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Heartbroken Over Missing Pen


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I just wanted to vent my sorrows to the community.


I am also a fine knife enthusiast, and I recently sold some of my favorites that are no longer in rotation to be able to afford a couple new pens that I had been eyeballing online.


One of the knives that I purchased, the most expensive, was a Bexley Poseidon Magnum II. I purchased it directly from Bexley via Ebay, and it was delivered to my home on Wednesday. The problem is that I check my mail every morning just after it runs, and it wasn't there.


I went to the post office this morning and checked in with them, and they had no idea where it is. I'm going to return when I can and check again. I'll ask my neighbors, as well. I fear it is lost or stolen.


I've been stalking this pen for months, and I'm absolutely crushed.

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- Joe

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Wow, that really sucks. I hope they track it down!

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That is bad bad news BUT there is some good news there, too. Since you bought the pen on eBay, you have buyer protection through PayPal. I would suggest that you call PayPal and ask them what your options are here. If the USPS tracking says it was delivered to your house, you might be out of luck, but if it shows still in transit to you or out on delivery I think you would have a good claim to at least recover your money if you don't receive it within 45 days. At the least, you could put pressure on the seller to send you another one (they probably put the return address on the package so if it is really lost, they could have a chance it would be returned).

 It's for Yew!bastardchildlil.jpg


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That's why I have everything delivered to my office now.


The post office that delivers (I use that term loosely) to my house is a joke and can't seem to get anything right. The last straw was when they put a package containing a Pelikan M800 I ordered, that was supposed to be signature required, on the porch of a vacant house with a For Sale sign in the yard. They, of course, marked it delivered which negated any claim with the seller. I walked the neighborhood and, luckily, found it.


I filed a complaint (not my first) but USPS just does not care. I now avoid USPS but if left with no choice I have it sent to my office.

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I use a PO BOX. I have had ridiculously poor home delivery. Once I was home when the postal carrier threw my package at the front door from 15 ft away and broke the pottery inside.

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

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I use a PO BOX. I have had ridiculously poor home delivery. Once I was home when the postal carrier threw my package at the front door from 15 ft away and broke the pottery inside.

I would have filed a claim for damages.

In the past six-eight months, the USPS has gone way down hill. The most recent package I was waiting for was a shipment of ink from Goulet Pens. I had a tracking # within an hour or two after placing the order. But there was NO info on the USPS website for something like two days -- and then all it said was that there was a record that the package was going to be mailed. After that, nothing. I got the package the following week (I was expecting it to be a bit longer than normal because of the Memorial Day holiday). But as far as the USPS was concerned, it was like a figment of my imagination. Absolutely no emails that it was even in transit.

And I've already posted in another thread about the run-around I got when the tracking email saying the 51 Vac I was expecting back from Ernesto Soler had been delivered. When it was clear that the guy (not my regular carrier, BTW) had even shown up at my house. I was in the middle of an irate phone call (after being put on hold for something like 35 minutes) when the guy showed up.

The response of the guy on the phone? "Well, you got your package, what's the problem?" I was livid. Absolutely livid.

The claim is that it's no longer a governmenct agency, that it's privately run. I say, good -- that means we can sue them! ;) Small Claims ourt. Because that's a nuisance to them -- they *have* to show up and they get nickeled and dimed -- Small Claims Court I think there's a maximum of $650 that you can collect if you win. But if a lot of people did it -- just think of how many people are on FPN alone -- that might get some notice. Let's start a movement.... :lol:

The problem, of course, is that UPS and FedEx are WORSE....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I got an email from Bexley that the package was marked as undeliverable and is actually being returned. That's odd because it's listed as delivered when I put in the tracking number, and when I went to the post office this morning, they called my mailman and he claimed he put it in my mailbox.


I'm glad it isn't lost or stolen, yet, but I'm still really irritated by the entire situation.

Fountain pens forever and forever a hundred years fountain pens, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over Fountain Pen Network Adventures dot com!


- Joe

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Get used to irritation. It will happen again.


Glad to hear your package wasn't lost, only delayed.

Edited by Manalto


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Wow, I am actually feeing lucky here to have Canada Post. No such problems so far but they are soooooooo slooooowwww.

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Now you know why we require a signature for every package over $50, and insurance. No exceptions.

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Now you know why we require a signature for every package over $50, and insurance. No exceptions.

A wise precaution.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Wow, I am actually feeing lucky here to have Canada Post. No such problems so far but they are soooooooo slooooowwww.

Ack, don't jinx it for yourself! ;)


I'm so glad to hear that your package isn't lost, but I'm sorry it got turned around. Better slightly delayed, than completely lost.

I think the same problems exist no matter what country one lives in. Canada Post does the same stuff all the time, sadly. It's astounding the lack of responsibility they wish to take on these matters - even when one pays for insurance, and tracking etc. They just don't care.

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I only wish required signatures were any guarantee--I've been lucky so far, but the post people where I have tend to deposit packages on my doorstep without even ringing the bell or knocking on the door, let alone collecting the signature.

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I can only imagine how disturbing this is to you. Makes one feel victimized. I hope that this story changes for you and it has a good outcome, I really do!

Anyone like Ray Bradbury? Please read "The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair" if you have about 12 minutes.


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I only wish required signatures were any guarantee--I've been lucky so far, but the post people where I have tend to deposit packages on my doorstep without even ringing the bell or knocking on the door, let alone collecting the signature.


Then bring it up with the local postmaster. You and/or the sender paid for it, and should receive the service that was paid for. Forging a signature on delivery is a firing offense.

Visit Main Street Pens
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Then bring it up with the local postmaster. You and/or the sender paid for it, and should receive the service that was paid for. Forging a signature on delivery is a firing offense.

I did bring it up, filed a complaint to be exact. "Signatures occasionally come up missing" was the response when I asked why the signature required was ignored. All the data they need to evaluate performance is in their own tracking system. They really just don't care is my perception.

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Jeez... I'm remembering when I lived in a small town in Rhode Island (where, actually, most of the towns are small). I came home from work and found a package inside the house! We'd left the sliding glass door to the deck unlocked, and the mail carrier tried it and left the package just inside (I don't remember if there was a note. I think so.). I made sure to lock that door after that, but I felt guilty.


I don't remember how much longer after that, the first time I entered the post office, the friendly clerks knew who I was. Coming from a big city, I was charmed -- how friendly! How nice! I felt like the post office people took their jobs seriously and looked out for the mail of the town's residents. Lived in that town for only a year. I'd be surprised if it were different there today.


That was also the town where the cops came to the house one evening, asked my then-husband to call his mother. (That might say more about his mother, though, bothering the cops cos we'd been too busy starting a business to return any of her maybe three calls that day.)


Back on topic: I'm glad that the Bexley wasn't lost!


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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I'm waiting to hear from the factory when the pen returns. I'm just going to go pick it up, myself.

Fountain pens forever and forever a hundred years fountain pens, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over Fountain Pen Network Adventures dot com!


- Joe

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Another thing to (sadly) consider. There was a story on ABC Evening News about (often quite blazon) package thieves: they showed footage of one instance (from here in the Pittsburgh area), where the perp was caught in the act by the homeowners (?) and chased down the street, with one of them recording the whole thing on her cell phone's video. Unfortunately, the woman got away, and police are now looking for her. In another case (from California I think), the guy stole what turned out to be an awning, and the theft was on a surveillance recording from the residence. He got caught when he tried to put it up for sale on Craig's List....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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