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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015-Ii


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Well done, httpmom. Funny how the Nikko and Zebra are just so slightly different! Great writing too! Have fun. :D


At the behest of others...




Aurora 88P, Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses.

Hourglass oblique with Gillott 404 nib, Rohrer & Klingner Salix

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Edit: @Ptero, haha! Yes, Sia always has these huge wigs to cover her face and the last time she was on SNL, she had these eyes painted on her cheeks and I found it kind of clever.





Edited by attika89
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Well done, httpmom. Funny how the Nikko and Zebra are just so slightly different! Great writing too! Have fun. :D


At the behest of others...




Aurora 88P, Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses.

Hourglass oblique with Gillott 404 nib, Rohrer & Klingner Salix

Nice! :thumbup:

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(Pilot Parallel 1.5 ..... Diamine Sparkling Shadows)

Pterodactylus, i do that all the time. lots of pens in rotation and i can write only with one at a time - ink has plenty of time to ripen :).

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Pterodactylus, i do that all the time. lots of pens in rotation and i can write only with one at a time - ink has plenty of time to ripen :).

I doubt that you did this with such a Noodler´s Ink (Golden Brown is similar).

It´s not a problem of sufficient sealing.

I had it in very good sealing pens, and even if the sealing is not that good something like this must not happen.

I have my pens also inked up very long, many months, sometimes up to years.

And when you have a ink in a pen for such a long time (and in that case not even a long time is needed) the good inks separate from the not so good/problematic inks.


This ink simply isn´t stable, If you would have inked it up and let it sit unused you would already observed something like this (it´s an amazing shading effect ink, but not a stable well behaved ink):













Or maybe I´m completely wrong, this is a hidden feature.

It´s a undocumented hardcopy feature.

Mr. Tardif should immediately increase the price for it, and advertise the hardcopy feature actively.


Noodlers Inks proudly presents the hidden "Hardcopy feature" of Apache Sunset ;) :



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I doubt that you did this with such a Noodler´s Ink (Golden Brown is similar).

It´s not a problem of sufficient sealing.

I had it in very good sealing pens, and even if the sealing is not that good something like this must not happen.

I have my pens also inked up very long, many months, sometimes up to years.

And when you have a ink in a pen for such a long time (and in that case not even a long time is needed) the good inks separate from the not so good/problematic inks.


This ink simply isn´t stable, If you would have inked it up and let it sit unused you would already observed something like this (it´s an amazing shading effect ink, but not a stable well behaved ink):



Or maybe I´m completely wrong, this is a hidden feature.

It´s a undocumented hardcopy feature.

Mr. Tardif should immediately increase the price for it, and advertise the hardcopy feature actively.


Noodlers Inks proudly presents the hidden "Hardcopy feature" of Apache Sunset ;) :




I think you'll find the ink critique area down the hall ;)

Edited by I.M.
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I doubt that you did this with such a Noodler´s Ink (Golden Brown is similar).

It´s not a problem of sufficient sealing.

I had it in very good sealing pens, and even if the sealing is not that good something like this must not happen.

I have my pens also inked up very long, many months, sometimes up to years.

And when you have a ink in a pen for such a long time (and in that case not even a long time is needed) the good inks separate from the not so good/problematic inks.

for science: i have it in one of my pens, we'll talk in february.

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@skysora Thanks! I have pens of all colors. I've just really been digging reds lately. Must be the time of year, because greens have been slipping their way in too. ;) (And I'm normally not one filled with holiday spirit. Hmm.)


I really should share more of the writing/drawing aspect of it, not just the pens. *guilty*

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Edit: @Ptero, haha! Yes, Sia always has these huge wigs to cover her face and the last time she was on SNL, she had these eyes painted on her cheeks and I found it kind of clever.







Beautiful Photos as always Attilla.

I´ve had the Stresemann in the shopping basket 5 times over the past 3 days, and the thing that´s holding me back is choosing between a M and a F nib.

After seeing your post, I´m actually leaning more towards an EF nib. It really looks more like a medium than an EF.


Hope you enjoy it.

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I just got a dozen Braham's Patent Pens Lawyer's Stubs from an eBay auction, and I love them! I have seen the Braham's Patent Pens brand pop up on eBay many times, but I have not been able to find any info on the company. I bought them largely because of the odd looking reservoirs that they came with, but they turned out to be a great buy. These pens are flexible, without being noodley and provide an excellent line variation, both as a standard stub nib and in flex.


Holder: e+m cork tipped mahogany holder

Pen: Braham's Patent Pens Lawyer's Stub

Ink: Yasutomo Sumi

Paper: Life Vermilion notebook



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I just got a dozen Braham's Patent Pens Lawyer's Stubs from an eBay auction, and I love them! I have seen the Braham's Patent Pens brand pop up on eBay many times, but I have not been able to find any info on the company. I bought them largely because of the odd looking reservoirs that they came with, but they turned out to be a great buy. These pens are flexible, without being noodley and provide an excellent line variation, both as a standard stub nib and in flex.


Holder: e+m cork tipped mahogany holder

Pen: Braham's Patent Pens Lawyer's Stub

Ink: Yasutomo Sumi

Paper: Life Vermilion notebook




Very nice! Always good to find another flexible stub. I'm a big fan of the dip stubs. Very cool!


So many manufacturers that have disappeared and left nothing behind. If there's a definitive history of steel pen manufacturers, I've not heard about it. Sounds like a fun project for when I hit the lottery and don't have anything to do buy troll eBay and archives.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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(Montblanc 144 - BB ..... Diamine Blue Lightning)


I confess to being more of a person who posts when he has a new pen, than a commenter on the amazing pens and writing/artwork of my fellow FPNers. I will try to contribute more to provide encouragement and constructive suggestions to the good people of this forum.

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It wasn't until last year I suddenly started developing a taste for black ink, so I'm always eager to see samples of different blacks. Thanks InkyFingers :)

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