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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015-Ii


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  On 11/17/2015 at 2:48 PM, penwash said:

This week we go back to agrarian sketch... not (quite) a robot yet, but it does have steel plates, rivets, pistons and 2 eyes :)



Another great sketch! Ancient Copper is a perfect match for all things agricultural (and more).


  On 11/16/2015 at 9:08 PM, Pira said:

Working on a project at my mother's request....her friend's Jack Russell terrier as a puppy


22448932584_e7ef3b371a_b.jpgNov 16 2015 tools by Pira Urosevic, on Flickr


Platinum Carbon Desk pen ~ Super Fine (yes it's sharper line than their Extra Fine) with Platinum Carbon black ink


#6 round watercolour brush (not shown) with Iroshizuku ~ Kiri-same, Walnut Ink, DeAtramentis ~ Apple Blossom


..on Stillman&Birn, Zeta paper



  On 11/16/2015 at 7:05 PM, Pterodactylus said:

And especially for httpmom a new partner drawing project together with my 6 years old son, I hope you are not scared by Marsupilami ;)

I did the the line art and afterwards scanned and printed it for my junior.

Then we colored it both :)






(Cretacolor Junior Artist Aquarell)

(Pentel Brush Pen)

Your family business is thriving :) Thanks for sharing this - and for your kind words too.


  On 11/17/2015 at 3:51 PM, skysora said:

Skyline set + Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun




Thank you! Skyline is LOVE. It really grows on me.


Coop, amberleydavis, jabberwock11 - you're awesome!


And now - a new/old Parker Duofold Junior (UK), 1962, OB nib - and a bit of my Kurrent practice:








Practice, patience, perseverance

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  On 11/17/2015 at 4:41 PM, HalloweenHJB said:



Those Sheaffers ROCK!!


They are my favorite pens.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  On 11/17/2015 at 3:37 PM, amberleadavis said:



Are you really, REALLY sure you need all 3 of them? :puddle: :puddle:



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  On 11/17/2015 at 6:22 PM, eliweisz said:

Another great sketch! Ancient Copper is a perfect match for all things agricultural (and more).




Your family business is thriving :) Thanks for sharing this - and for your kind words too.


Thank you! Skyline is LOVE. It really grows on me.


Coop, amberleydavis, jabberwock11 - you're awesome!


And now - a new/old Parker Duofold Junior (UK), 1962, OB nib - and a bit of my Kurrent practice:









Eli, absolutely love Kurrent now!

Is Kurrent one of the styles of cursive-writing in Cyrillic? Are there any others?


I'm waiting for a restored Parker Challenger, not quite your Duofold, but ...

- Will
Restored Pens and Sketches on Instagram @redeempens

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  On 11/16/2015 at 6:59 PM, Pterodactylus said:



(Pelikan 400NN - F ..... P.W. Akkerman HofkwartierGroen)




That "Groen" ink is just ... wow! Especially with your handwriting.

- Will
Restored Pens and Sketches on Instagram @redeempens

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  On 11/17/2015 at 6:34 PM, penwash said:


Eli, absolutely love Kurrent now!

Is Kurrent one of the styles of cursive-writing in Cyrillic? Are there any others?


I'm waiting for a restored Parker Challenger, not quite your Duofold, but ...

Not Cyrillic at all. It's German - a predecessor of Suetterlin. Glad you love it. After two weeks of intensive practice, I love it too :)

And Challenger sounds challenging. Have to try it some day.

Practice, patience, perseverance

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  On 11/16/2015 at 9:16 PM, Tas said:


Talk to me / us at length about your gorgeous pen. Always had a soft spot for one. Never pushed the button though.

Yet. :)

Just saw your post. Pending some long-overdue reviews, i will only say that this pen (slightly thicker than an average pencil) is one of my favourites. Well designed and so comfortable in my hand. I discovered (accidentally) that one can adjust the tension of the clip by turning a screw under the finial. Once i got the optimal tension i glued the finial for added security. The line between "section" and "barrel" is almost invisible to the eye. Lovely pen!

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  On 11/17/2015 at 2:43 AM, Landofnone said:

Pterodactylus, Each and every writing sample i see from you is just splendid.


by the way, what cursive method are you using


Thanks Landofnone :)


I´m not sure what you mean by "cursive method"

We learned cursive writing in school.

I think what they tought us more than 35 years ago was something called "Österreichische Schulschrift 1969".

