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I've been wondering what the "Ascending" Dragon meant as well. I had supposed it was more along the lines of a dragon who's decided to turn away from burning villages and eating peasants and move on to loftier purposes in life.


So thanks, Zaddick!

Yes, loftier purposes like eating your bank account. :)


I am glad it was helpful. They are lovely pens and not too flashy.

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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While the gradual increase in show-through of the urushi artwork is neat, I don't think that's what is meant by "ascending". In eastern cultures, a dragon ascending toward the sky (heaven) symbolizes good luck or success in life.

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A Platinum 3776 'Century' in bourgogne with fine nib arrived today. My ambivalence goes from seeing it as a deep, rich cranberry (despite the name) pen with graceful proportions to cheap-looking transparent red plastic that will be easily scratched. Maybe once I try it out, I'll choose a side.


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While the gradual increase in show-through of the urushi artwork is neat, I don't think that's what is meant by "ascending". In eastern cultures, a dragon ascending toward the sky (heaven) symbolizes good luck or success in life.

I got my impression of the meaning from the nibs.com website. Her is a direct quote:


"The fascinating feature of this pen is that the image literally "ascends" with use as the image of the dragon comes up as the pen is handled. In this slow process the owner's hand and everyday wear will give this pen the beauty of age."


I think the meaning you state is also reasonable, but I was being more literal based on the nibs.com info. It could be a bit of marketing spin.

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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Arrived yesterday!


attachicon.gif1 pkg label Nakaya Portable Owl - 01.jpg


attachicon.gif1 Nakaya Portable Owl - 04.jpg


attachicon.gif1 owl Nakaya Portable Owl - 05.jpg


attachicon.gif1 nib Nakaya Portable Owl - 20.jpg


This nib writes very smoothly, yet is a nice crisp italic. Very sweet.




Congratulations on a real beauty!

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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Congratulations on a real beauty!



Thank you! It writes beautifully too.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Nothing fancy like a Nakaya or a Namiki Goldfish Emporer, but a standard Pilot Custom Heritage 92 and a bottle of my favorite ink. Hopefully I can post up a pic of a Nakaya or a Namiki soon, but this will have to do.



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An absolute dream to write with. It has a super extra fine nib that is a Pilot #10. Jade celluloid with water buffalo inserts. While it does need to be posted in my large hands it was made for the task. Balance is spot on and the nib is just astonishingly smooth just the slightest hint of feedback.





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Here's my Namiki Goldfish Emperor.





I just had to look this baby up. I just spilled my whole cup of coffee all over my desk. Holy cow!

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Thanks to zaddick for suggesting I post my new Danitrio on the pen brag thread so I decided to include my other Kara-Nuri as well. The darker one is from CFP the other from Pen Time.




Love all, trust a few, do harm to none. Shakespeare

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Received my Namiki Vermilion No. 50 (Emperor) from John Mottishaw yesterday, and finally had time to unwrap it today. It is even larger and more beautiful than I had imagined. This is a pen I'll use in private, if I fill it at all. I just don't think any non-FP person could begin to understand it.

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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Received my Namiki Vermilion No. 50 (Emperor) from John Mottishaw yesterday, and finally had time to unwrap it today. It is even larger and more beautiful than I had imagined. This is a pen I'll use in private, if I fill it at all. I just don't think any non-FP person could begin to understand it.

Post a pic!


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An absolute dream to write with. It has a super extra fine nib that is a Pilot #10. Jade celluloid with water buffalo inserts. While it does need to be posted in my large hands it was made for the task. Balance is spot on and the nib is just astonishingly smooth just the slightest hint of feedback.






Those are beautiful pens. I will absolutely have to get one some day.

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Received my Namiki Vermilion No. 50 (Emperor) from John Mottishaw yesterday, and finally had time to unwrap it today. It is even larger and more beautiful than I had imagined. This is a pen I'll use in private, if I fill it at all. I just don't think any non-FP person could begin to understand it.


A thing of beauty.

I first saw and handled one when a cardiologist colleague brought his in for me to look at.

It was simply stunning.


I have no doubt it will give you a lot of pleasure.

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  • 2 weeks later...



An absolute dream to write with. It has a super extra fine nib that is a Pilot #10. Jade celluloid with water buffalo inserts. While it does need to be posted in my large hands it was made for the task. Balance is spot on and the nib is just astonishingly smooth just the slightest hint of feedback.







That Hakase looks amazing- wonderful Jade colour. I can't imagine the price... :yikes:

I'd love to browse the various models but can't see anywhere that sells them other than the Hakase website, which is in Japanese. If only nibs.com could stock them...

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Got this some time ago, but not uploaded pics yet...


Danitrio Genkai in the Matt Shu-dame finish. It is fitted out with a super wet factory Soft Stub nib. Quite simply awesome!



Close up of the shut- off valve. A nifty solution for controlling ink flow…


Two big Red's

Genkai and Sho-Genkai, comparison of size and finish...


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Platinum Izumo Akatamenuri:



and with a Nakaya Portable writer in Akatamenuri:







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Some older Sailors.






Formerly Ryojusen Pens
The oldest and largest buyer and seller of vintage Japanese pens in America.

Member: Pen Collectors of America & Fuente, THE Japanese Pen Collectors Club

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