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Pen Identification Flowchart


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I see posts here that say something like, "What is this pen?" They include a photograph and people help out by offering theories or asking for corroborative information.


So I assume that there's no such thing as a Pen Identification Flowchart. Let me give you an example of a simple one:


Does it say ESTERBROOK on the clip (YES - Are the barrel and cap pinstriped with the stripes on the barrel closer together than those on the cap? YES - ESTERBROOK LJ ICICLE

NO - Does it say IDEAL on the lever? YES - Is the body black with silver filigree overlay but no ring on the cap? YES - WATERMAN 452

NO - Why are you wasting my time then?)


Of course this isn't universal and may reflect some of my biases. ;-)


But you get the idea. The best questions are (unlike the example) the ones that split the universe about evenly.


Is it a lever filler? - Probably eliminates a whole bunch of choices.


This isn't going to answer the "Is it a fake?" questions but it might at least get you to narrow the question down to "Is it a fake Montblanc 146?".


If you were designing such a document/flowchart/application what would your first three questions be?

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  • Ernst Bitterman


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Well, the "pick a pen" type filters that you find on some brand pages is essentially the same thing for a variable period of production.


It's easier if you start with seperate flow charts for each brand. Montblanc, Sheaffer, etc. will usually have brand markings, so unless it's a defining feature, if you're going to ask if it says X on the clip, you might as well start with "is it a pen?".


For Sheaffer, you might start with what type of nib: 1)open, 2)conical, 3)inlaid, 4)hooded?

Progress to filling system if 1-3. If 4, show variations of the Taranis.

Branch out to defining features for 1-3 after filling system (ie. cap bands or something).

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I'll applaud the energy of anyone who makes the attempt; there's a LOT of different models of pen. Right now on my site, I've got about 350 different model profiles, and some of those are portmanteaus (like the single page for Sheaffer TM Snorkels, because the models of Snorkels are really just trim-variants), and I hardly touch on most modern output, especially from Asia; I've only got three pages devoted to Platinums, and two examples of Montblanc. I'm not saying don't try, but be prepared to shift a lot of code in the effort.


And I think it would be wise to have one page that simply says "Dunno," because there's all those wretched anonymous low end pens from before 1950 that might have been made by anyone.




yes no -- dunno (although eventually there might be some other questions to ask here)








Art Brown


...and so on. Lots of work.

Edit to add: perhaps IS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN SHOWN? would be a good one for narrowing things down at the start. Some don't bother, but most do.

Edited by Ernst Bitterman

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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If I had not seen "Right now on my site,..." I would never have noticed that diminutive web site link at the bottom of the page. That would have been a shame, because after only 5 minutes looking, I put a permanent link in my FireFox bookmarks. Your avatar looks like you would be comfortable holding a raven, so it had to be yours. Looks like many interesting nooks and crannies there.

Baptiste knew how to make a short job long

For love of it. And yet not waste time either.

Robert Frost

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Glad you noticed it -I've spent a fair amount if time there already. Ravens March is an excellent site, loaded with information and written in an enormously entertaining style. This gentleman can write! Not to be missed. The word needs to be spread . . .


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I think this idea is greât, but we cant help all of them. There are a lot of noname pens and version, and they diđnt have any record bc the company went bankrupt long time ago.

No pen is best pen.

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My first three questions would be:


Do you have a picture that shows the whole pen in detail?


Do you have a picture that shows the nib in detail?


Do you have a picture that shows the clip in detail?




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