But my current writing has very less in common with that.


When I went to school they forced me to write with the right hand (I´m left handed).

A practice which I treat now as criminal assault against children.

Luckily these times are long gone these days.


They spoiled all the fun writing something for me.

I learned it a very hard way and my writing was always ugly.

I could hardly read my own writing and the teachers had also troubles with it.

They treated me as hopeless case in school regarding writing (and I had the same opinion more than 30 years).


I´m sure that this significantly slowed my development down in school, and in fact I really hated writing.

I always liked fountain pens, different colored ink and drawing (I was allowed to draw with the left hand), but as said I hated writing.


Since about 3 years I try to improve my writing.

It started with an idea. I wanted to buy a new FP for a special occasion.

It should be something special, because I wanted to use it to sign the working contract in a new company, also as a present for me and a sign that something new starts.


I found FPN, and looked also here for reviews of pens (Finally I bought a Pelikan M600 for the event).

Here I saw all the awesome writings (especially in the creative section), and I thought after all these decades I could try it one more time to improve my writing (enough time passed since my school time to at least consider it).


So I looked at postings which I liked and started to practice.

After some time I posted my first handwritten post.

I was really nervous and felt ashamed because of my writing.

I thought nobody will like it, and all this awesome writing guys will laugh about it.

But surprisingly nobody laughed about that posting and I got positve feedback.

I could not believe it, some people really liked it.

This motivated me to continue till now.


Shortly after i started practicing my wife saw some practicing writing and asked me who wrote this.

She first could not believe that I wrote it. :)


My cursive handwriting developed over this 3 years.

When I see something which I like, I just "steal" the elements (wherever I see them) to integrate it into my handwriting (e.g. i started to took over something from Copperplate or other users writing samples, I also try to write certain letters different from time to time, so see if i like it more or not that way).

Sometimes it work for me then I might integrate it into my writing, sometimes it don´t work and I drop the change again.


So if I managed it to improve (a left handed person writing with the wrong hand, which hated writing for decades like the pest) everybody can do it.

Edited by Pterodactylus
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That's a heck of a Rags to Riches story Ptero, I love it.

To help my right hand with tools and such, I started writing right handed last week. I'm not going to write anything left handed for a month. This includes 10 minutes Palmer a day, plus I'm copying The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It really is much easier to manage writing when right handed.


I also have 2 fountain pens at the lathe to finish up. That's the part I like most. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

"Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr

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Alas, this has to go back to the deputy who asked me to take it home and flush it and buff it up a little (and hug it and pet it and call it George...); it had been salvaged from his relative's estate, where his sister was about to THROW IT AWAY.




I feel a little embarrassed to have subjected this beauty to suffer my handwriting... :)

"Well, believe me, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway."

--Crow T. Robot, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie


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  On 11/17/2015 at 9:27 PM, Pterodactylus said:

When I went to school they forced me to write with the right hand (I´m left handed).

A practice which I treat now as criminal assault against children.

Luckily these times are long gone these days.


They spoiled all the fun writing something for me.

I learned it a very hard way and my writing was always ugly.

I could hardly read my own writing and the teachers had also troubles with it.

They treated me as hopeless case in school regarding writing (and I had the same opinion more than 30 years).




This is eerily similar to my own situation. On the upside I am functionally ambidextrous (I can do everything, except write, equally well with either hand), on the downside my handwriting looks as if I have a neurological disorder. The number of issues that can be caused by forcing a child to use their non-dominant hand is unbelievable (speech impediments, chronic headaches, reduced proprioception, etc.), luckily this practice is not as common as it once was. I wonder how many other adults have suffered through this same barbaric "teaching" method. I apologize for veering so far off topic, but this subject always infuriates me. I simply can not understand how people who call themselves educators can punish a child for being left handed.


It takes a lot of work to get to where you are at, but believe me when I say that it has paid off. I hope to one day have handwriting that is as clean and precise as yours. You, AAAndrew, Empty_Of_Clouds, and everyone else on here who show their elegant handwriting to us on a regular basis are inspirations.


From one left-handed person who writes with his right hand to another--thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Edited by jabberwock11
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TWSBI Eco medium nib/Montblanc Corn Poppy Red ink

Franklin Christoph 25 Eclipse broad nib/Montblanc Royal Blue ink

Lamy Safari medium nib/Waterman Green ink


The TWSBI and Lamy are staples on my desk.

