)so when I check back every other day it's a bit overhwhelming. As it is I need to reserve what 'commenting time' I have for the art thread(s) I participate in first. Now to go see what you guys & gals have been up to then get back to xmas card/letter writing.

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This...THIS is just the most beautiful bouquet I've seen in ages! :D


httpmom ~ ahhh glad to see you got your Frankenpen to work for you :D


Jabberwock11 ~ I love love LOVE LIFE papers. Go to for letter writing. Makes sweet love to most all of my inks and nibs :)


Empty_of_clouds ~ nothing to be discouraged about, especially if you are sharing such delicious handwriting skills!

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To everyone out there! Don't ever feel discouraged!
No one person was born with a top notch handwriting! It sure takes a lot of practice, but not impossible. I remember admiring many beautiful penmanships during the years, and it helped/helps me a lot!
This is like many of the posts I've posted 1-2 years ago:

Not so fancy, is it... LOL
Even about a year or so ago, it wasn't too much different. It became more consistent, but that's all. It took me quite a while to even start practicing somewhat seriously. A year can make HUGE difference, if you practice.

Never be afraid to post! This is a no judgment zone! :D

And this is what I love about this place! We all appreciate each other's work and try to help if there are any questions or if someone needs an advice on something.
I love seeing everyone's posts here and there weren't any discouraging responses ever in these threads.
So keep it coming!!!

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It's lovely to see many people's handwritten notes. Attila, your handwriting sample above from the past is interesting. But I can easily see that it's yours as the overall "voice" or "tone" of the hand (sorry for the really bad analogy) is similar. But I can also see the hard work you have put into your handwriting to achieve your high standard of consistency and size/angle etc. Congratulations on your dedication and outcome! :)


Same goes for Ptero and everyone else who has been working or who is starting to work on your handwriting. I have been working on my hand for a little while but at the same time I don't want to lose the unique Me-ness that my family and friends recognise in my handwriting. My goal is to try and make it neater and easier to read (I am thinking consistency of letter forms would help in my case).







Pen: Stipula Passaporto Pink (Breast Cancer Awareness SE) with vintage Mabie Todd Swan #2 nib

Ink: Diamine Cerise

Paper: Tomoe River (White)

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Pterodactylus, thank you for the encouragement. I am used to being "ignored" when showing something that I made. This is my thinking process: I don't even get close to leave comment for those who created something that inspired me. Therefore, even though people may not comment, what I created may still be part of the inspirations that they employ when create something of their own.


In a way, sharing what I created is a way to push me to keep improving, and also as a material for others to chew on, synthesize and incorporate into their own creation down the road. It's in a way, a PIF system.





SNAK, I always admired your handwriting style (and Ptero's, and Eli's, and countless others in this thread), now I know that you put deliberate effort to maintain the uniqueness, I'm more impressed. I am at the beginning in my journey to improve my handwriting (or better yet: handwrithing). And I agree with you, uniqueness of one's handwriting needs to be preserved, but the consistency can always be improved. That's where I am. Mine is very inconsistent in size, alignment, and angle. So that's where I must attack the problem first.


SIDE NOTE: How on earth did you manage to put a Swan nib into a Passaporto? The geek in me wants to know, how did you even know that the nib will fit and the feed would supply enough ink?

Edited by penwash

- Will
Restored Pens and Sketches on Instagram @redeempens

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So I am kinda back to pens and inks.... Was not well for two weeks....

Picked up my beauty which I received just before I was down with fever and all...








vaibhav mehandiratta

architect & fountain pen connoisseur


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So, for this morning's moment of cheerfulness...




An excerpt from the lyrics of the song "Death, come near me" by Draconian.


No, I'm not trying to send a message or anything, I just happen to like songs with a touch (or full on kick to the face) of dark melancholy... :P


Todays' 2 minutes of darkness and gloom were brought to you by:

Pelikan Souveran M805 Demonstrator, in cooperation with Sailor Jentle 4 seasons Doyou...

... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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HalloweenHJB - Thank you for the compliment!


jmccarty3 - They are beauties, aren't they? My brother has my late father's 75 - the silver with the chisele (have I got that right) pattern.


SNAK - Your hand has a gorgeous feeling of freedom and flow while maintaining legibility, which is something that I aspire to.

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It seems impossible to escape the feeling that this one is once again lowering the bar, but here goes:






Note: Esteroid = Esterbrook "transitional" model J fitted with an Osmiroid medium straight italic nib. :D

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If you're serious about greeting cards, put me on your customers list!




Pen: Stipula Passaporto Pink (Breast Cancer Awareness SE) with vintage Mabie Todd Swan #2 nib

Ink: Diamine Cerise

Paper: Tomoe River (White)

What's your secret? I don't like this pen. Don't like this ink, to say the least. But your handwriting makes me happy.



These Imperials (or Quasi-Imperials, for purists) are devilishly elegant!


So I am kinda back to pens and inks.... Was not well for two weeks....

Picked up my beauty which I received just before I was down with fever and all...


Nice to see your pictures again!


So, for this morning's moment of cheerfulness...




Todays' 2 minutes of darkness and gloom were brought to you by:

Pelikan Souveran M805 Demonstrator, in cooperation with Sailor Jentle 4 seasons Doyou...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.


And now something handwritten:



Edited by eliweisz

Practice, patience, perseverance

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I may have to give up the handwritten notes, since my iPhone camera refuses to focus the way I want it to...





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“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Thanks for the inspiration HalloweenHJB....




... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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