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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015-Ii


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Parker 75 Cisele
Diamine Ancient Copper

"I need solitary hours at a desk with good paper and a fountain pen like some people need a pill for their health." ~ Orhan Pamuk

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The 5-30 is a Sheaffer factory broad nib. I really like the nib, but the pen itself is on the smaller side for me to write with at any length.



Your dip pens are amazing!

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mhphoto, Feathers, carretera18, tringle, SNAK, SilverSSSC
I'll tell Tinker Bell to hurry up with the Chivor ;) But I think she must have chronic dry mouth by now.....


Nibs from left to right: Lamy 27 (OB), Pelikan P1 (OB), Montblanc 124 (Music) and Pelikan M30 (OBB)

So amazing! Those nibs and the lines they put down is real eyecandy!

Well, this happened. Two unexpected eBay wins = a very happy me.

Right now the Pilot is beating out the MB. I am absolutely smitten with my 823.

Beautiful! Congrats!!!
I'd love to try a 823! Such an interesting pen!

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Lamy 1.5, BungBox 4B, Tomor River

aaaand some sheen

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Lamy 1.5, BungBox 4B, Tomor River


aaaand some sheen

Mmm...That sheen!


So much eye candy in this thread...my wallet can't take it.

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Lamy 1.5, BungBox 4B, Tomor River


aaaand some sheen

Oooh Bunbox 4B and sheen....If I had pearls I'd clutch them... :D

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Nice Sheen!


I'm using this new-to-me red mottled hard rubber Diamond Point Pen Company Big Ben Pen Senior with Montblanc Burgundy. It's next to it's red ripple celluloid brother.




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These have been my favourite style of pens for a little while. They are very useable, easy to carry, robust, and holds a lot of ink.







Nibs from left to right: Lamy 27 (OB), Pelikan P1 (OB), Montblanc 124 (Music) and Pelikan M30 (OBB)



Lamy 27 2nd gen. (OB) c.1950’s/1960’s with Pelikan Edelstein Topaz

Montblanc 124 (Music) c.1971-1973 with Private Reserve Tanzanite

Pelikan P1 (OB) c.1958-1963 with a mixture of Diamine Apple Glory & Private Reserve Spearmint

Pelikan M30 (OBB) c.1960’s with Diamine Pumpkin

Paper: Tomoe River (White)



I'm sensing a theme here!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Nice Sheen!


I'm using this new-to-me red mottled hard rubber Diamond Point Pen Company Big Ben Pen Senior with Montblanc Burgundy. It's next to it's red ripple celluloid brother.




Is this art or calligraphy? wonderful display of antique fountain pen works and the penmanship ... which type font is that?

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Oh perfaddict, that pen was on my grail list for a looong time and seeing it again only makes me yearn for it once more. More photos and stories of how wonderful it is please . . . :rolleyes: :)

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AAAndrew Thanks for your nice words! If you are looking for Pelikan P1, they come in Green, Red, Grey in addition to Black so you will have great fun looking for the right one for you. Plus if you are lucky enough to get one with its own case, the case is something funky too! It looks like a dracula's coffin bed, but with a huge round see through window right in the centre. They are so quirky!


SilverSSSC I love Diamine Pumpkin too! It's a bright bright orange. But it lets this creepy crystalline thing growing on your nib's edge depending on the type of nib and how long you leave the pen unused. It's creepy but it's pretty at the same time. I know it's the Orange/Yellow ink thing but it is and odd thing to see. But I still love my orange inks. Ink of Joy and Fuyugaki are my favourites.




So amazing! Those nibs and the lines they put down is real eyecandy!

Thanks Attila, I love my older oblique nibs. I tried a modern oblique from Pelikan but it was just a blobby tipping cut in oblique angle so there was no line variation, which made me sad. I realised then that what I like are the oblique flat nibs. In the past the broader nibs were mostly flat and wide but now it seems they are round and blobby. :(




I'm sensing a theme here!

Just the other day, a real conversation. But about another set of pens.

My almost-5-year-old dear son: Mummy, why do you have so many same pens?

Me: What do you mean, they are all very different, honey.

DS: But they look the same.

Me: Why do you have so many Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars, they all look the same to me?

DS: No Mum!! They are not the same!!! Look, the front is different and the number here is different. See? This one and this one are same but they are different colours, and…

Me: Munchkin, I feel the exact same way about my pens. I’m glad that you have something you really like too. Just like me.

DS: Oh, OK. Yeah, just like you. I love you Mummy.

Edited by SNAK
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Lamy 1.5, BungBox 4B, Tomor River


aaaand some sheen

Same paper, same pen, same nib, same ink, but mine doesn't look like that.

You are blessed with some magical power! :notworthy1:

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I'm using this new-to-me red mottled hard rubber Diamond Point Pen Company Big Ben Pen Senior with Montblanc Burgundy. It's next to it's red ripple celluloid brother.


Wow I was drooling over your red ripple celluloid when you showed it to us the first time, but now you've got his equally good looking brother? :puddle:

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All I can see is how terrible it is, but I guess (I hope) that's how I continue to improve. Slowly.

Fountain pens are the same old Sheaffer Piston fill Sovereign and TWSBI Mini you've seen a million times.


The dip pen I'm using today is a big, old nib. These are bronze or bronze finish and really big, but it writes a nice, fine line and is smooth with good spring for such a big pen.




“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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AAAndrew Thanks for your nice words! If you are looking for Pelikan P1, they come in Green, Red, Grey in addition to Black so you will have great fun looking for the right one for you. Plus if you are lucky enough to get one with its own case, the case is something funky too! It looks like a dracula's coffin bed, but with a huge round see through window right in the centre. They are so quirky!


SilverSSSC I love Diamine Pumpkin too! It's a bright bright orange. But it lets this creepy crystalline thing growing on your nib's edge depending on the type of nib and how long you leave the pen unused. It's creepy but it's pretty at the same time. I know it's the Orange/Yellow ink thing but it is and odd thing to see. But I still love my orange inks. Ink of Joy and Fuyugaki are my favourites.



Thanks Attila, I love my older oblique nibs. I tried a modern oblique from Pelikan but it was just a blobby tipping cut in oblique angle so there was no line variation, which made me sad. I realised then that what I like are the oblique flat nibs. In the past the broader nibs were mostly flat and wide but now it seems they are round and blobby. :(



Just the other day, a real conversation. But about another set of pens.

My almost-5-year-old dear son: Mummy, why do you have so many same pens?

Me: What do you mean, they are all very different, honey.

DS: But they look the same.

Me: Why do you have so many Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars, they all look the same to me?

DS: No Mum!! They are not the same!!! Look, the front is different and the number here is different. See? This one and this one are same but they are different colours, and…

Me: Munchkin, I feel the exact same way about my pens. I’m glad that you have something you really like too. Just like me.

DS: Oh, OK. Yeah, just like you. I love you Mummy.



That's a perfect way to explain it. Good Mummy!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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