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  On 11/13/2015 at 12:44 PM, uemuraw said:

SNAK - your very own magic 8-ball, made possible by the mystical power of the Ineternet.



Ohhh boy, I went to that link and asked the 8-ball a really serious question (in my mind) and just before I pressed the button to get the answer, I had this panicky feeling of "what if it says NO?". Luckily it gave the answer I wanted, but I think in future I should be really careful, because even though I know it is gimmicky, I know it will bug me big time if it gave me an answer that I didn't want to hear.... Anyway, thanks for that link. That was an interesting experience. I should stick to non-important questions like "Should I have my 4th cup of coffee for the day?"


  On 11/13/2015 at 1:43 PM, Inkfillet said:

Marvin the Paranoid Android

with my home made Cambridge.

I love your Marvin, but he looks sad... He should get to the party pronto and hopefully he will have a blast!


  On 11/13/2015 at 4:10 PM, Ian the Jock said:

Quick, turn off the lights and music, and lock the door.



LOVE NED! He even comes prepared with his BYO Motor Oil! Wonderful drawing Ian. :)


  On 11/13/2015 at 7:13 PM, jabberwock11 said:


Someone asked about the stability of Dinky Dips. Well, they are 4 vials stuck into holes drilled into a square block of wood, so unless you purposely knock them over they are pretty much untippable. I bought a couple after knocking over ink bottles two days in a row (the first was a mostly full bottle of Higgins Eternal and the second was a completely full jar of freshly mixed walnut ink). Dinky Dips are awesome. They allow you to use different inks without any possibility of contaminating the main container and they make spillage nearly impossible.



Thanks for showing your Dinky Dips. I see that it is tipping-proof. They would be handy for different coloured inks to have on the ready.

Your Rufus is adorable. Nothing better than a sleeping and twitching pooch/kitty keeping you company in the quiet of the night...


  On 11/13/2015 at 9:21 PM, Pterodactylus said:


Snak, that Eve dressed up for the party remained not unobserved.

So the others sent the Iron Giant to play gooseberry......


I am sure Wall-e and Eve won't mind the Iron Giant chaperoning them. He looks so gentle. I like what you did to render the metal on his body. :thumbup:


  On 11/14/2015 at 3:44 AM, skysora said:


16-17th century Japan would be the War Lords and early Shogun periods, right? (I had to google it, my history is really rusty). The things you read must be very interesting.

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  On 11/14/2015 at 1:45 PM, penwash said:


SNAK, I saw that Daiso has 6 locations in Australia, I'm hoping there's one in Sydney.

Here's their Australian website: http://www.daisostore.com.au


penwash, thanks so much for looking it up for me. It turns out that the Sydney store is their newest store opened, and it happens to be right around the corner from my husband's office!


  On 11/14/2015 at 4:15 PM, Valeriy top said:


Very beautiful...

You could take a photo of different sides of the nib...

Thank you Valeriy. :)

Urr, was that a request for nib shots? I am happy to take the photos. Any particular angles that you'd like to see? Feel free to let me know. The M200 Amethyst pen has been inked and used since the day I received it, and it's still got the same Amethyst ink in it.


  On 11/15/2015 at 5:35 PM, attika89 said:


Thanks to you and Ptero showing off this ink so well, Purple Pazzazz is on its way to me from England. ;)


  On 11/15/2015 at 6:39 PM, eliweisz said:

What a sad story! To make a long way - and to stay outside while others are having fun:



Oh who was the bouncer at the door? The Robo Dog should be allowed in too, as long as he is a robot...

I really like that brown paper in your notebook. It enhances your drawing and writing nicely.


  On 11/15/2015 at 7:29 PM, httpmom said:


The Sailor Storia bottle reminds me of some cosmetics jars. The packaging and bottle are lovely, but I am not yet so sure about the ink itself. I will try experimenting more with mixing etc.


  On 11/16/2015 at 9:08 PM, Pira said:

Working on a project at my mother's request....her friend's Jack Russell terrier as a puppy


22448932584_e7ef3b371a_b.jpgNov 16 2015 tools by Pira Urosevic, on Flickr


Platinum Carbon Desk pen ~ Super Fine (yes it's sharper line than their Extra Fine) with Platinum Carbon black ink


#6 round watercolour brush (not shown) with Iroshizuku ~ Kiri-same, Walnut Ink, DeAtramentis ~ Apple Blossom


..on Stillman&Birn, Zeta paper

I really love the soft quality of your lines. Please keep them coming!

