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Fountain Pen Database Available for Download


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Thank you Jon, its very well done, I did download it, and its up and running. I have more mechanical pencils now than pens, Is there away I can get them listed on there also? I noticed there was option to list inks. Maybe I could just fool it and say its a fountain pen :) Any ideas? Jerry

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Finally got it to d/l and it's excellent, thank you!

"Well, believe me, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway."

--Crow T. Robot, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just downloaded the software the other day and am so far having a great time using it to catalogue my collection. :) I do have a couple of questions I couldn't find the answer to; forgive me if they've been asked before.


1. Sorting By Subcategory

Is there a way to sort by one criteria, then while keeping that criteria from changing sort by another criteria? To put it another way, can I "sub-sort" by a second criteria? Here's an example of what I mean:


Suppose I have Parker Alpha pens in Red, Blue, and Silver, Parker Beta pens in Gold, Silver, and Platinum, and Pelikan Raptor pens in Eagle Brown, Falcon White, and Hawk Red.


If I select to organize by Manufacturer, FPD lists all the Parkers in the order in which I entered them (regardless of other criteria), followed by the three Pelikans. I want to keep the Manufacturers in proper alphabetical order, but then I want each manufacturer's pens listed by color in alphabetical order. So I would have:


Parker Alpha, Blue

Parker Alpha, Red

Parker Alpha, Silver

Parker Beta, Gold

Parker Beta, Platinum

Parker Beta, Silver

Pelican Raptor, Eagle Brown

Pelican Raptor, Falcon White

Pelican Raptor, Hawk Red


I figure there has to be some way to do this, but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help?



2. Altering Displayed Columns

In List View, is there a way to re-size a column, delete an existing column, or add a column that isn't currently shown?


In Table View, is there a way to delete an existing column, or to add a column that isn't currently shown?



Thanx for any help or suggestions!


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for all your work on this.

Just downloaded and it opens up fine, now maybe during the week to start entering some data.

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Thank you for the terrific database. I just downloaded it and added a few pens. I only have a small number so a full update won't take very long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, too, am a newbie here. Just downloaded and installed the program (no problems) and then stayed up until almost 2:00 a.m. messing around with it. Love that it includes inks! Thank you so much for this generous gift.

Edited by ScienceChick

Life's too short to use crappy pens.  -carlos.q

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the database sounds great but I am having problems opening it . I click on fountain pen inventory, lots of icons appear but none will open . anyone any ideas ? I`m on a PC with windows 7

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Got computer buff son to assist apparently I just had to drag the inventory file to my desk top , and ther it is . thanks I`m away to play with it

now :)

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You have to r-click on the .fpn file and say open with.... this will give you only one choice, Fountain pen inventory (Default). Click that and you are off and running.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.



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You have to r-click on the .fpn file and say open with.... this will give you only one choice, Fountain pen inventory (Default). Click that and you are off and running.

Sorry but does not work


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Sorry but does not work




Try shifting your regional settings to the United States. (I know.. I know.... just do it) :rolleyes:

**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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Seems MAvericks does not support the runtime used in this program, If you have filemaker installed this would convert it to a FP12 database and open

Thank you


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  • 4 weeks later...

I‘m a new penlover,when I came here I receive your gift,thank you very much.In my country there also have many people love pen,but no one share pen database like you.Most of them including me just buy pen or way the feather.Now fountain pen in my country,in fact didn't have that much penusers and some one love pen just as a gift or antique,I was very sad,but your gift encourage me,thank you once again.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I had this installed on my other laptop - which has been replaced. The screen cracked to the point I can't use it unless I hook to a 25 lb CRT monitor I have. Do I need to do a reinstall (which I am willing to do if necessary as I only have 15 or so pens right now) OR should I be able to back up to a flash drive or something and install from there data intact?


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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  • 2 months later...

This works great on my macbook, thank you so much! I was trying to set up a spreadsheet, but this is absolutely amazing.

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