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Fountain Pen Database Available for Download


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So, apparently this was around when I was last here.


Just now paying attention. Wow. Nice. Now to find a moment or several hundred to make use of it. Thank you!


It is good to see you back, M'Lady.


“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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Viewing the number of pens I have collected will help me realize my pen addiction! :yikes:



Most of us know we are addicts :rolleyes:


I'm not telling tales on myself, but I'm 25+ years clean and sober so I can... if I'd had software like this to keep track of myself "back then", I would have considered it a challenge :lticaptd:


But you're right, it is a great piece of software and it backs up well.

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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PHENOMENAL!!! This database is straightforward, beautiful, and FUN!! I'm super excited to have an easy pen-tracking method.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing this work!! :notworthy1:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Awesome. Thank you so much. Im glad I came across your application so early in my fountain pen journey. Its going to help a lot.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for developing this database. I have downloaded and it and have it up and running. Not to populate!



San Francisco

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  • 6 months later...



Many thanks!


This is exactly what I have been looking for in order to get a handle on things before they start to get out of control!



Edited by howdydave

David A. Naess


Realization of the vastness of one's own ignorance

is the first step on the road to true wisdom.

-- Adi Shankara


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  • 3 months later...

I have used this pen DB for years! It serves the purpose in every way!!!


Thank you Jonro for your gift to us!


Fantastic!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Some of my pens.  







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I have used it for years as well, and in fact, I've become quite dependent on it to manage a rather large collection. But now for the "bad news"...


I recently updated my Macbook's operating system to Mohave and now the database is giving me warnings about no longer being compatible. It still seems to be working but I will move my main working copy to an older Mac just in case. Just a heads up to any Apple users.

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Flawless program. Thank you once again. An ink one would be nice as well rolleyes.gif



PS. I love the FPN review function. Very handy.


Yes! An ink inventory db would be great. Right now I just use a spreadsheet with a blank field for penning the actual ink.

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Yes! An ink inventory db would be great. Right now I just use a spreadsheet with a blank field for penning the actual ink.



The program does have an Ink Database, built similarly to the Fountain Pen side. On the menu bar at the top go to the tab that says Navigation. It drops down and lets you toggle to the Inks.


Danger! You will be in deep if you start filling this one out ;)

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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  • 4 months later...

I have used it for years as well, and in fact, I've become quite dependent on it to manage a rather large collection. But now for the "bad news"...


I recently updated my Macbook's operating system to Mohave and now the database is giving me warnings about no longer being compatible. It still seems to be working but I will move my main working copy to an older Mac just in case. Just a heads up to any Apple users.


Well it just happened to me. I bought a new Mac that has Mojave 10.14.6 and the DB has ceased functioning. After many years of faithful service the FP Inventory will not work! This is a screen shot of what happens when I try to open the DB:




Does anyone have any ideas? Can I migrate the information to another app? Which one?


PS. If you're wondering why I have the older background it's because de newer desert background screen looks too inhospitable for me...

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I have used it for years as well, and in fact, I've become quite dependent on it to manage a rather large collection. But now for the "bad news"...


I recently updated my Macbook's operating system to Mohave and now the database is giving me warnings about no longer being compatible. It still seems to be working but I will move my main working copy to an older Mac just in case. Just a heads up to any Apple users.

The next version of Mac OS, Catalina, will support 64 bit applications exclusively. The FPD appears to be a 32 bit app. Now, I do not use Filemaker nor the FPD so I do not know whether developer action is needed to recompile or just a new Filemaker runtime would suffice. You can safely run the existing version on Mac OS up to Mojave (10.14), just do not update that machine any further.



Well it just happened to me. I bought a new Mac that has Mojave 10.14.6 and the DB has ceased functioning. After many years of faithful service the FP Inventory will not work! This is a screen shot of what happens when I try to open the DB:




Does anyone have any ideas? Can I migrate the information to another app? Which one?


See above. I suggest that you have a Filemaker problem, not one with 10.14.6, because 32 bit apps still run on the latter (with previously said warning). I have found references on the web to corruption of certain auto-generated Filemaker files, which can be cleaned and regenerated to resolve the problem.


Repeating my caveat: I do not use FPD nor Filemaker. I have faced similar issues though, using a different development environment under 10.14.6 where I am recompiling some stuff in anticipation of Catalina, though not necessary to run the programs now.


eta: maybe this will help? I don't know.

Edited by praxim


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I suggest that you have a Filemaker problem, not one with 10.14.6, because 32 bit apps still run on the latter (with previously said warning). I have found references on the web to corruption of certain auto-generated Filemaker files, which can be cleaned and regenerated to resolve the problem.


Repeating my caveat: I do not use FPD nor Filemaker. I have faced similar issues though, using a different development environment under 10.14.6 where I am recompiling some stuff in anticipation of Catalina, though not necessary to run the programs now.


eta: maybe this will help? I don't know.


I believe you are right and thank you very much for the suggestion. The problem is that I need a copy of the Filemaker software that I don't have. The FP Inventory program did not require this software to run.


Seems the only alternative is to use the Time Machine backup with an older Mac and see if I can salvage the information.


Finally the inventory/database programs I have seen on the market do not add up the cost of the pens so I guess I'll never ever know how much I have spent on pens. Maybe that is a good thing... ;)

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Thank you praxim! I looked in to see if anyone had tried it with Catalina yet and there you were...


My main macbook is trying to get me to upgrade to Catalina but I'm not seeing any benefits to me by doing it, and if I lose the inventory program Catalina will be a definte net loser to me. Very tempted to load an old standalone copy of Lightroom and tell this laptop the internet died :D

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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