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  On 11/17/2015 at 6:37 PM, eliweisz said:

Not Cyrillic at all. It's German - a predecessor of Suetterlin. Glad you love it. After two weeks of intensive practice, I love it too :)

And Challenger sounds challenging. Have to try it some day.


Eli, I'm red with embarrassment. How can I guess so far off. My apologies!


  On 11/17/2015 at 9:27 PM, Pterodactylus said:


Thanks Landofnone :)


I´m not sure what you mean by "cursive method"

We learned cursive writing in school.

I think what they tought us more than 35 years ago was something called "Österreichische Schulschrift 1969".

But my current writing has very less in common with that.


When I went to school they forced me to write with the right hand (I´m left handed).

A practice which I treat now as criminal assault against children.

Luckily these times are long gone these days.


They spoiled all the fun writing something for me.

I learned it a very hard way and my writing was always ugly.

I could hardly read my own writing and the teachers had also troubles with it.

They treated me as hopeless case in school regarding writing (and I had the same opinion more than 30 years).


I´m sure that this significantly slowed my development down in school, and in fact I really hated writing.

I always liked fountain pens, different colored ink and drawing (I was allowed to draw with the left hand), but as said I hated writing.


Since about 3 years I try to improve my writing.

It started with an idea. I wanted to buy a new FP for a special occasion.

It should be something special, because I wanted to use it to sign the working contract in a new company, also as a present for me and a sign that something new starts.


I found FPN, and looked also here for reviews of pens (Finally I bought a Pelikan M600 for the event).

Here I saw all the awesome writings (especially in the creative section), and I thought after all these decades I could try it one more time to improve my writing (enough time passed since my school time to at least consider it).


So I looked at postings which I liked and started to practice.

After some time I posted my first handwritten post.

I was really nervous and felt ashamed because of my writing.

I thought nobody will like it, and all this awesome writing guys will laugh about it.

But surprisingly nobody laughed about that posting and I got positve feedback.

I could not believe it, some people really liked it.

This motivated me to continue till now.


Shortly after i started practicing my wife saw some practicing writing and asked me who wrote this.

She first could not believe that I wrote it. :)


My cursive handwriting developed over this 3 years.

When I see something which I like, I just "steal" the elements (wherever I see them) to integrate it into my handwriting (e.g. i started to took over something from Copperplate or other users writing samples, I also try to write certain letters different from time to time, so see if i like it more or not that way).

Sometimes it work for me then I might integrate it into my writing, sometimes it don´t work and I drop the change again.


So if I managed it to improve (a left handed person writing with the wrong hand, which hated writing for decades like the pest) everybody can do it.


So... there is hope for me yet. :P Thanks for the inspiring story!


  On 11/18/2015 at 4:30 AM, trdsf said:

Alas, this has to go back to the deputy who asked me to take it home and flush it and buff it up a little (and hug it and pet it and call it George...); it had been salvaged from his relative's estate, where his sister was about to THROW IT AWAY.




I feel a little embarrassed to have subjected this beauty to suffer my handwriting... :)


Good job on the rescue! It kinda hurts thinking about how many perfectly good fountain pens are thrown away just because it's not a ballpoint. -_-


  On 11/18/2015 at 9:29 AM, SNAK said:

penwash, thanks so much for looking it up for me. It turns out that the Sydney store is their newest store opened, and it happens to be right around the corner from my husband's office!



Good deal! Don't be discouraged if you don't find the sketchbook the first time you go there, keep checking, they seem to rapidly rotates/replenish their inventory of things on the shelf.

- Will
Restored Pens and Sketches on Instagram @redeempens

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After I told my Niece that I got shimmering inks she also wanted to try it, so today she gave me her Ahab and I filled it for her..... I´m sure she will like it.




(Noodlers Ahab flex EMF ..... Diamine Shimmering Seas)

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  On 11/18/2015 at 6:04 PM, penwash said:

Good job on the rescue! It kinda hurts thinking about how many perfectly good fountain pens are thrown away just because it's not a ballpoint. -_-


Fortunately, just about everyone knows I'm a pen fiend at work, so he knew I would be the one to talk to. And he's on the prowl for anything else that might need to be saved from his sister. :D

"Well, believe me, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway."

--Crow T. Robot, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie


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